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Sulphuric Acid and Pulsatilla - Remedy Relationships

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≡ ≡ Compare Sulphuric Acid and Pulsatilla side by side

Pulsatilla Puls > complementary
Complementary to Sulphuricum Acidum Sulph. ac;. Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop., Pulsat.

Pulsatilla Puls > antidotes
It antidotes Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis Cinchon., Iron, Sulphur Sulphur, Sulphuricum Acidum Sulph. ac;., vapor of Mercurius Vivus mercury, or of Cuprum Metallicum copper, Coffea Tosta Coffea, Chamomilla Chamom., Belladonna Bellad., Colchic., Lycopodium Clavatum Lycop., Platin., Stramon., Sabadilla Sabad., Antimonium Tartaricum Ant. tart.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > compare
Compare Cough followed by belching wind from stomach, Ambra Grisea Ambr., Ver. Dyspepsia of drunkards, Carbo Vegetabilis Carb. v. (Carbo Vegetabilis Carb. v. is a putrid remedy; Sulphur Sul. ac. more sour). Acidity sets teeth on edge, Rob. Weakness and giving way of ankles, Causticum Caust, Sulphur Sul., Silicea Sil. Scarlatina, blue spots, diphtheritic membrane, Muriaticum Acidum Mur. ac. (Muriaticum Acidum Mur. ac. has amel. uncovering). Sprains, Ammonium Carbonicum Am. c. (hot and painful). Falls easily, Natrum Carbonicum Nat. c., Causticum Caust., Sulphur Sul. Pains increase gradually, end suddenly (Belladonna Bell., Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc., pains begin and end suddenly; Stn., pains begin and decline gradually; Col., begin suddenly and end gradually). Aphthae, Sulphur Sul. ac., Borax Borax, Natrum Muriaticum Nat. m., K. chl. Piles, Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac. Drinks chill the stomach, Elaps Corallinus Elaps. Flushing at menopause, Lachesis Lach. (Sulphur Sul. ac, with sweating). Throbbing headache at menses, Lachesis Lach. (Sulphur Sul. ac, with sweating). Inguinal hernia, Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc. (Lycopodium Clavatum Lyc. right, Sulphur Sul. ac. left). Sour children, spite of washing, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum Hep., Mg. c., Rheum Rhe. Sensation of brain loose in forehead and falling from side to side, Belladonna Bell., Bryonia Bry., Rheum Rhe., Spi. Prostration, Aceticum Acidum Acet. ac. Haemorrhages of black blood from all outlets, Crotalus Cascavella Crotal., Muriaticum Acidum Mur. ac., Nitricum Acidum Nit. ac., Terebinthina Tereb. Weak and exhausted from deep-seated dyscrasia, no other symptoms, Psorinum Pso., Sulphur Sul. Weakness, Pic. ac. Sensation of white of egg on face, Alm. Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration, Pulsatilla Puls. Alcoholism, Querc. Prolapse of vagina, Staphysagria Staph. Larynx sensitive, Lachesis Lach. Warmth of genitals (Sulphur Sul. coldness). Causation.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > complementary
Pulsatilla Puls.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > complementary
Complementary: Pulsatilla Puls.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > complementary
Complementary Pulsatilla Pul

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > complementary
Complementary Pulsatilla Puls. Follows well In injuries, Arnica Montana Arn., Conium Maculatum Con., Rut.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > relationship
Pulsatilla Pulsat. is complimentary and antidotal.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > antidotes
Sulphuricum Acidum Sulph. ac;. antidotes bad effects of lead water.

Sulphuricum Acidum Sul-ac > antidotes
Antidoted by Pulsatilla Puls.

Information sources







The links in the left margin point to explanations of remedy relationships on the forum. For a full explanation, please see those threads. Here though is a summary of the terms used:


The remedies are antidoted by the stated remedy, when given in homeopathic doses.

Chemical Antidotes

The remedy antidotes poisoning by these remedies. These are included for completeness, but if you suspect you, or anybody, has been poisonned, you'll obviously be seeking immediate professional medical advice.

Cognates / Similar / Compare

Similar remedies for comparison purposes.
≡ ≡ Compare Sulphuric Acid and Pulsatilla side by side


These remedies work well in pairs, with the second remedy given later to finish what the first has started.

Inimical / incompatible

These remedies should not be taken one after another.