Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; musty, with discharge; nat-c.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; nauseating; canth., meny.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of animals, in back part of nose; con.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of blood; nux-v., psor., sil.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of cabbage; benz-ac.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of cheese; 2nux-v.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of coffee; puls.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of dust; benz-ac.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of fermented beer; agn., bell., thuj.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of fish-brine; agn., 2bell., colch., elaps., thuj.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of fish-brine; blowing nose;bell.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of lobster, when bringing up mucous from lungs; lyc.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of manure; anac., bry., 2calc., mag-c., verat.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; of soot; graph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive; agar., anac., ars., asaf., benz-ac., 2calc-s., 2calc., 2chel., 2cina., dros., elaps., ham., mag-c., nat-p., 2nit-ac., par., 2phos., sep., 1sulph., verat.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive; evening;nit-ac.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive; lying down;nit-ac.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive; morning;kreos., nat-p., puls.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; offensive; on blowing nose;2aur., kali-bi., 1sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; old catarrh; ars., 2graph., merc., 2puls., 1sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; onions; cor-r., 2manc.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; onions; roasted; sang.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; pigeon dung; anac.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; pitch; ars., con.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; pus; arg-n., gamb., seneg., sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; pus; night;arg-n.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; anthr., asaf., aur., bell., calc., cob., graph., 2kali-bi., kreos., mag-arct., meny., merc., 2nit-ac., par., phos., 1puls., seneg., sep., verat.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; bread and milk smell; par.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; eggs; aur., bell., 2calc., kali-bi., mag-arct., meny., merc., nux-v., phos., sep., 2sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; food and milk smell; 2nux-v., par.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; morning on waking;kreos.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; on blowing nose;2aur., kali-bi.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sensitive to garlic; sabad.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sickly; aur., cob., nit-ac., 2nux-v., sil.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; smoke; bar-c., cor-r., 2sulph., verat.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; smoked ham; colch.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; snuff; graph., 1sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; soaked peas; sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sour beer; 2bell., thuj.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sour; alum., bell.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sour; early morning;alum.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sulphurous; anac., 2ars., calc., graph., 2nux-v., plb., sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; sweetish; aur.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; syrup, unpleasant; sang.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; tar; ars., con.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; tinder; anac., nux-v.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; tobacco; puls.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; ulcerous; cadm., seneg.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; whisky; aur.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; wood-smoke; 2bar-c.
Nose; open sensation, behind nostrils, on walking in open air; fl-ac.
Nose; pain; acon., aesc., agar., agn., alum., anac., ant-t., 2arg-m., 2arg-n., ars-i., ars-m., 2ars., 2arum-t., arund., asaf., asar., aspar., 2aur-m., 1aur., bar-c., bell., benz-ac., 2bor., brom., bufo., 2calc., cann-i., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., chin., cimic., 2cinnb., coff., 2colch., coloc., cor-r., 2crot-h., cycl., 2elaps., 2euphr., fl-ac., glon., 1graph., grat., guai., hell., 1hep., ign., 2iod., kali-ar., 1kali-bi., 1kali-i., kali-n., kali-s., kalm., lach., laur., lyc., lyss., mag-c., mag-m., 2merc-i-f., 2merc., nat-a., nat-m., nat-s., 2nit-ac., olnd., petr., phos., phyt., prun-s., 1puls., ran-b., rheum., ruta., sang., sars., 2sep., 1sil., spig., 2sulph., teucr., 2thuj., verat.
Nose; pain; aching; asar., cimic., 2elaps., merc-i-f.
Nose; pain; aching; bones;bell., cast-eq., cycl., mosch., sulph.
Nose; pain; aching; ridge of nose;agn., canth.
Nose; pain; aching; ridge of nose; morning;canth.
Nose; pain; aching; root;agn., asar., bapt., chin., hell., 2hep., 2kali-bi., nat-a., puls., sang., sulph.
Nose; pain; as from a boil; hep.
Nose; pain; as from a foreign body; calc-p., con.
Nose; pain; at junction of cartilage;1kali-bi.
Nose; pain; at junction of cartilage; from pressure;calc.
Nose; pain; before period;con.
Nose; pain; behind nostrils;2elaps., kali-ma.
Nose; pain; behind nostrils; as if air streamed in on coughing or talking; mag-s.
Nose; pain; behind nostrils; blowing nose;2carb-v.
Nose; pain; behind nostrils; coughing;2carb-v.
Nose; pain; behind nostrils; swallowing;2carb-v.
Nose; pain; bones;2aesc., arg-n., 2ars., aur-m-n., 1aur., benz-ac., 2carb-an., cast-eq., colch., cor-r., cycl., guai., 1hep., indg., 1kali-bi., 2kali-i., kali-n., lach., led., merc., mez., mosch., nat-m., onos., phos., 2puls., 1sil., 2sulph., thuj., verat.
Nose; pain; bones; daytime;2sulph.
Nose; pain; bones; dragging; merl.
Nose; pain; bones; pulsating; anan., 1kali-i.
Nose; pain; bones; right side;aesc., aur.
Nose; pain; boring; 1aur., 2kali-i., nat-m., ruta., spig., sulph.
Nose; pain; boring; bones;aur-m-n., 1aur., led., mez., nat-m., phos.
Nose; pain; boring; bones; extending to forehead;2kali-i.
Nose; pain; boring; bones; extending to root of nose;2coloc.
Nose; pain; boring; bones; night;phos.
Nose; pain; boring; night;1aur., phos.
Nose; pain; boring; right side;camph., psor., spig.
Nose; pain; boring; root;agar., bism-ox., 2hep., nat-m., phos., sulph.
Nose; pain; boring; root; 7 to 12 a.m.;hep.
Nose; pain; boring; root; morning;2hep.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; 2aesc., aeth., 2agar., 2all-c., aloe., alum., 2am-c., ambr., anan., ang., ant-c., aphis., apis., 2arg-m., 2arg-n., 1ars., 2arund., aur-m., aur., bar-c., 2bell., berb., bor., bov., brach., bufo., calad., 2canth., caps., 2carb-an., 2carb-v., card-m., 2caust., chel., chlor., cimic., cina., 2cist., clem., coc-c., 2coloc., 2con., cop., crot-c., 2crot-t., gamb., 2gels., gran., grat., 2hep., 2hydr., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., 1kali-i., 2kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., led., lyc., 2mag-m., 2med., 2merc-c., merl., 2mez., nat-a., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., nicc., 2nit-ac., ol-an., pall., petr., ph-ac., phel., 2phos., phys., plat., psor., rat., sabad., sars., senec., 2seneg., 1sil., sin-n., stann., stry., 2sulph., syph., tab.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; after blowing out thick mucus;aesc., ant-c., cist., nat-a., 2nit-ac.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; as from pepper; calad., 2seneg.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; behind nostrils;2aesc., arg-n., 2cist., crot-t., 2kali-bi., 2merc-i-r., phos.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; behind nostrils; left, like scalding hot water;2gels.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; bones;1kali-i., 2mez., nat-m., phos.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; cold air;bufo., cist.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; during period; carb-an.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; evening;pall.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; left;caps., cina., cist., coff., 2gels., grat., kali-c., 2sep.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; like a drop of hot grease; bar-c.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; margins;arn., chel., sulph., thuj.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; morning;mag-m.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; on blowing;carb-v., graph., kali-n., sars.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; on breathing in;mag-m., med.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; open air;kali-c.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; ridge of nose;coloc.
Nose; pain; burning, smarting; right;card-m., crot-t., hydr., kali-bi., kali-n.