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Plumbum Metallicum, Argentum Nitricum, Baryta Carb, Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla, Stramonium, Causticum and Cina - Remedy Relationships

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≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Compare Plumbum Metallicum, Argentum Nitricum, Baryta Carb, Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla, Stramonium, Causticum and Cina side by side

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > compare
Compare: Arsenicum Album Ars.; Mercurius Vivus Merc.; Phosphorus Phos.; Pulsatilla Pulsat.; Argent. Cyanatum (angina pectoris; asthma, spasm of oesophagus); Argent- Jodat ( Throat disorders, hoarseness, gland affected.) Protargol (gonorrhoea after acute stage 2 percent. solution; syphilitic mucous patches, chancres and chancroids, 10 percent solution applied twice a day; ophthalmia neonatorum, 2 drops of 10 percent. solution).; Argent. Phosphorus Phosph ( An excellent diuretic in dropsy.); Argent. Oxyd. Chlorosis with menorrhagia and diarrhoea.).

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > allied remedies
Argentum Metallicum Arg-m., Aurum Metallicum Aur., Baryta Carbonica Bar-c., Carbo., Conium Maculatum Con., Gel., Hell., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Mercurius Vivus Merc., Mercurius Corrosivus Merc-c., Natrum Muriaticum Nat-m., Nitricum Acidum Nit-ac., Pulsatilla Pul, Thuja Occidentalis Thuj., Arsenicum Album ARS., Plumbum Metallicum Plb., Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Zincum Metallicum Zinc.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > relationship
After Argentum Nitricum Arg. nitr. had failed in flatulent indigestion, Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop. cured.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > relationship
Complaints from pressure of clothes also in Calcar., Bryonia Bryon., Causticum Caustic., Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop., Sarsaparilla Sarsap., and Stannum Iodatum Stannum.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > antidotes
Antidotes Cina Cina

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > antidotes
Antidotes to Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac. and Arg. nit. Pulsatilla Puls., Calcarea Carbonica Calc., Sepia Sep.; next in importance, Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Silicea Sil., Rhus Tox Rhus, Phosphorus Phos., Sulphur Sul. It antidotes Am. Causticum caust., effects of tobacco.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > antidotes
Antidotes to Argentum Nitricum Arg nitr. Natrum Muriaticum Natr. mur. (chemical and dynamic), Arsenicum Album Arsen. and milk.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > antidotes
Argentum Nitricum Arg nitr, antidotes Amm. Causticum caust.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > antidotes
According to Boenninghausen, as antidotes to Argentum Nitricum Arg. nitr. and also Nitricum Acidum Nitr. ac., are prominent, Pulsatilla Pulsat., Calcar., Sepia Sepia, and next these three. Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop., Mercurius Vivus Mercur., Silica Marina Silic., Rhus Tox Rhus tox, Phosphorus Phosphor, and Sulphur Sulphur.

Argentum Nitricum Arg-n > inimical
Inimical Coffea Cruda Coff. c. (it increases the nervous headache). Follows well Bryonia Bry., Spigelia Anthelmia Spig. (dyspepsia); Causticum Caust. (urethral affections); Spongia Tosta Spongia (goitre); Veratrum Album Verat. (flatus). Is followed well by Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc. (flatus). Similar to Argentum Metallicum Arg. met. (A. met. acts on cartilages, Arg. nit. more on mucous membranes, skin, bone, and periosteum, and is suited to herpetic patients); to Aurum Metallicum Aur., Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Kali Bichromicum K. bi.ch., Lachesis Lach., Mercurius Vivus Merc., Mercurius Corrosivus Merc. cor., Mercurius Vivus Merc. Iodium iod., Natrum Muriaticum Nat. m., Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac., Thuja Occidentalis Thuj. In complaints from pressure of clothes, like Calcarea Carbonica Calc., Bryonia Bry., Causticum Caust., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Sarsaparilla Sarsap., Stan. In congestive headaches, like Glonoin Glon. and other Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac. compounds. In fish-bone sensation in throat, Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep. (Hep. agg. by cold; Argentum Nitricum Arg. n. agg. in warm room). Pulsatilla Puls. is its nearest analogue. Causation.

Baryta Carbonica Bar-c > compare
Compare Alumina Alum., Antimonium Tartaricum Ant. t. (paralysis of lungs); Belladonna Bell., Calcarea Carbonica Calc. c. (scrofulosis, coryza, &c.); Calcarea Carbonica Calc. Iodium iod. (large tonsils); Causticum Caust. (paralysis); Chamomilla Cham., Chininum Sulphuricum Chi., Conium Maculatum Con. (old people); Dulcamara Dulc. (catching cold); Fluor. ac. (old people); Iodium Iod. (glands); Lachesis Lach., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc. (tonsils); Mag. c., Mercurius Vivus Merc. (colds, glands, diarrhoea); Natrum Carbonicum Nat. c., Phosphorus Phos., Pulsatilla Puls., Sepia Sep. (tinea); Silica Marina Silic. (glands, fetid foot-sweat, but Bar. c. lacks the head-sweat of Silica Marina Silic., and Silica Marina Silic. has self-will instead of the weak-mindedness of Bar. c.); Sulphur Sul., Tell.

Baryta Carbonica Bar-c > relationship
Cognates Antimonium Tartaricum Ant. tart. (paralysis of lungs); Calcarea Carbonica Calc. ostr. (scrofulosis, coryza, etc.); Calcarea Iodata Calc. iod. (large tonsils); Causticum Caustic. (paretic symptoms); Conium Maculatum Conium (old people); Dulcamara Dulcam. (tendency to catch cold); Fluor ac. (old people); Iodium Iodium (glands); Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop. (tonsils); Mercurius Vivus Mercur. (colds, glands, diarrhoea); Phosphorus Phosphor; Pulsatilla Pulsat.; Sepia Sepia (ringworms); Silica Marina Silic. (glands, foot-sweat, etc.) Sulphur Sulphur; Tellurium Tellur. (ringworms).

Causticum Caust > relations
in deep sleep, Belladonna Bell., Sulphur Sul.); Calcarea Carbonica Calc. (scalding urine); Sarsaparilla Sars. (urine, especially in women, passed without patient's knowledge); Belladonna Bell., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Ignatia Amara Ign., Lachesis Lach., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc. and Phosphorus Pho. (difficult swallowing of liquids); Calcarea Carbonica Calc., Carb. an., Stro. and Stramonium Stram. (fear of darkness); Tarentula Hispanica Tarentula (restlessness) Gelsemium Sempervirens Gels. (ptosis, paralysis, faint-like weakness and trembling, blindness) Antimonium Tartaricum Ant. t. (laryngeal affections); Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc. (contraction of brow with pain in head); Allium Cepa Cepa (sore heel); Sepia Sep. (sadness, especially before menses. Face yellow); Ammonium Carbonicum Am. c. (rawness and burning in chest); Aconitum Napellus Aco. (paralysis from cold); Pulsatilla Puls. (cystitis; failure of milk after labour); Euphorb. (ptosis from cold); Natrum Carbonicum Nat. c. Sulphur Sul. and Sulphur Sul. ac. (falls easily); Kali Bichromicum Kali bi. (blindness with headache;)

Causticum Caust > incompatible
Incompatible Acids, Coffea Cruda Coff., Phosphorus Pho. Compatible Before─Calcarea Carbonica Calc.;Kali Iodatum Kali i. (facial paralysis from an abscess); Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Nux Vomica Nux, Rhus Tox Rhus, Ruta Graveolens Ruta, Sepia Sep., Silicea Sil., Sulphur Sul. Intercurrently─Arsenicum Album Ars., Cuprum Metallicum Cupr., Ignatia Amara Ign., Podophyllum Peltatum Pod., Pulsatilla Puls., Rhus Tox Rhus, Sepia Sep., Stan. After

Cina Cina > compare
Compare In aversion to be touched, Antimonium Crudum Ant. c., Antimonium Tartaricum Ant. t., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep. Silicea Sil., Thuja Occidentalis Thu. gurgling along oesophagus when swallowing fluids, Helleborus Niger Helleb., Cuprum Metallicum Cupr. difficult swallowing liquids, Belladonna Bell., Causticum Caust., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Ignatia Amara Ign., Lachesis Lach., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Phosphorus Pho.; in cough agg. by reading or writing, Manganum Metallicum Mang., Meph., Nux Vomica Nux, Platinum Metallicum Plat. in white stools, Digitalis Purpurea Dig.; in ravenous hunger, Arsenicum Album Ars., Calcarea Carbonica Calc., Iodium Iod., Silicea Sil. Staphysagria Staph.; aversion to be caressed, Arsenicum Album Ars., Lachesis Lach.; in squint, Alm.; in asthenopia and defective accommodation, Artem. v. (but Art. v. has dizziness from coloured light; and Cina has amel. from rubbing). Teste places Cina in the Arsenicum Album Arsen. group from its analogy in the digestive sphere. Chamomilla Cham. has many points of contact with Cina and some opposite conditions. Causation.

Medorrhinum Med > compare
Compare Pic. ac., Gelsemium Sempervirens Gels., inability to walk, legs tire and give out; priapism; Camphora Camph., Secale Cornutum Secale, Tab., Ver. (in collapse, skin cold, covered with cold sweat, throws off all covering); Amb., Anacardium Orientale Anac., Caladium Seguinum Cal., Can. i., Conium Maculatum Con., Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Stramonium Stram., Val., Ziz. (as if in a dream)p

Medorrhinum Med > related
Related Baryta Carbonica Bar-c

Medorrhinum Med > relations
sunset to sunrise); as if in a dream, Ambra Grisea Ambr., Anacardium Orientale Anac., Calcarea Carbonica Calc., Can. i., Conium Maculatum Con., Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Rheum Rhe., Stramonium Stram., Val., Ver., Ziz. amel. By leaning back, Lac c. Fish-brine odour, Sanic.

Plumbum Metallicum Plb > compare
Compare Constipation, inertia, hard black balls, Op. (Plumb. has also some spasmodic constriction at anus). Delirium, bites and strikes, Belladonna Bell. (Plumb. has tremors of head and hands; yellow mucus about teeth; colic alternating with delirium). Head and abdominal symptoms alternating, Podophyllum Peltatum Pod. Brain softening, Zincum Metallicum <">Zincum Metallicum Zn. (Plumb. has pain in atrophied limbs alternating with colic), Vanad. Constipation from inertia, vaginismus, Platinum Metallicum Plat. (Platinum Metallicum Plat. amel. these conditions of Plumb.). Irritable piles with drawn-up sensation at anus, Lachesis Lach. Peritonitis with retracted abdomen, Euphb. Head turns to right, Stramonium Stram. (to left, Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc.; to either, Bufo Rana Bufo, Camphora Camph.).

Plumbum Metallicum Plb > antidotes
Antidoted by Sulphuricum Acidum Sulphuric acid, diluted, taken as a lemonade, is one of the best antidotes to the chronic effects of lead; Alcohol is a preventive; Alumen Alumen, Alumina Alumina, Arsenicum Album Ars., Antimonium Crudum Ant. c., Ben., Cocculus Indicus Coccul., Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Kreosotum Kreos., Nux Vomica Nux, Op., Petroleum Petrol., Platinum Metallicum Plat., Piperaz., Zincum Metallicum <">Zincum Metallicum Zn. (Teste, who classes Plumb. with Mercurius Vivus Merc. and Arsenicum Album Ars., says AEthus cyn. is the best antidote in his experience; he names also Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Plect., Strm., and Electric.) It antidotes Bad effects of long abuse of vinegar. Compatible Arsenicum Album Ars., Belladonna Bell., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Mercurius Vivus Merc., Phosphorus Phos., Pulsatilla Pul., Silicea Sil., Sulphur Sul.

Pulsatilla Puls > complementary
Complementary Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Sulphur Sul. ac., Argentum Nitricum Arg. n. (if Argentum Nitricum Arg. n. flags, give Puls.; Argentum Nitricum Arg. n. follows Puls. in ophthalmia); Stn. (Stn. has menses too early and too profuse).

Stramonium Stram > compare
Compare Metrorrhagia, from retained placenta with characteristic delirium, Secale Cornutum Sec. (Secale Cornutum Sec. often acts when Stram. fails), Pyro. (with fever and septic tendency). Delirium, Belladonna Bell., Lachesis Lach., Agaricus Muscarius Agar., Cuprum Metallicum Cupr., Zincum Metallicum <">Zincum Metallicum Zn. Illusions of shape, Baptisia Tinctoria Bapt., Petroleum Petr., Thuja Occidentalis Thuj. Erysipelas, Belladonna Bell., Rhus Tox Rhus. Stuttering; unable to combine consonants with vowels, Bovista Bov. Bright light = convulsions, Kali Bromatum K. bro. amel. Light, Stro. Hiccough, Ignatia Amara Ign. (agg. after eating, smoking, emotions), Ver. (after hot drinks). Hears voices from far off talking to him; behind him, Anacardium Orientale Anac. Body bathed in hot sweat. Op. Gyrating movements (Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., angular). Loquacity, Cuprum Metallicum Cup., Hyoscyamus Niger Hyo., Lachesis Lach., Op., Ver. Hands constantly on genitals, Zincum Metallicum <">Zincum Metallicum Zn. Laughs and weeps by turns, Aurum Metallicum Aur., Pulsatilla Pul., Alm., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., Capsicum Annuum Caps., Graphites Graph., Phosphorus Phos., Sepia Sep., Sulphur Sul., Ver. Tetanic convulsions agg. touch and light, Nux Vomica Nux (Stram. with mania; Nux Vomica Nux, mind clear). Desire to escape in delirium, Belladonna Bell., Bryonia Bry., Op., Rhus Tox Rhus, Hydrophobia, Hfb. Painlessness, Op. Sleepy, but cannot sleep, Belladonna Bell., Chamomilla Cham., Op. agg. After sleep, Apis Mellifica Apis, Lachesis Lach., Op., Spongia Tosta Spo. Objects appear small, Platinum Metallicum Plat. Night-blindness, Belladonna Bell., Nux Vomica Nux. Causation.

Stramonium Stram > relationship
Ailments from vapor of Mercurius Vivus Mercur., Plumbum Metallicum Plumbum.

Information sources

H.C. Allen







The links in the left margin point to explanations of remedy relationships on the forum. For a full explanation, please see those threads. Here though is a summary of the terms used:


The remedies are antidoted by the stated remedy, when given in homeopathic doses.

Chemical Antidotes

The remedy antidotes poisoning by these remedies. These are included for completeness, but if you suspect you, or anybody, has been poisonned, you'll obviously be seeking immediate professional medical advice.

Cognates / Similar / Compare

Similar remedies for comparison purposes.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Compare Plumbum Metallicum, Argentum Nitricum, Baryta Carb, Medorrhinum, Pulsatilla, Stramonium, Causticum and Cina side by side


These remedies work well in pairs, with the second remedy given later to finish what the first has started.

Inimical / incompatible

These remedies should not be taken one after another.