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Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); before period;eupi.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); before stool;all-s., 2aloe., berb., calc-f., euphr., ferr-i., fl-ac., grat., hell., kali-n., lact., mez., osm., 2podo., 2rheum., 2rhus-t., stront., 1sulph.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); but not for stool; 1lach.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); but not for stool; tormenting, but not for stool;2lach.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); but only urine is discharged;lil-t.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); constant; aesc., ant-s., arn., ars., asaf., bar-c., 2berb., bry., calc., cob., con., cop., 1crot-t., ham., hyos., 2ign., kali-a., 2lil-t., mag-c., 2mag-m., 1merc-c., 2merc-d., 1merc., nat-a., nat-m., 2nat-s., 2nux-v., phyt., 2pip-m., ptel., ruta., sin-n., 2sulph., sumb., zinc-s.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); desire passes away with great effort; 1anac.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during breakfast;dios.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during colic;coloc., ind., 1nux-v.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during dinner;dios.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during period;calc., mang.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during stool;abrot., 2aesc., aeth., am-m., anac., 2ant-c., arg-m., ars-i., bov., bry., calad., calc., carb-s., carl., coca., 2coll., con., cycl., dios., dirc., dros., dulc., eupi., ferr., form., gamb., graph., grat., hep., inul., iris., lycps., merl., mez., nat-c., nat-p., nicc., nit-ac., ox-ac., phys., phyt., pic-ac., pip-m., plan., plat., ptel., ran-s., rat., rhus-t., sars., sep., sil., stann., stram., sul-ac., 1sulph., tab., tarent., verb.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during urination;1aloe., alum., aphis., cann-s., 2canth., caust., crot-h., cycl., dig., merc., 2mur-ac., 1nux-v., prun-s., 2puls., squil., staph., sumb., thuj.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); during vertigo, dizziness;spig.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); evening in sleep;phyt.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); frequent; abrot., 2ambr., 2apis., 2arg-m., arn., asaf., 1bar-c., bell., berb., bor., brom., cahin., calc-p., carb-an., 2caust., 2coloc., 1con., 1corn., dios., ham., 2hep., hura., 2hyos., 2ign., kreos., lac-c., lac-d., 1lil-t., 1merc-c., 1merc., 2nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., 1nux-v., ox-ac., petr., 2ph-ac., phos., 1plat., 2puls., 2rheum., ruta., sars., stann., stram., sulph., tab.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); from fright;2caust.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); from rising;rheum., rumx.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); letting feet hang down;rhus-t.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); night;2aloe., carl., coloc., graph., lyc., merc-i-r., nat-m., phys., 1sulph., thuj., zinc.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); night; 11 p.m.;gels., mag-c., merc-i-r., pip-m.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); night; before period;mang.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); night; midnight;dios., lach.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); night; on waking;2aloe., ferr-i.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on each burp;aesc.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on hearing running water;1lyss.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on movement;ars-i., 2bry., 2crot-t., 2mur-ac., 2rheum.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on rising;2aloe.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on sitting down;crot-t.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on thinking about it;iris., 2ox-ac.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); on tightening clothing; bry.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); passing flatulence; caps., 2colch., mag-c., mez., nat-a., ruta.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden; aesc., agar., 2aloe., ant-s., bar-c., bry., carb-v., cic., cocc., 1crot-t., cycl., dig., dirc., 2ferr., gent., graph., ign., kali-bi., kali-n., 2lach., lact-ac., lil-t., mag-m., manc., naja., 2nat-c., 2nat-p., 2nat-s., plat., 2podo., 2psor., ptel., rhus-t., rob., sep., 1sulph., sumb., tab., verat., zinc.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden; after stool;2cann-s.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden; evening;gent.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden; morning;manc., 1sulph.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); sudden; night;nux-v.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); urination; nat-m.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); when passing flatulence;1aloe., ruta., spig.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); when startled;2gels.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); while smoking;calad., thuj.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); while standing;aloe., bry., lil-t.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); while walking;cob., coloc., laur., pall., rheum.
Rectum; urging, desire to stool (see pain; urge to stool, or urinate, but producing nothing); with every labour pain;nux-v., plat.
Rectum; weakness, weak feeling; 2agar., 2aloe., alum., apoc., bry., calc., kali-c., 2petr., 2phos., 2sep., tab.
Rectum; weakness, weak feeling; after stool;lept., 2podo.
Rectum; weakness, weak feeling; before stool;nat-p.
Rectum; weakness, weak feeling; while urinating;inul.
Rectum; worm; complaints; acon., all-c., 2ars., calc., carb-v., chim., 2cic., 1cina., dol., 2ferr., fil., graph., ign., merc., 2nat-m., 2nat-p., 2nux-m., nux-v., petr., ruta., 2sabad., sec., 2sil., 2sin-n., 1spig., spong., squil., 2stann., 1sulph., 2ter., teucr., verat.
Rectum; worm; resembling an earthworm; acon., all-s., anac., 2ars., asar., bar-c., bell., calc., carb-s., cham., 2chel., cic., 1cina., 2ferr-s., 2gran., graph., hyos., kali-c., lyc., mag-c., merc., nat-m., nux-v., rhus-t., ruta., 2sabad., sec., 2sil., 1spig., stann., 1sulph., ter.
Rectum; worm; tape worm (flat worm); 2ail., arg-n., 1calc., 2carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., chin., cupr., 2fil., 2form., frag-v., 2graph., grat., kali-c., mag-m., merc., 2nat-c., nux-v., petr., phos., 2plat., 2puls., 2sabad., 2sep., 2sil., 2stann., sulph., ter., thuj.
Rectum; worm; worms; abrot., acet-ac., acon., agn., ant-t., 2ars., asar., 1bar-c., bar-m., 2calc., carb-s., chin., cina., crot-t., cupr., ferr-m., 2ferr., 2gran., graph., grat., 2ign., indg., mag-c., 2mag-s., merc., 1nat-m., 2nat-p., nux-v., phos., plat., 2rat., 1sabad., 2sep., sil., 2sin-n., 2spig., 2spong., squil., 2sulph., tell., 1ter., 2teucr., thuj., urt-u., 2valer.
Respiration; abdominal; am-m., 1ant-t., arg-n., 2aur-m., bry., 2ferr., 2mur-ac., 2phos., 2spong., 2stram., ter., thuj.
Respiration; accelerated; absin., acet-ac., 1acon., aesc., 2agar., 2ail., alumn., 2am-c., aml-n., 1ant-t., anthr., apis., 2apoc., 2arg-n., 2arn., ars-i., 1ars., 2asaf., 2aspar., 2aur., bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., bor., 2brom., 1bry., 2calc-p., calc., 2camph., cann-i., cann-s., 2canth., carb-ac., carb-s., 1carb-v., cast., 2cedr., 2cham., 1chel., chin-a., 2chin-s., 2chin., chlor., cimic., 2cina., clem., 2coc-c., 2coca., cocc., coff., 2colch., coloc., con., 2cop., crot-h., cub., 1cupr., cycl., 2dig., dulc., 1gels., 2glon., hell., 2hep., hydr-ac., hydr., 2hyos., 2ign., 2iod., 1ip., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., kali-c., 2kali-i., kali-n., 2lact., laur., led., 1lyc., lyss., merc-c., 2merc-sul., 2merc., mez., 2mur-ac., naja., nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., 2op., ox-ac., petr., 1phos., 2phyt., 2plan., plb., 2puls., rhod., 2rhus-t., 2samb., 2sang., sel., seneg., 1sep., 2sil., spong., squil., stann., 2stram., sul-ac., 1sulph., tab., tub., 2verat-v., 2verat., 2vesp., vinc., 2zinc.
Respiration; accelerated; ascending;lycps.
Respiration; accelerated; breathing out; 2chin., stram.
Respiration; accelerated; during anxiety;ars., nux-v., seneg.
Respiration; accelerated; during coma;stram.
Respiration; accelerated; during cough;1dros.
Respiration; accelerated; during exercise;lycps.
Respiration; accelerated; during headache;1nux-m.
Respiration; accelerated; during sleep;chel., cocc., con., merc.
Respiration; accelerated; evening;merc-c., stann.
Respiration; accelerated; from mental exertion;2plan.
Respiration; accelerated; morning;1ars-m.
Respiration; accelerated; night;apis., spong., thuj.
Respiration; accelerated; on awaking from sleep;cimic.
Respiration; accelerated; on going to sleep;2hydr-ac.
Respiration; accelerated; rising from sitting;agar.
Respiration; accelerated; while drinking;nat-m.
Respiration; accelerated; while lying down;ant-t., carb-v., tarent.
Respiration; accelerated; while standing;nat-m.
Respiration; anxious; afternoon;bell.
Respiration; anxious; during headache;1nux-m.
Respiration; anxious; evening;bar-c., mez., 2phos., stann.
Respiration; anxious; evening; after feeling of insects crawling on skin;cist.
Respiration; anxious; mental exertion;phos.
Respiration; anxious; morning;2phos.
Respiration; anxious; morning; in bed;nat-c.
Respiration; anxious; while lying down;apis., 2puls.
Respiration; anxious; while lying on the back;aeth.
Respiration; asphyxia; 1ant-t., 2camph., 2carb-s., carb-v., chin., 2chlor., 2coch., 2op., rhus-t., 2sin-n., tab.
Respiration; asphyxia; after lightning;nux-v.
Respiration; asphyxia; cholera; 2hydr-ac., 2laur.
Respiration; asphyxia; from coal gas;2carb-s., carb-v.
Respiration; asphyxia; in new-born infant;acon., 1ant-t., 2arn., 2bell., 1camph., chin., 2laur., 2op.
Respiration; asthma attack; 2acon., 2agar., all-c., aloe., alum., 2am-c., 1ambr., anac., ant-c., 2ant-t., 2apis., 1arg-n., arn., 1ars-i., 1ars., arum-t., 2asaf., asar., 2aur., 2bar-c., bar-m., 2bell., 2blatta., 2bov., 2brom., 2bry., 2cact., 2calad., 2calc., camph., 2cann-s., 2caps., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., card-m., caust., cham., chel., 2chin-a., 2chin., 2chlol., 2cic., cina., cist., coc-c., cocc., 2coff., 2colch., coloc., 2con., croc., 2crot-h., crot-t., 1cupr., daph., 2dig., 2dros., 2dulc., eup-per., 2eupho., 2ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-p., 2ferr., 2gels., 2graph., grat., grin., 2hep., 2hippoz., hydr-ac., hyos., 2ign., 2iod., 1ip., 1kali-ar., 2kali-br., 1kali-c., 2kali-chl., 2kali-i., 1kali-n., 2kali-p., 2kali-s., lac-d., 2lach., lact., 2laur., 2led., 1lob., 2lyc., manc., 2med., meny., 2meph., merc., mez., 2mosch., 2naja., nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., ol-an., 2op., par., petr., phel., 2phos., 2phyt., plat., plb., podo., 2psor., 1puls., ran-s., raph., rhod., rumx., 2ruta., sabin., 1samb., 2sang., sars., sec., sel., 2seneg., 2sep., 1sil., sin-n., spig., 1spong., squil., 2stann., 2still., 1stram., stront., 2sul-ac., 1sulph., 2thuj., verat-v., 2verat., viol-o., viol-t., zinc.e?d
Respiration; asthma attack; after anger;2ars., 1cham.
Respiration; asthma attack; after dinner;thuj.
Respiration; asthma attack; after eating;2kali-p., 2nux-v., 2puls.
Respiration; asthma attack; after eating; ambr., 2graph.
Respiration; asthma attack; after emotions;2acon., ambr., cham., 2coff., cupr., 2gels., 2ign., nux-v., pall., verat.
Respiration; asthma attack; after hay fever;2sang.
Respiration; asthma attack; after measles;brom., 2carb-v.
Respiration; asthma attack; after mercury poisoning;aur.
Respiration; asthma attack; after sexual intercourse;asaf., cedr., kali-bi.
Respiration; asthma attack; after spinal injury;2hyper.
Respiration; asthma attack; after suppressed out-breaks on skin;2apis., 2ars., 2carb-v., 2dulc., 2ferr., hep., 2ip., 2psor., 1puls., sec., 2sulph.
Respiration; asthma attack; after suppression of acute rash;acon., 2apis., 2puls.
Respiration; asthma attack; after suppression of period;2puls., spong.