Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; Upper limbs
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Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; right; eupi.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; left; hyper.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; morning; 2sil., sulph.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; late morning; paeon.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; late morning; 11 a.m.; phys., plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; evening; 2hyos., phys., plan.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; evening; 7 p.m.; phys.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; night, on waking; verat.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; better brandy; plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; during convulsions; sulph.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; when eating; sec., stram.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; after eating; bism-ox.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; before epilepsy; 2sil.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; after moderate physical exertion; 2hyos., 1rhus-t., sil.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; after mental exertion; vinc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; with detailed work; sulph.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; when holding anything; coff., led., lyc., phos.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; limbs lain on; 2camph.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; when leaning on it; astac., meph.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; on movement; bell., led., plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; on movement; on slight movement; bell., gels., iod., 2mag-p.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; after movement; hyos.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; better movement; com., 1rhus-t.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; comes on suddenly; 2op.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; after rising; alumn.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; while sitting; merc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; during sleep; merc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; when standing up; merc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; when taking hold of anything; verat.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; with difficulty urinating; dulc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; fatigue from work; 2cupr., 2plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; while writing; agar., ant-c., bar-c., caust., chin., cimic., coff., colch., hep., kali-c., 1merc., nat-m., nat-s., olnd., ph-ac., sabad., samb., sep., sulph., thuj., valer., zinc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; trembling; upper limbs; after writing; thuj.