Head; congestion; Fullness
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Head; congestion; fullness; morning; am-m., arg-n., arn., bor., cann-i., carl., chin-s., chr-ac., cinnb., cob., 2con., cop., dulc., hydr., indg., 2lach., mag-m., nat-p., nicc., petr., pic-ac., rhus-t., sul-ac., tell.
Head; congestion; fullness; morning; on waking; arg-n., con., glon., kalm., lil-t., til.
Head; congestion; fullness; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; lact-ac.
Head; congestion; fullness; noon to 2 p.m.; pic-ac.
Head; congestion; fullness; afternoon; arg-n., coca., ferr., gels., guare., lact-ac., lact., lith., mill., nat-p., osm., phys., sang., stry., 2sulph.
Head; congestion; fullness; afternoon; on waking; carb-v.
Head; congestion; fullness; afternoon; to night; sil.
Head; congestion; fullness; evening; arg-n., cimic., ferr., guare., ham., naja., nat-m., nat-p., thuj.
Head; congestion; fullness; night; arg-n., 2aster., chr-ac.
Head; congestion; fullness; better in open air; carl., cinnb., grat., jac.
Head; congestion; fullness; on ascending; bor.
Head; congestion; fullness; bending head backwards; osm.
Head; congestion; fullness; after breakfast; con., hydr.
Head; congestion; fullness; as if head would burst; am-c., aster., cann-i., daph., 1glon., ip., lil-t., merc., nit-ac.
Head; congestion; fullness; after sexual intercourse; phos.
Head; congestion; fullness; when walking down steps or hill; 1bor.
Head; congestion; fullness; after dinner; gins.
Head; congestion; fullness; before eating; uran.
Head; congestion; fullness; while eating; con.
Head; congestion; fullness; after eating; con., gins., hydr., 2hyos.
Head; congestion; fullness; better eating; onos.
Head; congestion; fullness; during heat; 1glon., lach.
Head; congestion; fullness; intermittent; asaf.
Head; congestion; fullness; leaning head to left; chin-s.
Head; congestion; fullness; while lying; naja.
Head; congestion; fullness; on appearance of period; 2glon.
Head; congestion; fullness; before period; brom.
Head; congestion; fullness; during period; 2apis., arg-n., 2bell., 2calc., eupi., gent-c., 2glon., puls., 2xan.
Head; congestion; fullness; from mental exertion; 1cact., cinnb., helon., ind., meph., 2nat-p., phos., 2psor.
Head; congestion; fullness; better when mind is employed; helon.
Head; congestion; fullness; worse movement; calc-p.
Head; congestion; fullness; worse pressure of hat; calc-p.
Head; congestion; fullness; better pressure of hat; agar., arg-n., cop., hydr.
Head; congestion; fullness; on raising head; sulph.
Head; congestion; fullness; while reading; cop., helon., indg.
Head; congestion; fullness; on rising; am-m., cinnb., glon., sil.
Head; congestion; fullness; worse sewing; petr.
Head; congestion; fullness; on shaking head; carl., glon.
Head; congestion; fullness; after siesta; mill.
Head; congestion; fullness; while sitting; bor., glon.
Head; congestion; fullness; worse while sitting up; calc-p.
Head; congestion; fullness; worse after sleep; sulph.
Head; congestion; fullness; better after sleep; onos.
Head; congestion; fullness; on sneezing; hydr.
Head; congestion; fullness; when straining at stool; ham.
Head; congestion; fullness; better after stool; corn.
Head; congestion; fullness; when stooping; acon., lact-ac., merl., nicc., petr., pic-ac., rhus-t., spong.
Head; congestion; fullness; after talking; sulph.
Head; congestion; fullness; better strong flow of urine; gels.
Head; congestion; fullness; during vertigo, dizziness; am-m., bor., bry., chr-ac., con., crot-t., cycl., gymn., helon., lact-ac., lact., merc., nat-m., nat-p., podo., sol-n., til., urt-u.
Head; congestion; fullness; on waking; agar., asaf., carb-v., guare.
Head; congestion; fullness; better walking in open air; 2apis., 2bor., hydr., 2lyc., 1puls.
Head; congestion; fullness; warm room; 2apis., hydr., lact.
Head; congestion; fullness; after drinking wine; ail.
Head; congestion; fullness; while writing; chin-s.
Head; congestion; fullness; Forehead
Head; congestion; fullness; Back of head (occiput)
Head; congestion; fullness; side; arg-n., asaf., cimic., cycl., fl-ac., glon.
Head; congestion; fullness; temple; apis., bell., cic., cinnb., cob., 2echi., glon., gnaph., jac., lil-t., lith., plan., rumx., sep., sumb.
Head; congestion; fullness; temple; first right, then left, then to nape where it disappears; jac.
Head; congestion; fullness; Top of head (vertex)