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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Blurred Eyes


I am 37 year old from Pune. I am a Diabetic and Hypertensive. Both are under control. Last year i hv noticed Floater on my right eye and occassional Blurriness on my left eye. I hv consulted a Eye Surgeon and tested for any diseases. Retina was flat on both the eyes. But the floater problem persists till today for the past 1.5 years . Also when i get up in the morning, the blurredness is there on my left eye. Pictures / objects are OK to see but reading letters is proble. The Vison clears after 3 or 4 hrs. then it will be little OK till night. after that the trouble starts from the morning again. the left Vision Sharpness is less comparing to Right eye. But i could read all the letters during Vision test. No use even after using Cineraria Maritima or ineed to use Succus? Which is better. I am really worried.Can you give me some good Homeopathic remedy for Floater and Blurredness on myleft eyes?

PS: I sit in front of Computer for nearly 12-14 hrs daily for the past 7 years. Thats my job.



S. harish
  scorpioncan on 2007-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you need to take KALI CARB 200C one dose every 3 to 4 days for some weeks.

you may find a change in the symptoms after 2 to 3 weeks.

if you dont find any change in 3 weeks, stop it. if you feel any improvement, continue it for some time more, till your symptoms get relieved significantly.
rishimba last decade
For eye problems due to computer use ....take Ruta 6c...twice daily.
Will clear up many eye problems.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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