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DermatitisSeborrheic Dermatitis



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Is there any cure for Seborrheic Dermatitis ?

There is redness and itching behind the nose, in chin and in chest bone for the last 2 months.
  homeop1975 on 2004-12-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Regardless of what name you call it, we need detailed discription and also about you and your personality.

Male or Female, tall skinny, dark, light, age. preferences.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
24 years age
Currently pregnant 9 months
85 kgs
homeop1975 2 decades ago
It's not the best time to start taking homeopathic treatment for a relatively minor skin condition. If it doesn't settle down after the baby's born (and it may well), maybe post again at that time. Meanwhile, if the itching's really problematic you could try using a little Calendula cream on it.
mothertincture 2 decades ago
It's not the best time to start taking homeopathic treatment for a relatively minor skin condition. If it doesn't settle down after the baby's born (and it may well), maybe post again at that time. Meanwhile, if the itching's really problematic you could try using a little Calendula cream on it.
mothertincture 2 decades ago
Hi homeop1975,

Just to let you know that I suffered from severe itchy flacky scalp and Seborrheic Dermatitis for over 3 years. I had SD on my sclap , face, cheeks chest and armpits, I hated it so much. So i guess I know what you are going through. I found that stress affected how bad the Sd flared up.

After surfing the web one day whilst I was off work I came across this site refreshedskin dot com seemingly this site is created by people who suffered from SD and Ezcema.

I downloaded the SD Clearance program that they offered and 2 days after starting it my skin was really improved. I am now totally clear thankfully. I hope this site helps you as it has helped me and I wish you best.

annie112 2 decades ago
I've Seborrheic Dermatitis on my nose and cheeks. I tried taking Hydocotyle Asiatica, but it hasn't help me much. Let me know if anybody else has tried something different and it worked out nicley.
vineet2000 last decade
I suffered from pretty severed SB for years, but only on my face. Never on my scalp. I was prescribed Lokara Lotion (densonite lotion 0.05%). Had good results during the 2 week usage period but would flame up when I quit taking it. After being discourage with this treatment and not wanting to be dependent on a steroid lotion, I searched the internet for an alternative treatment.

I saw some suggestions saying to wash your face with dandruff shampoo. Also read in another place that aloe vera lotion could be used as a mild topical treatment without the side effects of steroid lotion. I must say that this combination has worked wonders for me. Along with my normal face wash, I wash my entire face nearly once a day with a reqular walmart equate brand dandruff shampoo. Apply 100% aloe vera lotion to prone spots every know and then and more if it flares up. Its probably safe to apply aloe everyday. I did at first but as it got better i start doing it sporadically. And I still have a bottle of Lokara lotion that I can use if it flares up bad. Haven't had to use it in almost a year, and haven't had a dry spot form in over 5 months. Highly recommended easy cheap solution. YMMV.
bryan last decade
Guess I should clarify. When using the dandruff shampoo(pyrithione zinc 1%) i use a very small amount. About the size of a dime and its enough to wash my cheeks nose and brow area. Hope this works for someone out there...
bryan last decade
Seborrheic Dermatitis occurs in people who have to much sebum (most likely in the Tzones and scalp) there a certain type of yeast loves to feed of this creating the rash. People also assume that a person immune system deficiency is also the cause for the rashes. I've been suffering from this for awhile, tried many creams, shampoos, diets, etc... I'm still on the search for the cure and any of you who also have this can help me by participating on the only forums on the internet that is directly focused on Seborrheic dermatitis.

here is the link:

seboderm . co . nr

--- for anyone that is interested
seboderm last decade
I suffer from this thing aswell and there is no cure for it, you can control it by not eating products containing yeast such as bread, biscuits, wine, beers,
You can use probiotics yogurts and friendly bacteria tablets from all health shops, i use nizoral to wash my hair and face and it works but if you start eating rubbish food then here it come again. if you check the contents of any processed products you will find that there is yeast in almost everything.
thierry last decade

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