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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

mother tinctures

Can someone guide me under what circumstances mother tinctures can be harmful?
Is there any specific time limit upto which the mother tinctures can be used? or they can be used for indefinite time.
  wonderman on 2008-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mothe Tinctures can be harmful with overdosage and when taking unnecessarily.Mother tinctures or low potencies are better for organic problems,if it is not indicated,they should be avoid to use.

Dr Tahira last decade
Dr. Tahira Thankyou very much for your advice.

wonderman last decade
Hi Wonderman,

Indian homeopaths seem to use the term 'Mother Tincture' to mean the lowest available potency, not the unpotentised remedy.
moderator last decade
Mr moderator,
I also mean the same.Because lower potencies work usually the same way as unpotentised medicines do.

Dr Tahira last decade
Never heard this before, but if it is true, then this definition is incorrect. Every other country in the world uses the original definition, and have done for centuries, even millenia.
Mr Organon last decade

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