Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; Shaking
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; kali-br., 2op.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; noon, after eating; graph.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; evening; nux-v.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; night; stram.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; after faintness; arn., asaf., colch., kali-br., kreos., lyc., merc-c., sec., stry.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; while sleeping, after dinner; nux-v.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; upper limbs; 2agar., bell., bry., bufo., merc., op., 1plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; shoulder; agar.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; hand; atro., cann-i., lyc., 1plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; lower limbs; 2merc., tarent.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; leg; con., lyc., stry., tarent.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; shaking; feet; tab.