Homoeopathy is a safe and natural system of medicine. It is also holistic, which means it relies on gathering a detailed picture of all of a patient's complaints before prescribing any remedy. Our online homeopathic remedy finder app collects all your symptoms, and gives you information on which remedies apply to which symptoms.
Rectum; pain; tearing; while sitting;2ruta.
Rectum; pain; tearing; while urinating;2ruta.
Rectum; pain; twinging; caust., kali-c., lact., lyc., mag-c., nat-c., zinc.
Rectum; pain; twinging; after exercise;coc-c.
Rectum; pain; twinging; after stool;canth., grat.
Rectum; pain; twinging; during stool;spong.
Rectum; pain; twinging; flatulence; kali-bi.
Rectum; pain; twinging; writhing in anus; 2croc.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; puls., 2arn., asaf., berb., 1caps., rat., thuj., 2arg-m., carb-an., cham., cob., gels., grat., lact., 1merc., plb., stann., rheum., 2lyc., ars-i., lycps., 2kali-bi., 2nux-v., sang., 2sil., 1aesc., 1aloe., cann-s., 2cycl., oena., 2ham., 1lil-t., phel., 2phyt., ruta., rumx., sol-t-ae., 1staph., bar-m., mag-s., merc-cy., 2nat-c., acon., agar., alum., ambr., am-c., 2anac., ant-c., 1apis., apoc., 2ars., arum-t., atro., aur-m., bar-c., 2bell., benz., 2bov., brom., bry., cact., 2calc., calc-s., cann-i., 2canth., carb-s., 2carb-v., 2caust., chin-s., cocc., 1colch., 2coll., 2coloc., con., 2corn., 2crot-t., cupr., cupr-ar., der., dig., dios., dirc., eup-per., 2euph., eupi., fago., ferr., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-m., ferr-p., gamb., graph., hep., hipp., hyos., ign., iod., 2ip., 2iris., kali-ar., kali-c., 2kali-i., 2kali-n., lac-c., 2lach., laur., 2lyss., 1merc-c., 2mez., mill., mur-ac., 2nat-a., 2nat-m., nat-p., nicc., 1nit-ac., nux-m., ol-an., op., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., phos., phys., pic-ac., 2plat., podo., psor., rhod., rhus-t., sel., senec., 2sep., sol-n., spig., spong., squil., 1sulph., sumb., tab., 2tarent., ter., trom., verat., verat-v., vip., zinc., ptel., kreos., 2stront.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after diarrhoea;2dulc., hydr., laur., 2lil-t., mag-c., phel., phos., rhus-t., stront., tab.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after dinner;alum., nat-m.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after drinking coffee;2nat-m.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after drinking milk;nicc.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after stool;2aeth., 1agar., am-m., ambr., ant-t., 2apis., apoc., ars., aster., bapt., 2bell., bov., calc-p., calc-s., 2canth., 2caps., cob., 2cocc., 2colch., corn., cupr-ac., dios., dros., dulc., erig., fago., fl-ac., gamb., gins., grat., hell., 2ign., ind., indg., ip., jug-c., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., 2kali-s., lach., laur., lil-t., lyc., lyss., 2mag-c., 2mag-m., mag-s., manc., 1merc-c., merc-i-r., 1merc., 2mez., 2nat-m., nicc., ph-ac., phel., phys., plat., plb., 2podo., ptel., 1puls., 2rheum., 2rhus-t., sars., 1sulph., tab., 2trom., zinc.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; after urinating;coloc., mur-ac.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; before diarrhoea;hydr.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; before period;thuj.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; before stool;acon., aeth., 1agar., alum., arn., berb., cham., coloc., crot-c., dirc., fago., grat., mag-m., 1merc-c., 2merc., 2nux-v., phys., plat., plb., sep., 1sulph., tarent., verat.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during constipation;asaf., 2con., 2nux-v., plb., vib.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during diarrhoea;2alum., 1ars., carb-s., carb-v., cimic., 2coloc., cop., corn., crot-t., form., 2gamb., hydr., mag-m., mag-s., 1merc-c., 2merc., 2nit-ac., op., phys., phyt., plb., ptel., sarr., sel., 2sulph., tab.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during dysentery;acon., 1apis., arn., ars-i., 1caps., 1colch., con., cop., dios., ip., 1merc-c., 2merc., 2nit-ac., rheum., sulph., ter., xan.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during period;2am-c., nat-s.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; during stool;1acon., aesc., 2aeth., 1agar., 1aloe., alum., am-c., am-m., ang., ant-t., apis., apoc., arg-n., 2arn., 2ars., arum-t., asc-t., aster., bapt., 2bell., calc-s., 2calc., canth., 2caps., carb-ac., carb-s., 2caust., 2cedr., cob., coff-t., 2colch., 2coll., 2coloc., con., cop., 2corn., crot-t., 2cupr., dios., fago., ferr-ar., ferr-m., ferr., fl-ac., form., gamb., gran., graph., grat., hell., hep., hipp., hydr., hyper., 1ip., iris., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., 2lac-c., lach., laur., 2lil-t., lob-s., lyc., lyss., 2mag-c., mag-m., mang., 1merc-c., 1merc., 2morph., myric., 2nat-a., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., nicc., 2nit-ac., 1nux-v., 1op., ox-ac., petr., phys., phyt., pic-ac., plan., plat., plb., 2podo., ptel., 2rhus-t., rob., senec., sep., 2spong., staph., 2sulph., tab., ther., thuj., 2trom., verat., zinc.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; evening;ferr., plat.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; extending to bladder;canth., 2caps., 2med., merc-c., 2nux-v.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; extending to perineum (between rectum and genitals);mez.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; extending to urethra (urinary part of genitals);mez.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; from eating;2coloc., crot-t.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; morning;aeth., nicc.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; morning; after rising;aeth.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; night;bov., 2merc., zinc.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; on attempting to suppress flatulence;acon.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; on hearing running water;1lyss.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; stool; acon., aesc., aloe., alum., ant-t., arn., ars., asaf., bapt., bov., bry., cahin., calc-p., canth., cham., colch., 2coloc., corn., dulc., 1gamb., hell., lept., nat-s., nuph., 1nux-v., 1rhus-t., sanic., tarent.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; warmth; coloc., sulph.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; while sitting;crot-t., 2sulph.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; while urinating;carb-v., ferr., med., 2prun-s.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; while walking;2sulph.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; with hard stool;2con.
Rectum; pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing; with pain in bladder; alum., 1caps., lil-t., 2merc-c., 1nux-v.
Rectum; pain; warm bathing; brom.
Rectum; pain; warm bathing; 2ars., 2lach., 2mur-ac., 2rat.
Rectum; pain; when pressing upon navel;1crot-t.
Rectum; pain; while lying on back;chel.
Rectum; pain; while sitting down;2aesc., 2aloe., am-m., ammc., ars., berb., calc., cann-s., caust., chel., cocc., cycl., euphr., 1lyc., 2mang., 2mur-ac., 2ph-ac., phos., 1rat., 2ruta., sars., 1sep., sulph., ther., thuj.
Rectum; pain; while urinating;rhus-t.
Rectum; pain; while walking;1caust., cycl., 2ign., 2mez., ran-s., sep., sulph., sumb.
Rectum; paralysis (see inactivity); acon., aeth., agar., aloe., 2alum., arn., ars-i., ars., atro., 2bar-m., 2bell., bry., 2calc., caust., chin-a., chin., coll., coloc., cupr., ferr., 2gels., 2graph., 2hyos., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-p., 2laur., manc., 1mur-ac., nat-m., ph-ac., 1phos., 1plb., puls., rhus-t., 1sec., sel., 1sil., sulph., 2tab., tarent., thuj., verat.
Rectum; paralysis (see inactivity); sensation of; 1aloe., graph., kali-c., petr., ph-ac., sabad.
Rectum; prickling; agar., bry., cact., colch., grat., lact., 1nit-ac., 2ter.
Rectum; prickling; after stool;grat.
Rectum; prickling; during stool;cact.
Rectum; prolapse; 2aesc., all-c., alumn., ant-c., 1apis., apoc., arn., 2ars., 2asar., aur., 2bell., bufo., 2calc-s., 1calc., canth., 2carb-s., caust., cic., cocc., 2colch., 2coll., 2crot-c., crot-t., 2dig., dios., 2dulc., elaps., ferr-ar., 2ferr-i., ferr-p., 2ferr., fl-ac., 2gamb., 2gels., gran., 2graph., 2hep., 2hydr., 1ign., 2iris., 2kali-bi., kali-n., 2lach., 2lyc., 2mag-m., 2mang., med., 2merc-c., 1merc., mez., 1mur-ac., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., nux-m., 1nux-v., 2phos., phyt., 2plb., 1podo., psor., rhus-t., 2ruta., 1sep., 2sil., sol-t-ae., 2sulph., sumb., syph., tab., ther., thuj., valer., zinc.
Rectum; prolapse; after childbirth;2podo., 2ruta.
Rectum; prolapse; after haemorrhage of rectum;2ars.
Rectum; prolapse; after sneezing;podo.
Rectum; prolapse; after stool;2aesc., ant-c., apoc., ars., asar., canth., carb-v., 2cocc., crot-t., eupho., 2hep., 2ign., 2indg., iris., kali-bi., 2lach., 2merc., mez., mur-ac., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., 2phos., plat., 1podo., 2sep., sol-t-ae., 2sulph., 2trom.
Rectum; prolapse; before stool;2podo., 2ruta.
Rectum; prolapse; convulsive; 2ars.
Rectum; prolapse; during diarrhoea;2calc., 1dulc., gamb., mag-m., 1merc., 2mur-ac., 1podo.
Rectum; prolapse; during period;aur., podo.
Rectum; prolapse; during stool;ail., 2ant-c., asar., bell., bry., 2calc., 2cinnb., colch., crot-t., dulc., ferr-ar., ferr-p., ferr., 2fl-ac., 2gamb., 1ign., kali-n., 1lyc., mag-m., mez., mur-ac., 2nux-v., plan., 1podo., 2rhus-t., 2ruta., 1sep., 2sulph., 2trom.
Rectum; prolapse; during urination;1mur-ac., 2valer.
Rectum; prolapse; evening;1ign.
Rectum; prolapse; from mental excitement;podo.
Rectum; prolapse; in children;2ferr., 2hydr., 2nux-v., 1podo.
Rectum; prolapse; kneeling;ail.
Rectum; prolapse; late morning;rhus-t.
Rectum; prolapse; morning;podo.
Rectum; prolapse; night;2aesc.
Rectum; prolapse; on stooping;ruta.
Rectum; prolapse; painful; 2ars., ther.
Rectum; prolapse; sitting; ther.
Rectum; prolapse; smoking; 2sep.
Rectum; prolapse; standing;2ferr-i.
Rectum; prolapse; urination difficult; 2sep.
Rectum; prolapse; when passing flatulence;valer.
Rectum; prolapse; when vomiting;2mur-ac., 2podo.
Rectum; prolapse; without straining;2graph., 2ruta.
Rectum; pulsation; aloe., alum., alumn., am-m., apis., benz., berb., calc-p., caps., caust., crot-t., cycl., grat., 2ham., 1lach., lyss., manc., meli., 2nat-m., rhod., seneg., 2sulph.
Rectum; pulsation; after stool;aloe., alumn., apis., berb., caps., 2lach., manc., sang., seneg., 2sulph.
Rectum; pulsation; during period;lach., 2lyss.
Rectum; pulsation; during stool;nat-m.
Rectum; pulsation; evening;am-m.
Rectum; pulsation; evening; sitting up in bed; am-m.
Rectum; pulsation; like small hammers; 1lach.
Rectum; pulsation; perineum (between rectum and genitals);bov., 2caust., polyg-h.
Rectum; pulsation; while sitting;2aloe., am-m.
Rectum; redness of anus; aloe., ars., cham., nat-m., 2petr., 1sulph., valer., 2zing.
Rectum; relaxed anus; 1aloe., 1apis., apoc., 2carb-v., chin., kali-c., kali-p., 2petr., 1phos., puls., rhod., 2sec., zing.
Rectum; relaxed anus; sensation of relaxation, after stool; lept., podo.
Rectum; retraction; agar., bapt., bry., 2kali-bi., 2op., plb., tell.
Rectum; retraction; after stool;2kali-bi.
Rectum; retraction; painful; 2kali-bi.
Rectum; sensation as before diarrhoea;agar., apoc., carl., colch., crot-t., dig., dros., 1dulc., eupi., form., gels., glon., grat., ind., iris., kali-n., lyc., merc-i-f., mez., nat-m., 2nit-ac., phos., pip-m., plan., plb., sulph.
Rectum; sensation as before diarrhoea; while smoking;bor.
Rectum; sensation as before diarrhoea; while walking;nat-m.
Rectum; sensation as if plug were pressing out; bry., 2crot-t., kali-bi., 2lach., lil-t., 2sep., 2sil.
Rectum; sensation of cord extending from anus to navel; ferr-i.
Rectum; sensation of foreign body in rectum; lil-t., nat-m., rumx., sep., sulph.