The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Ethanol in homeopathic remedy
Dear,I have a question: I ordered the homeopathic remedy 'Toxex drops', but now I realized that it contains ethanol. Since I suffer from a muscular dystrophy, ethanol is not good for my conition. According to some studies ethanol increases free radical formation.
Can somebody tell me if is really true that the ethanol might be harmful for my muscular dystrophy?
If it is really true, then I will change my remedy and take one of the schussler salts to detoxify my body.
Hope somebody can help me out here.
FSHD_2006 on 2007-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Toxex drops contain the following.
Argentum nitricum 4X antibacterial, nervousness
Bryonia alba 4X chronic infections
Clematis erecta 3X stimulates lymphatic system
Hydrastis canadensis 4X chronic inflammation, weakness
Echinacea angustifolia 1X Mesenchymal stimulant
Galium aparine 1X urological tract, precancerous conditions
Glechoma hederacea 1X detoxifies tissues
Ledum palustre 1X rheumatism, gout, insect stings
Similar medicine
single medicine
minimum dose is homeopathy.
This poly pharmacy is a result of allopathic thinking with homeopathic medicines.
Instead of detoxing you, it may add to your problems.
My suggetion is to throw it in the dump bin and look for natural methods of detoxing.
Argentum nitricum 4X antibacterial, nervousness
Bryonia alba 4X chronic infections
Clematis erecta 3X stimulates lymphatic system
Hydrastis canadensis 4X chronic inflammation, weakness
Echinacea angustifolia 1X Mesenchymal stimulant
Galium aparine 1X urological tract, precancerous conditions
Glechoma hederacea 1X detoxifies tissues
Ledum palustre 1X rheumatism, gout, insect stings
Similar medicine
single medicine
minimum dose is homeopathy.
This poly pharmacy is a result of allopathic thinking with homeopathic medicines.
Instead of detoxing you, it may add to your problems.
My suggetion is to throw it in the dump bin and look for natural methods of detoxing.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
james12310 last decade
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