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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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hello, i had started chelodonium q and nat sulf a week before to my daughter ,,a blood test yesterday showed her bilirubin level rising to 7.0 from 6.6 ?? her other enzyme levels decreased ,,she still has very yelliow skin and eyes,, her nausea and pain in tummy has gone and appetite increased again ,,but on examination her liver feels enlarged ,,i dont know why her bilirubin level has increased ,,is it aggravation ?? for how long should i give these remedies,anyone plz reply soon thanx,
maryamasif last decade
bilirubin level rising to 7.0 from 6.6 ??

When was the 1st test taken when the brilrbin was 6.6?

When the Chelidonium started?

Please enlighten on the above.

Further there is need of correction in the treatment:-

1st day - Sulphur 200 (2 drop in a spoon of water in the morning after taking bath)Not to be repeated.

2nd day onward - Merc. Sol 30 (4 pills three times a day.

Chelidonium 6 (1 drop in one spoon of water 1/2 an hour before meals) three times a day.

Keep us informed of the condition.
Rajendra last decade
Hi Marya

What is the diagnosis of doctors? Did they rule out obstructive jaundice?

It has been 8 days since you reported first. Though these slight ups and downs are common, due to variations in the lab conditions, still the biluribin level of around 6 does cause anxiety.

What is the advice of the doctors, who have seen your daughter?

Normally it takes about two weeks for the lab reports to show a downward trend.

However, be cautious, and better follow the doctor's suggestions who are attending your daughter.

If you suspect aggravation (which normally won't happen with mother tinctures), stop the homeopathic medicines for a few days, and follow the instructions of your doctors.

Don't be in two minds. It is not important whether it is allopathy or homeopathy. The relief to your daughter is the primary goal.

You can always revert back to homeopathy later on.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Rajendra

We posted at the same time.

gavinimurthy last decade
Thanks Murty. But I feel that the Homeo treatment shuld continue. I have several cases when I find tht there is no treatment for lever in Alopathic science.They will certainly advicwe to forget Homeo and come in their clutches.

Patient is responding. Slight change is immaterial. It may be that the Bilirium level was increased by the time Chelidonium was administered.Patient is otherwise feeling better. Since there is yellowness on the face or eyes, Merc. Sol is a remedy that is suggested.

Report after a week of revised remedies can be obtained to establish the improvement.
Rajendra last decade
thanx for all replies,, she had her 1st test done on 24th aug and we immediately started hepa merz syrup as advised by doctor and this is the only allopathic medicine still being given to her,then from 29th i started these homeo remedies and then she had a 2nd test after 11 days also advised by doc ,,well i will mention this obstructive jaundice on tomorrow visit,, also i forgot to tell that she had itching all over her body specially on feet and legs which gets worse at night and she is not able to sleep also due to that but general sleeplessness has increased and she stays awake till 4 am ,,that itching was also at start of her jaundice but i have noticed that it has increased after homeo treatment,,now plz kindly advise accordingly.
maryamasif last decade
'she had itching all over her body specially on feet and legs which gets worse at night and she is not able to sleep also due to that but general sleeplessness has increased and she stays awake till 4 am ,,that itching was also at start of her jaundice '

There is no Homeo medicine that she is having can cause the problem.

It is gastric derangement.

Give her - Antimonium crud. 30 (4 pills three times a day and report after 3 days.
Rajendra last decade

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