Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; Thumb
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; aeth., agar., am-c., anag., apis., arg-m., ars., asaf., calc., fl-ac., hell., lach., mosch., nat-c., phos., plb., rhus-t.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; morning, in bed; ars.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; afternoon; arg-m.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; afternoon; while writing; arg-m.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; paralytic; mosch.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; visible; am-c.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; twitching; thumb; while writing; arg-m., phos.