Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Mind; talking, conversation; intolerant of contradiction; acon., aloe., alum., am-c., anac., ars., aster., 1aur., 2bry., cact., calc-p., cann-i., 2cocc., con., echi., 2ferr., grat., 2helon., hura., 1ign., 1lyc., merc., nat-c., nicc., 2nux-v., olnd., op., petr., plan., 1sep., 2sil., stram., tarent., thuj., til.
Mind; talking, conversation; intolerant of contradiction; has to restrain himself to keep from violence; aloe., sil.
Mind; talking, conversation; makes verses; agar., 2ant-c., cann-i., stram., thea.
Mind; talking, conversation; makes verses; after falling asleep;nat-m.
Mind; talking, conversation; mocking; ars., chin., ip., 2lach., par., plat., tarent.
Mind; talking, conversation; mocking; his relatives; sec.
Mind; talking, conversation; muttering (see delirium); ail., alum., 2apis., arn., ars., 2bell., calad., cann-s., cham., chel., 2cocc., colch., crot-h., dulc., 2hep., 1hyos., iris., 1lach., 2lyc., 2merc., nat-m., nux-v., 2op., ph-ac., 2phos., plb., 2rhus-t., 2sec., sil., stann., 1stram., sul-ac., tab., tarax., 2verat., vip.
Mind; talking, conversation; muttering (see delirium); evening;bell., 2phos., plb.
Mind; talking, conversation; muttering (see delirium); evening; in bed;sil.
Mind; talking, conversation; muttering (see delirium); in sleep;alum., ars., camph., con., 2hyos., indg., merc., 2rhus-t.
Mind; talking, conversation; muttering (see delirium); night, on waking;sil.
Mind; talking, conversation; never speaks the truth, does not know what is saying; op., verat.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; 2acon., act-sp., 2agar., aloe., 1alum., alumn., am-c., 1anac., ant-t., apis., 1arg-n., arn., 2ars., aur., 1bell., bry., calc-s., 1calc., camph., canth., 2caps., carb-an., carb-v., caust., 1cham., chel., chin-s., 2chin., 2cina., croc., cycl., dig., dros., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., guai., 2hep., hura., hyos., 2ign., ip., 2kali-c., kali-i., 2kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., lach., lyc., 2mag-m., merc., mur-ac., 2nit-ac., 1nux-v., 2pall., 2ph-ac., phos., plb., 2psor., sanic., sec., 2sil., 2spong., stram., 2sulph., 1tarent., thuj., viol-o., zinc.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; children; chilly, difficult to control and clumsy; 2caps.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; children; inclined to grow fat; 1calc.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; children; yet cry when kindly spoken to; sil.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; declares there is nothing the matter with him; apis., 1arn.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; far-fetched objection against whatever was proposed; 1arg-n.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; possessive; camph., caust., ferr., lach., merc.
Mind; talking, conversation; obstinate; upon appearance of period;2cham.
Mind; talking, conversation; of others; agar., alum., am-c., 1ars., aur., 2cact., chin., 2cocc., colch., 2con., elaps., ferr-ar., ferr., 2hell., 1hyos., 2kali-c., kalm., mag-m., mang., nat-a., 2nat-c., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., 1nux-v., rhus-t., 2sep., sil., 2stram., teucr., verat., 2zinc.
Mind; talking, conversation; pleasure in own talking; nat-m., par., stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; reveals secrets; agar., hyos.
Mind; talking, conversation; reveals secrets; in sleep; am-c., 2ars.
Mind; talking, conversation; says is well, when very sick; 2apis., 1arn., ars., cinnb., hyos., kreos., merc., puls.
Mind; talking, conversation; secretive; dig., 2ign.
Mind; talking, conversation; slow learning to talk; agar., bar-c., calc-p., 1nat-m., nux-m., sanic.
Mind; talking, conversation; speaks continually in questions; 2aur.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; about future; hyos.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; babbling; 2hyos., plb.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; childish; acon., 2arg-n.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; confused; bell., bry., calc., 2cann-s., 2caust., 2crot-c., crot-h., 2gels., 2hyos., 2lach., lyc., med., mosch., 2nat-m., nux-m., sec., stram., thuj.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; confused; at night; cham.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; embarrassed; atro., carb-s., merc., pall.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; extravagant; 2cann-i., ether., 2nux-m., plb., stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; fine; hyos.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; foolish; aur., 2bell., 1hyos., 2lach., merl., 2nux-m., par., phos., 2stram., tab.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; hasty; acon., ambr., arn., ars., 2bell., bry., 2camph., cann-i., cann-s., chlol., cimic., cina., cocc., 1hep., 1hyos., 2ign., 1lach., lyc., lyss., 1merc., 2mosch., nux-v., 2ph-ac., plb., 2sep., 2stram., 2thuj., verat.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; hesitating; absin., carb-s., kali-br., merc., morph., 2nux-m., ph-ac., vip.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; in a foreign tongue; lach., 2stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; incoherent; absin., 2agar., amyg., 2anac., 2arg-n., ars., bapt., 2bell., 1bry., cact., calad., 2camph., 1cann-i., carb-s., cham., chel., chlol., 2crot-h., cub., cupr., cycl., dulc., ether., 2gels., hep., hydr-ac., 1hyos., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., 1lach., merc., 2morph., 2nux-m., op., par., 2ph-ac., 1phos., plb., 1rhus-t., 1stram., 2sulph., tanac., vip., visc., zinc.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; incoherent; after dozing;op.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; incoherent; as if intoxicated; amyg., carb-an., 2gels., 1hyos., 2lyc., meph., nat-m., 2nux-v., vip.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; incoherent; during sleep;cub., 2gels., kali-bi., phos.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; incoherent; night;gels., kali-bi.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; incoherent; on waking;cact., ign., op.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; loud; arn., ars., atro., aur., 2bell., 2hyos., nux-m., stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; merry; agar., mur-ac.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; merry; in sleep;mur-ac.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; monosyllabic; ars., meli., merc., 2nux-v., 2ph-ac., 2sul-ac., 2thuj.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; nonsense; acon., 2anac., atro., aur., 2bell., camph., 2cann-i., canth., chlf., chlol., ether., 1hyos., kali-br., merc., nux-m., plb., 2stram., sulph., tub.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; nonsense; on springing up while asleep;kali-c.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; prattling; aloe., 2anac., 1bry., calad., 1hyos., nux-v., op., plb., 2stram., tarax.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; prattling; in sleep; 2nux-v.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; prattling; lies naked in bed; 1hyos.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; random, at night;plb.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; slow; aeth., ant-c., 2arg-n., ars., atro., bell., carb-an., chin-s., cocc., 1hell., 2kali-br., 1lach., merc., morph., nat-c., nux-m., 2op., petr., 2ph-ac., 2phos., phys., 2plb., rhus-t., 2sec., 2sep., syph., 2thuj.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; strange; cham., ether., gall-ac.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; unintelligible; acon., ars., 1bell., eupho., 1hyos., lyc., 2merc., naja., nux-v., 2ph-ac., 2sec., sil., 1stram., tab.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; unintelligible; in sleep; arn., atro., cast., cham., mur-ac.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; wandering; acon., aeth., 2anac., arn., 2ars., aur., 1bell., 2bry., calc., 2camph., canth., cham., chin-a., chin., cic., cina., coloc., cupr., dulc., 1hyos., ign., kali-c., 1lach., 1lyc., merc., 1nux-m., nux-v., 2op., 2phos., 2plat., plb., 2puls., rheum., 2rhus-t., sabin., sec., spong., 1stram., 2sulph., verat.
Mind; talking, conversation; speech; wandering; at night; aur., bell., bry., coloc., dig., op., rheum., sep., sulph.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; abrot., acon., aeth., agar., agn., aloe., ambr., anac., ant-t., apis., 2arg-m., arn., ars-h., ars-i., ars., 2aur., bapt., bar-c., 2bell., bor., bov., calad., calc., 2camph., cann-i., canth., carb-s., 2carl., caust., chel., 2cimic., coc-c., 2cocc., coff., 2croc., 2crot-c., crot-h., 2cupr., dulc., eug., eup-pur., ferr-m., ferr-p., gamb., 2gels., glon., grat., guare., hydrc., 1hyos., iod., ip., 2kali-i., 1lach., 2lachn., lil-t., lyss., mag-c., meph., merc-i-f., 2mur-ac., nat-a., 2nat-c., nat-m., nicc., nux-m., nux-v., oena., onos., 2op., par., petr., 2phos., 2plb., 2podo., psor., 2pyrog., rhus-t., sec., 2sel., stann., staph., stict., 1stram., sulph., tab., tarax., tarent., teucr., thea., ther., thuj., trom., 2verat., viol-o., 2zinc.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; alternating with laughing; bell., carb-s.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; but does not answer questions; 2agar.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; changing quickly from one subject to another; agar., 2cimic., 1lach., lyc., par.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; daytime;arg-m.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; during chill;2podo., teucr.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; during heat;coff., 2lach., 2podo., stram., 1teucr., 2tub.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; during period;2bar-c., 2lach., 2stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; during sleep;ambr., cupr., ign., op.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; evening;calc., 1lach., nux-v., sel., sol-t-ae., sulph., verat-v.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; late morning;caust.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; makes speeches; arn., cham., 2lach.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; night;2aur., lyss., plb.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; night; 1 to 2 a.m.;2lachn.
Mind; talking, conversation; talkative; while perspiring;ars., bell., 2calad., cocc., hyos., 2sel., tarax.
Mind; talking, conversation; talking aggravates all complaints; 2ambr., arn., cocc., ferr., mag-c., 2sulph.
Mind; talking, conversation; talking of unpleasant; 2calc., 2cic., ign., 2teucr.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks of nothing but murder, fire and rats; 2calc.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks of one subject; 2arg-n., cann-i., lyc., petr., stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks of one subject; talks of battles; bell., hyos.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks of one subject; talks of business; ars., bell., 1bry., canth., cimic., dor., 2hyos., mygal., op., phos., plb., stram., sulph.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks of one subject; talks of home; bell., 2bry.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks of one subject; talks of war; agar., bell., hyos.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks to himself; 2ant-t., apis., 2aur., bell., chlol., 2hyos., 2kali-bi., mag-p., merc., mosch., mur-ac., nux-m., oena., op., ph-ac., plb., pyrog., ran-b., rhus-t., stram., tab., tarax., vip.
Mind; talking, conversation; talks with dead people; bell., 1calc-sil., canth., hell., 2hyos., nat-m., stram.
Mind; talking, conversation; tendency to slander; am-c., anac., ars., bell., bor., hyos., ip., lyc., nit-ac., 2nux-v., petr., sep., stram., verat.
Mind; talking, conversation; torments everyone by talking about complaints; 1zinc.
Mind; talking, conversation; untruthful; alco., 2op., 2verat.
Mind; thinking of complaints; agar., 2alum., am-c., ambr., arg-m., arn., ars., aur-m., aur., 2bapt., 2bar-c., bry., 2calc-p., calc., 2caust., chin-a., con., dros., 2gels., graph., 2hell., 2helon., hura., 2lach., mag-s., 2med., mosch., nat-m., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., olnd., 1ox-ac., 2oxyt., phos., 2pip-m., plb., 2ran-b., 2sabad., sars., sep., spig., 2spong., staph., thuj.
Mind; thinking of complaints; 2camph., cic., 2hell., mag-c., pall., prun-s.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); disagreeable; 2ambr., bar-c., calc., lyc., nit-ac., sec., sulph.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); disease; alum., ars., chel., lept., murx., nat-m., nat-p., ph-ac., phos., sep., sulph.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); disgusting thoughts with nausea; sang.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); frightful thoughts; calc., 2caust., lact-ac., lyss., phos., phys., 2rhus-t., thea., 2visc.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); frightful thoughts; evening;2caust.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); frightful thoughts; evening; in bed;lac-c.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); frightful thoughts; night, on waking;2visc.
Mind; thoughts (see preoccupied); frightful thoughts; on seeing blood or a knife; 2alum.