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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


my wife is having spondilitis in neck since long back . we use msg creams for temp. relif. can any one suggest any medicine for relif of pain and complete cure ?

calcutta , india
  skmaltare on 2003-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

three times a day.

Reduce frequency as she gets better.
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Remedies in potencies as high as 200C are rarely prescribed to be taken that often - I would start with 30C.
katie 2 decades ago

I have a book of 350 pages written only on what potencies are to be prescribed for each medicine and how the eminent doctors such as Clarke, Boericke, Allen, Skinner all differed in their (1) usage of potency and (2) frequency of administration.

In that book the author has given a comprehensive detail in which each doctor has given his recommendation for the potency and frequency and shown how extreme are the variations from doctor to another doctor.

When I began my quest in the ways of homeopathy, 20 years ago, I was also given the same impression as suggested by Katie.

However, the passage of time and in depth research through a variety of books associated with the use of the medicines on many users has taught me to adopt a different approach.

It works !

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago

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