Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; talking; of persons as though near, about midnight; sep.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; talking; talked of emperor; carb-s.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; talking; with spirits; stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; that the child is not her child; anac.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; acon., alum., bell., berb., 1cann-i., coc-c., eupho., glon., laur., nat-c., nux-v., 2op., pic-ac., 2plat., sabad., stram., zinc.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; distances are enlarged; camph., 1cann-i., cann-s., glon., nux-m., stann.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; objects are enlarged; 1cann-i.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; people seemed too large, during vertigo, dizziness (see enlarged); caust.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; persons are enlarged; cann-i., caust.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; surroundings seemed large; ferr.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; things grow taller; camph., dros., kreos., nit-ac., sulph.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; things, people, seem large; things seem longer; berb., camph., dros., kreos., nit-ac., sulph.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; thinks must drive children out of the house; fl-ac.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; thought some one was scratching on linen or similar cloth; asar.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; time; exaggeration of time; 1cann-i., cann-s., nux-m., onos.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; time; seems earlier; sulph.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; time; that it is always afternoon; lach., stann.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; touching everything; bell.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; unpleasant; bell.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; unpleasant; distinct from surrounding objects; bell.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; unpleasant; repulsive fantastic imaginations; 2fl-ac.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; unpleasant; sees mutilated bodies; ant-c., arn., con., mag-m., merc., 2nux-v., sep.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; unpleasant; violence; kali-br.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; unseen thing; tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions (see visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people); absin., alum., ambr., arg-n., 2bell., 2calc-s., calc., 1cann-i., canth., 2carb-s., cench., cham., chlol., cic., cimic., con., 2crot-c., graph., 2hep., 2hyos., 2lach., lyc., 2nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., 2op., plat., 2puls., rhod., rhus-t., sep., 2sil., spong., 2stram., 2sulph., valer.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions of phantoms, figures, people; about thieves after a dream, and will not believe the contrary until search is made; nat-m.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions of phantoms, figures, people; dream of robbers is frightened on waking and thinks dream is true; verat.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions of phantoms, figures, people; sees thieves; alum., ars., aur., bell., cupr., kali-c., mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-c., 2nat-m., petr., phos., sil., verat., zinc.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions of phantoms, figures, people; sees thieves; night; 2ars.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions of phantoms, figures, people; that house and space under bed are full of thieves; 2ars.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions of phantoms, figures, people; thieves in house; ars., cann-i., 2lach., merc., 2nat-m., sil., sol-t-ae.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; acon., 2ambr., 2apis., 2arg-n., 2ars., bar-c., 1bell., berb., brom., calc-s., calc., camph., canth., carb-an., 2carb-v., caust., cham., chin-a., chin., cic., coca., 2crot-h., cupr., dros., dulc., graph., hell., 2hep., 2hyos., ign., kali-ar., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., 1lach., led., 2lyc., 2merc., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., 2op., ph-ac., 2phos., plat., puls., rhus-t., 2samb., sep., sil., spong., 2stram., sulph., tab., 2tarent., 2thuj., verat., 2zinc.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; afternoon;lyc.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; an executioner; stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; another person in the room; cann-i.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; at his side; stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; before sleep;carb-an., merc., nit-ac., sep.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; black; arn., ars., 2bell., caust., op., plat., puls., 1stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; converses with absent people; agar., aur., bell., crot-c., dig., hyos., lach., op., 2stram., thuj.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; during sleep;lyc.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; dwells upon visions; arn., nux-m., sil.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; evening;calc., lyc., nit-ac.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; evening; in bed;nit-ac.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; ever-changing past to present; carb-o.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; 2ambr., apis., arg-n., ars., aur., bell., calc-sil., 2calc., cann-i., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., 2cupr., lac-c., laur., med., merc., 2nux-v., 1op., phos., samb., stry., 2sulph., 2tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; diabolical faces, crowd upon him; 2ambr., carb-an., caust., 2tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; distorted, day, on lying down; ambr., arg-n., cupr., laur.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; elongated; stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; grows larger; acon., aur.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; hideous; 2ambr., 2bell., calc-sil., 1calc., cann-i., carb-an., caust., lac-c., merc., nux-v., 1op., stry., 2tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; in the dark; chin., 1lac-c.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; of distinguished people; cann-i.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; on closing eyes;aeth., 2arg-n., ars., bell., 2bry., calc., carb-v., caust., chin., euphr., op., samb., sulph., 2tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; ridiculous; cann-i.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; when stooping;nat-m.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; faces; wherever eyes turn, or looking out from corners; aur., med., phos.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; figures; gigantic; atro.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; figures; hurled bottle at figures; chlol.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; figures; large black figures, about to spring on him; mosch.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; figures; marching in the air, evening while half asleep; nat-c.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; figures; sees figures; 2bell., 2calc., carb-v., coca., cupr., hell., kali-c., kali-p., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-m., ph-ac., plb., sant., spong., tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; frightful; 2ambr., anac., arg-n., arn., ars., atro., bar-c., 2bell., calc-s., 1calc., camph., 2carb-an., 2carb-v., 2caust., chin-a., chin., coca., con., croc., gels., graph., 2hep., hyos., ign., kali-ar., 2kali-br., kali-c., 2kali-p., 2lac-c., 2lach., laur., lyc., mang., 2merc., mur-ac., nat-c., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., 2op., petr., ph-ac., 2phos., puls., rhod., rhus-t., samb., sars., sec., sil., spong., 2stram., sulph., tab., tarent.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; frightful; night, while trying to sleep;calc-s.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; he sees the same one walking behind as in front; eupho.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; heads; make grimaces evening on closing eyes; euphr.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; heads; monstrous, on distant wall of room; cann-i.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; heads; of deceased acquaintances, without bodies, at night; nux-v.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; in the dark; 2bell., 2carb-v., hell., petr., puls., stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; man does all the things he does; ars.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; man intending to perforate his throat with a gimbal; merc-i-f.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; naked man in bed; 2puls.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; night;acon., ambr., arg-n., arn., bell., berb., calc., 2camph., canth., carb-an., carb-v., cham., chin., crot-h., cupr., cur., graph., ign., 2kali-br., kali-c., led., lyc., 2merc., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., op., phos., puls., 2sep., sil., spong., tab., 2thuj., valer., zinc.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; old men; laur.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; old men; old men with long beards and distorted faces; laur.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; on closing the eyes;2arg-n., bell., 1calc., 2caust., graph., puls., samb., sep., sil., sulph., 2tarent., 2thuj.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; on closing the eyes; in bed;cupr., samb., sulph.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; on going to sleep;chin.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; on the wall; lyc., samb.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; past to present; mur-ac.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; people are beside; anac., apis., 2ars., bell., calc., camph., carb-v., cench., nux-v., petr., thuj., valer.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; people are beside; doing as he does; 2ars.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; people are looking at him; rhus-t.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; people entering the house at night; con.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; pleasant; cann-i., cycl., 2lach.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; policeman; sees them come into house; hyos., kali-br.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; policeman; that physician is a policeman; bell.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; preventing sleep;alum., arg-n., lyc., op., tab.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; rising out of the earth; stram.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; saw man who hung himself; ars.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees giants; bell.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees images all over; merc., 2sil.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees people; 2ars., atro., 2bell., 2bry., chin., con., 2hyos., kali-c., lyc., lyss., mag-s., med., nat-m., op., plb., 2puls., rheum., sep., 2stram., sulph., thuj., valer., verat.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees people; on closing eyes;ars., 2bell., bry., 1chin., nat-m.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees persons hanging; ars.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees persons hanging; three feet from the ground, on falling asleep; hura.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees soldiers; cutting him down, better on getting cool; bry.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees soldiers; march silently past; cann-i.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; sees soldiers; on bed;lact.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; skeletons; crot-c., op.
Mind; delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; visions or presence of phantoms, figures, people; soldiers; bar-c., 2bell., bry., op.