Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Perspiration; profuse; evening; every alternate;bar-c.
Perspiration; profuse; evening; lasting all night;bol.
Perspiration; profuse; evening; with high fever;con.
Perspiration; profuse; from music;2tarent.
Perspiration; profuse; morning;acon., am-c., am-m., ars., bry., carb-v., caust., 1chin-s., chin., dulc., 2ferr-ar., 1ferr., 1mag-c., 2merc., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., 2nit-ac., 1op., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 2puls., 2rhus-t., sep., 1sil.
Perspiration; profuse; morning; after waking;2ferr., 2sep., 1sulph.
Perspiration; profuse; morning; during sleep;2chin-s., 2puls.
Perspiration; profuse; morning; hot, dry; 2cham., chin., 1op., phos.
Perspiration; profuse; morning; in bed;am-m., 1ferr.
Perspiration; profuse; morning; lasting all day;ferr.
Perspiration; profuse; night;acet-ac., am-m., ant-c., 2ant-t., anthro., arg-n., ars-i., 2ars., asar., bar-c., benz., berb., bol., 2bry., cact., 2calc-p., canth., caps., carb-ac., 2carb-an., 2carb-s., 2carb-v., casc., caust., cham., chel., chin-s., 2chin., 2cic., 2clem., coloc., cupr., fago., ferr-p., graph., 1hep., iod., 1kali-ar., 1kali-c., 2kali-p., 2lob., 2lyc., merc-i-r., merc-sul., 1merc., nat-a., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., 1nit-ac., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 2psor., sabad., 2samb., sarr., 1sil., 2spong., stram., 1sulph., 2tarax., 1thuj., valer., 2verat.
Perspiration; profuse; night; after 3 a.m.;bry., clem., nat-c., par.
Perspiration; profuse; night; after 4 a.m.;2stann.
Perspiration; profuse; night; after midnight;acon., alum., am-m., ambr., ars., bol., clem., coloc., graph., 1kali-c., mag-c., mag-m., phos., sil., sulph.
Perspiration; profuse; night; before midnight;2carb-v.
Perspiration; profuse; night; during sleep;carb-an., chin-s., 2chin., nat-c., 2phos., 2thuj.
Perspiration; profuse; night; every alternate night;bar-c., kali-n., 2nit-ac.
Perspiration; profuse; night; midnight until morning;graph., mag-c., 2phos.
Perspiration; profuse; night; on waking the sweat ceases, and returns again on falling asleep; cham.
Perspiration; profuse; night; with sleeplessness; bar-c., 2cham., cic., corn., iod., 1sulph.
Perspiration; profuse; on affected parts;1ant-t.
Perspiration; profuse; on covered parts;bell., 1cham., 1chin., 2ferr., 2nit-ac., nux-v., sec., 2thuj.
Perspiration; profuse; on uncovered parts, except the head;2thuj.
Perspiration; profuse; on waking;am-m., canth., chin., 2ferr., 1samb., 2sep., 1sulph.
Perspiration; profuse; only while awake; 2samb., sep.
Perspiration; profuse; strong flow of urine and diarrhoea; 2acon.
Perspiration; profuse; while sitting quietly;1kali-bi.
Perspiration; profuse; while walking;bry., canth., chin-s., kali-c., 2merc., 1psor., sel., 2sep., 2sulph.
Perspiration; profuse; while walking; in the open air;1caust., 2chin., rhod., sel., 2zinc.
Perspiration; profuse; with difficulty breathing; mang.
Perspiration; profuse; with relief of heart symptoms; dig.
Perspiration; rapidly exhausting; acet-ac., 1ant-t., 2ars., camph., 2carb-v., 1chin., 1eupi., 2lach., 2lyc., mill., 2nit-ac., 2psor., 2sec.
Perspiration; scanty sweat; ant-c., apis., calad., casc., chin-s., cimx., 2cina., croc., cycl., dulc., elaps., 2eup-per., eup-pur., gamb., ign., 2ip., kali-c., kali-i., lach., led., nux-m., nux-v., phel., sep., sil.
Perspiration; scanty sweat; after a severe chill;eup-per.
Perspiration; sensation as if about to perspire, but no moisture appears; alum., 2am-c., bapt., bor., bov., calc., camph., cimx., croc., 2ferr., glon., 1ign., iod., nicc., phos., puls., 2raph., sars., senec., 1stann., sul-ac., sulph., thuj.
Perspiration; single parts;2acon., 2ambr., ars., bar-c., bell., 2bry., 2calc-p., 1calc., cann-s., caps., 1caust., 2cham., chin., hell., hep., 1ign., ip., 2led., 2lyc., merc., 1mez., nux-v., par., 2petr., 2psor., 1puls., 2pyrog., rhus-t., 2sel., 1sep., 2sil., 2spig., spong., 2stann., 2sulph., 2thuj., 2tub., verat., zinc.
Perspiration; single parts; front of body;agar., 1arg-m., arn., 2calc., canth., 1cocc., 2graph., kali-n., merc., nux-v., 1phos., 1sel.
Perspiration; single parts; lower part of body;am-c., am-m., apis., ars., cinnb., coloc., 1croc., cycl., eupho., 2hyos., mang., merc., nit-ac., sep., thuj.
Perspiration; single parts; parts lain on;2acon., 2bell., bry., 1chin., 1nit-ac., nux-v., puls., 2sanic.
Perspiration; single parts; parts not lain on;2benz., thuj.
Perspiration; single parts; upper body;arg-m., 1asar., berb., camph., 2carb-v., 2cham., chin., cina., dig., dulc., eup-per., fl-ac., ip., 1kali-c., laur., 2nit-ac., nux-v., 1op., 1par., 2rheum., 2sec., sep., sil., spig., sul-ac., thuj., valer., verat.
Perspiration; single parts; upper body; before sleep;berb.
Perspiration; staining the linen; ars., bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., carb-an., chin., 2graph., 1lach., mag-c., merc., rheum., sel.
Perspiration; staining the linen; bloody; calc., clem., crot-h., 2cur., 1lach., lyc., 1nux-m.
Perspiration; staining the linen; brownish-yellow; ars., bell., carb-an.
Perspiration; staining the linen; difficult to wash out; mag-c., 2merc.
Perspiration; staining the linen; green; cupr.
Perspiration; staining the linen; red; arn., 2carb-v., dulc., 1lach., 1nux-m., nux-v., thuj.
Perspiration; staining the linen; yellow; ars., 2bell., bry., cadm., 1carb-an., chin-a., 2chin., 2crot-c., ferr-ar., 2ferr., 1graph., ip., lac-d., 1lach., 2mag-c., 1merc., 1sel., 2thuj., tub.
Perspiration; sticky; agar., ant-t., anthr., anthro., ars., both., brom., cann-i., canth., caust., chlor., crot-h., ferr., fl-ac., hep., iod., kali-bi., kali-br., lachn., op., phos., plb., tab., tax.
Perspiration; sticky; evening;anthro., fl-ac.
Perspiration; stiffening the linen; merc., sel.
Perspiration; strong and sharp (acrid); all-s., 2caps., 1cham., 2con., fl-ac., graph., iod., ip., 2lact-ac., lyc., merc., par., rhus-t., tarax.
Perspiration; sudden; aml-n., ars., bell., 2carb-s., clem., 2crot-h., 2ip.
Perspiration; sudden; afternoon;clem.
Perspiration; sudden; and disappearing suddenly;1bell.
Perspiration; sudden; while walking in the open air, with chilliness;led.
Perspiration; uncovering; acon., 2bell., calc., 2camph., 1cham., 2chin., led., 1lyc., 2nit-ac., 2puls., spig., 2staph., sulph., 2thuj., verat.
Perspiration; walking (see exertion); cham., chel., 2puls., 2thuj.
Perspiration; walking (see exertion); in open air; alum., 1ars., bry., graph., puls., thuj.
Perspiration; warm drinks;bry., kali-c., 2merc., phos., sul-ac.
Perspiration; warm; acon., ant-c., asar., benz., camph., carb-v., cham., cocc., dros., ign., kali-c., lach., led., nat-m., nux-v., op., phos., sep., staph., stram.
Perspiration; warm; causing uneasiness; 1calc., cham., nux-v., 2puls., 1sep., 2sulph.
Perspiration; warmth of room unbearable; plan.
Perspiration; when angry;acon., ant-t., ars., 2bell., hyos., lyc., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., 2op., ph-ac., phos., puls., 2stram., verat.
Perspiration; when indoors;acon., 2apis., bry., caust., cist., 2fl-ac., 1ip., 2nux-v., 2phos., 1puls., rhod., rhus-t., sep., sulph., valer.
Perspiration; when passing flatulence;kali-bi.
Perspiration; when waking from sleep; ant-c., ars., bell., 2cham., 1chel., chin., cycl., 2euphr., 2hell., 1nux-v., op., 1phos., 2plat., 1puls., sel., 2sep., sil., stram., 2sulph., 1thuj.
Perspiration; while at work;berb.
Perspiration; while eating;ant-t., arg-m., ars., 2bar-c., 2benz-ac., bor., bry., 2calc., 1carb-an., 1carb-s., 1carb-v., cocc., 2con., graph., guare., ign., kali-ar., 1kali-c., 2kali-p., 1merc., nat-c., 2nat-m., 1nit-ac., nux-v., ol-an., phos., 2puls., sars., 1sep., sil., sul-ac., valer., viol-t.
Perspiration; while eating; anac., 2ign., lach., mez., 1phos., zinc.
Perspiration; while eating; anxiety and cold sweat; 1merc.
Perspiration; while lying;ars., 2caps., chel., ferr-ar., 1ferr., ham., hep., lyc., 2mag-s., 1meny., merc., op., podo., puls., 1rhus-t., 1samb., 2sep., tarax., tarent.
Perspiration; while sitting;am-c., 2anac., 1ars., 2asar., 2calc., caps., caust., chin., 2con., 2ferr., 2kali-bi., lyc., mang., nat-c., ph-ac., phos., rhod., 2rhus-t., sep., spong., 2staph., sul-ac., sulph., tarax., valer.
Perspiration; while talking;ambr., graph., 2iod., 2sulph.
Perspiration; while walking (see exertion);2agar., ambr., benz-ac., 2bry., 1calc., canth., carb-an., caust., chin-s., 2coc-c., coloc., eug., ferr-m., ferr., hydr-ac., ip., 2kali-c., led., 2merc., nat-m., 1nux-v., op., 1psor., sel., 1sep., sil., 1sulph., sumb., ther., til., valer.
Perspiration; while walking (see exertion); in open air;ant-c., bell., 1bry., 2calc., 2carb-an., carb-v., 1caust., 1chin., coloc., 2guai., led., nit-ac., 2phos., rhod., ruta., 2sulph., sumb., zinc.
Perspiration; while writing;bor., 2hep., 2kali-c., 2psor., 1sep., 2sulph., 2tub.
Perspiration; with diarrhoea; 2acon., con., sulph., 1verat.
Perspiration; with difficulty breathing; anac., 2ant-t., apis., 1ars., arund., 1carb-v., 2lach., lyc., mang., sil., sulph., thuj., verat.
Perspiration; with shivering; aml-n., ant-t., arg-n., cedr., coff., eup-per., hell., led., lyc., 2merc., 1nux-v., puls., pyrog., raph., 2rhus-t., sep., sulph., tab., verat.
Rectum; as if faeces remained in passage; 2graph., 2lyc., 1nat-m., 2nit-ac., 1sep., verat.
Rectum; as of cold drops; cann-s.
Rectum; cancer; 2alum., 2nit-ac., ruta., sep.
Rectum; catarrh of the rectum (see mucus, moisture); 2arg-n., aur., 2nit-ac.
Rectum; chilliness in rectum before stool; 2lyc.
Rectum; cholera; acon., 2ars., 1camph., 2carb-v., cic., colch., 2cupr-ar., 1cupr., 2grat., 2hydr-ac., iris., jatr., 2laur., mur-ac., nux-m., 2op., ph-ac., 2phos., 2podo., 2psor., 2sec., sulph., 2tab., thuj., 1verat.
Rectum; cholera; in babies;acon., 1aeth., ant-c., ant-t., 2ars., 2bell., 2bism-ox., 2calc., camph., carb-v., colch., coloc., colos., corn., 2crot-t., 2dulc., elat., 2ferr., grat., 1guai., 2ip., 2iris., jatr., kali-bi., kali-br., 2kreos., 2laur., 2mag-c., 2med., nat-m., 2op., 2phos., podo., 2psor., 2puls., raph., 2rhus-t., sars., 2sec., 2sil., 2stram., sulph., 2tab., thuj., 2verat.
Rectum; cholera; with vomiting or diarrhoea;ant-c., ant-t., 2ars., camph., 2colch., coloc., 2crot-t., 2cupr-ar., 2cupr., elat., 2ferr., 2grat., 1guai., 2ip., 2iris., 2jatr., kali-bi., ph-ac., 2phos., 1podo., 2psor., raph., 2sec., 2tab., thuj., 1verat.
Rectum; closing; 2aesc., agar., 2aloe., alum., ang., 2bar-m., bell., 2bor., 2calc-sil., calc., 2camph., colch., con., crot-t., elaps., fl-ac., hep., ign., kreos., 2lach., 2lyc., med., mez., 2nat-m., nit-ac., phos., plb., 2ruta., sec., thuj.
Rectum; coldness in anus; all-c., kali-bi., nat-m., sil., sulph.
Rectum; coldness in anus; after waking;nat-m., sulph.
Rectum; coldness in anus; after walking in open air;sil.
Rectum; coldness in anus; afternoon;kali-bi.
Rectum; coldness in anus; during stool and flatulence;2con.
Rectum; constipation; 2puls., arn., asaf., 2berb., 2chel., 2form., 2hyper., 2rat., 2sars., 1thuj., urt-u., 2verb., 2agn., anan., 2arg-m., asc-t., 2carb-an., 2merc., osm., pall., 1plb., 2stann., tell., viol-o., 2vib., paeon., 2croc., 2abrot., 2raph., 1lyc., 2meny., ust., 2ars-i., lycps., 2kali-bi., 1nux-v., sang., kali-p., 1sil., mang., 1aesc., 2aloe., asc-c., 2card-m., 1clem., 1coff., cann-s., 2chim., cycl., 1oena., olnd., 2dulc., euon., 2hell., 2lil-t., 2phyt., 1ruta., rob., 1staph., 2am-m., 2arg-n., 2bar-m., 1mag-m., mag-s., 2kali-br., 2nat-c., nat-s., abies-c., 2aeth., 2agar., alet., 1alumn., 1alum., 2ambr., ammc., 2am-c., 2anac., 2ang., ant-c., 1apis., 1ars., arund., aster., 2aur., aur-m., bad., 2bar-c., bol., bor., bov., brach., 1bry., 2cact., calad., 1calc., 2calc-p., 2calc-s., camph., 2carb-ac., 1carb-s., 2carb-v., casc., caul., 1caust., 2chin., chin-a., chin-s., chr-ac., cimx., cina., 2coca., 1cocc., colch., 1coll., 2coloc., 1con., 2cop., cor-r., 2crot-c., 2crot-h., crot-t., cub., cupr., 2daph., 2dig., 2dios., 2elaps., ery-a., 2ferr., 2ferr-ar., 2ferr-i., ferr-p., 2fl-ac., 2gamb., 1graph., 2guaj., hep., 2hipp., hippoz., 2hydrc., hyos., 2ign., 2iod., 2iris., jab., jac-c., 2jatr., 2kali-ar., 2kali-c., 2kali-chl., 2kali-i., 2kali-s., 1lac-d., 1lach., 2lac-ac., 2laur., led., 2lept., 2mag-c., med., meli., merc-c., 2merc-d., 2merc-i-f., 1mez., 2mosh., murx., 2mur-ac., myric., naja., 2nat-a., 1nat-m., nat-p., nicc., 1nit-ac., 2nux-m., 1op., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., 1phos., 1plat., 2podo., 2psor., 2pyrog., rhus-t., 2sabad., 2sabin., 1sanic., 2sec., 2sel., 2seneg., 1sep., 2spong., squil., 1stram., 1stry., 1sulph., 2sul-ac., sumb., 2tab., 2tarent., 2ter., 2ther., tril., 2tub., vac., 1verat., vesp., 1zinc., 2ptel., 2kreos.
Rectum; constipation; after abuse of drugs; agar., ant-c., 2bry., chin., 1coloc., 2hydr., lach., 1nux-v., 2op., ruta., sulph.
Rectum; constipation; after drinking coffee;2mosch.
Rectum; constipation; after drinking wine;2zinc.
Rectum; constipation; after period;dirc., graph., lac-c.