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Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Thlaspi Bursa-Pastoris, Capsella Bursa Pastoris, Thlaspi.
Available in 2C-30C, 2X-30X, 1M-10M from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris: Colic
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Running or blocked nose (coryza); left

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris

Sul-ac > general
Sulphuric acid is another remedy of value in aphthous affections of the mouth. It is particularly efficacious in greatly debilitated subjects, and in children with marasmus with this kind of mouth. There is often present sour stomach (Irisversicol. and Robinia, sour eructations and vomiting) with sour, vomiting, and the child smells sour all over despite the greatest care in regard to cleanliness (Rheum, Hepar and Magnesia). One of the strongest characteristics, perhaps the strongest, in weakened subjects in which this is the appropriate remedy, is a sense of internal trembling. This is a subjective symptom, for, notwithstanding this positive sensation, to a degree that is very distressing, there is no visible trembling. This symptom is frequently found in old topers (see Ranunculus bulb.), who are broken down or almost wrecked in health by strong drink. The symptom, however, is not confined to such subjects, but is often found in other cases when the debility is traceable to other causes; when markedly present from whatever cause. Sulphuric acid should never be forgotten. We have already spoken of the value of this remedy in purpura haemorrhagica. Like Crotalus, it has haemorrhages from every outlet of the body (Acetic acid, Thlaspi), and the blood also settles in ecchymosed spots under the skin. This last symptom would indicate that Sulphuric acid might be useful in black and blue spots in the skin, as the result of bruising, and practice corroborates it, and it follows well after Arnica. Ledum palustre is also one of our best remedies for ecchymosis from bruises, "black eye," for instance.

Bry > relationships
(See Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris)

Hydrang > relationships
Compare─Berb., Sabal. s., Solidago. v. a., Uva. ursi., Thlaspi b. p., Ocim. c.

Hydrc > relationships
Compare Hydrast. (lupus); Fer. pic. (lupus); Hura (leprosy); Thlaspi b. p., Fraxinus (uterine affections); Mitchella, Eu. purp., Apis, Hydran. (irritation of neck of bladder).

Lepi > relationships
Compare Brass. nap., Cheiranthus cheiri., Thlaspi. burs. past., Arm. sat., Raphan., Sinap. (botan,); Spigel., Kalm., Lycopus, &c. (heart).