Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; before period;2ars.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; biting together; mag-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; cold air; bufo., carb-s.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; cold water; agar., arg-n., 2nux-m., phos., 2sars., staph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; comes on suddenly; anac.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; during period;ars., mag-c., nat-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; during pregnancy;nux-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; evening;ail., alum., am-m., bell., cahin., mag-s., sep., tab., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; extending to other parts; out left ear;sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; extending to other parts; to cheek bone;caust., mag-m., phos.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; extending to other parts; to cheek bones;alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; extending to other parts; to ears;am-c., anac., aphis., lach., nat-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; extending to other parts; to temple;alum., calc., indg., mez.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; from warmth of bed;graph., 2ph-ac.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; incisors;carb-v., stront.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; incisors; lower;alum., 2teucr., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars;am-c., anag., apis., bar-c., benz-ac., 2carb-v., 2gamb., grat., rhod., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; after getting wet;acon.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; left, alternating with itching in left ear;agar.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; left, alternating with right;am-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; lower;aesc., agar., alum., bell., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; lower; left;colch.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; lower; right;canth., verb.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; upper; left;am-c., arn., berb., cupr-ar., guai., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; upper; right;aur., ph-ac.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; morning;arg-n., caust., hyper., mang.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; morning; after walking;2mez.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; morning; after washing;arg-n.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; movement; am-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; night;alum., 2ars., calc-p., 2calc., carb-an., mag-c., 2merc., nat-c., nat-m., nicc., nux-m., sep., sil.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; night; after midnight;2bell., 2sulph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; night; before midnight;am-c., merc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; night; lying on painful side; ars.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; on rising from bed; alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; pulsating; agn., bell.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots;am-m., ant-t., camph., colch., graph., lach., meph., 2merc., ol-an., sabin., staph., stront., 2teucr., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; after eating;ant-t., sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; after eating; arn.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; as if being torn out; 2calc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; left side, back;ant-t., cycl.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; pressure of finger; am-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; while eating;sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; roots; while eating; dinner;arn.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; wandering;mag-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; warmth; 1ars.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; when biting together;1am-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; when opening mouth;caust., indg.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; while eating;bry., carb-an., 2sep., sil., 2staph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; while lying on painful side;1ars.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; while lying on sound side;puls.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; worse after going to bed;1acon.
Mouth; teeth; pain; the talking of other people; ars., bry.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tingling; alum., bor., calc., carb-v., cast., indg., lach., mur-ac., 2rhus-t., sulph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tingling; in points of crowns in evening; bar-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; touch; bry., nat-m., nux-v., sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; twitching; all-c., ant-c., apis., ars., aur-m., bell., bry., calc., caust., cham., cist., 2clem., coff., coloc., cupr-ar., hep., hyos., 2lach., 2merc., 2mez., 2nux-v., 2phos., 2puls.
Mouth; teeth; pain; twitching; left;calc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; twitching; right side;spig.
Mouth; teeth; pain; twitching; warmth of bed; spig.
Mouth; teeth; pain; ulcerative; am-c., bell., caust., coc-c., kali-i., kali-n., mag-c., mang., phos., 2sil.
Mouth; teeth; pain; ulcerative; at roots;alum., am-c., merc., 2sil.
Mouth; teeth; pain; ulcerative; at roots; from touch;mang.
Mouth; teeth; pain; ulcerative; at roots; worse when chewing;alum., 2sil.
Mouth; teeth; pain; uncovering body; puls.
Mouth; teeth; pain; upper teeth;2agar., 2alum., 1am-c., am-m., ambr., ang., arn., asar., 2aur., 2bell., bor., bov., 2calc., canth., carb-ac., carb-an., 1carb-v., 2caust., 2cham., chel., 1chin., clem., cocc., coff., colch., con., cycl., dios., eupho., graph., guai., hell., hyos., kali-n., 1kreos., lyc., mag-arct., mag-aust., mag-c., 2mag-m., mang., merc., 2mez., mur-ac., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., 2phos., plat., puls., ran-s., rheum., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sars., seneg., sep., sil., 2spig., 2spong., staph., stry., 2sul-ac., sulph., teucr., 2thuj., verat., verb., 1zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; upper teeth; left 2nd bicuspid;olnd.
Mouth; teeth; pain; upper teeth; left;arn., stry.
Mouth; teeth; pain; upper teeth; right bicuspid;cinnb.
Mouth; teeth; pain; upper teeth; right molar;dios.
Mouth; teeth; pain; walking; 2mag-c., 2puls., rat., 2rhus-t., spig.
Mouth; teeth; pain; walking; in open air; 1ant-c., bov., bry., clem., hep., 2kali-s., lyc., mag-arct., mag-m., 2nux-v., par., 1puls., rhus-t., sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; wandering pain;ambr., hyos., mag-p., mang., nux-v., puls., thuj., til.
Mouth; teeth; pain; washing with cold water; 2all-c., asar., bell., bry., cham., clem., kali-c., laur., 2puls.
Mouth; teeth; pain; water held in mouth; camph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when biting; afraid to bite for fear teeth would fall out; nit-ac.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when biting; desire to bite; merc-i-f.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when biting; during period;am-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when biting; when biting teeth together;2aesc., 2alum., 1am-c., ars., aur., bell., bor., 2bry., calc., carb-an., caust., chin-a., chin., coc-c., colch., fl-ac., graph., 2guai., hell., 2hep., hyos., 2ip., lach., lith., lyc., mag-m., mang., 2merc., 1mez., nux-v., petr., ph-ac., phos., 2puls., 2rhus-t., 1sep., 2sil., spong., 2staph., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., tab., 2verb., zinc-ox.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when catarrh is better, toothache is worse and vice versa; all-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when chewing tobacco;2bry.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when pulled in from air;acon., alum., 2am-c., ant-c., arn., 2aur., 2bell., berb., 2bry., 2calc-p., 1calc., 1caust., chin., cic., cina., cob., fl-ac., grat., kali-n., 1merc., 2mez., 2nat-m., nux-m., 2nux-v., 2petr., 2rhod., rhus-t., sabin., sel., 2sil., spig., 2staph., 2sulph., thuj.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when smoking tobacco;2bry., 2caust., 2cham., chin., clem., 2ign., 2merc., 2nux-v., sabin., sars., 1spig., thuj.
Mouth; teeth; pain; when thinking about it;bar-c., 2nux-v., 2spig., thuj.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while eating;2am-c., anan., ant-c., aur., 2bry., 2calc., canth., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., 2cast., 2caust., cocc., 2con., crot-h., crot-t., eupho., graph., hep., ign., 1kali-c., 2lyc., 2mag-c., 2mag-m., mag-s., 1merc., 2nat-c., nux-m., phos., psor., puls., sabin., sep., 2sil., 2staph., sulph., thuj., trom., verat.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while eating; after chewing;nat-m., sabin., staph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while eating; from chewing;2alum., 2am-c., anan., ant-c., arg-m., arg-n., 2arn., ars., aur., bell., 2bry., 2calc-p., calc., carb-an., 2carb-s., 2carb-v., 2caust., 1cham., chel., 2chin., 2cocc., 2coff., con., crot-t., 2eupho., ferr-ma., 2graph., hura., 2hyos., 2ign., kali-ar., 2kali-c., kali-p., 2lach., 2lyc., mag-c., 2mag-m., 2merc., 1nat-m., 1nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., olnd., 2ph-ac., 2phos., 2puls., rhus-t., sabin., 2sang., 2sil., spig., spong., 2staph., 2sul-ac., sulph., syph., 2thuj., verat., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while eating; only when chewing;calc., lyc., olnd.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while eating; only when chewing; only when chewing food, not from empty chewing;cocc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while lying down;aran., ars., bell., bry., 2cham., 2clem., 2graph., 2hyos., ign., merc., nux-v., olnd., 2petr., 2phos., puls., 2rhus-t., sep., staph., 2sul-ac., sulph., trom.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while lying on right side;spig.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while perspiring;1chin., hyos.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while perspiring; all-c., aphis., carb-ac., carb-an.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while perspiring; with tendency to perspire; daph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while reading;calc., ign., 2nux-v., thuj.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while travelling;calc., 2mag-c.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while travelling;ars., 2bry., 2cham., puls., rhus-t., staph., sulph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while walking;camph., guare., nux-v., 2phos.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while walking; in open air;agn., cham., con., dros., graph., kali-c., kali-n., mag-s., 2nat-c., nux-v., phos., sabad., sabin., staph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; while walking; in the wind;graph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; wine; 2acon., anan., 2camph., ign., nux-v.