Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; Involuntary movement
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; movements and positions; involuntary movement; agar., alum., bell., calc., 2crot-c., 2cupr., 2hell., 2merc., nat-m., op., phos., 2stram.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; involuntary movement; one arm and leg; 2apoc., 2cocc., 2hell.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; involuntary movement; one side; 2alum.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; involuntary movement; paralysed limb; arg-n., merc., phos.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; involuntary movement; peculiar to daily duties; bell.