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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I had alwyas suffered from acne..but my homeopath cured it, well for the most part. Until earlier this year, and since then I have been suffering from severe cystic acne and horrible scars.
I remember my breakouts started happening after a huge emotional breakdown I had. See, I had been on a break with my boyfriend ,and when we got back together, I felt this intense guilt for hurting his feelings, and I remember sitting up in bed, SOBBING, like I never have before, and I replayed certain things that happened on the break and remembering him crying, and it just made me sob more and more. I felt guilty, and so saddened.
Anyways after that night I ended up getting a tooth infection, and my skin started breaking out in big cysts. I went on antibiotics, and I took silica from my naturopath, and things just went so downhill. My skin is so bad now, I am so depressed, it is taking over my life. I need help. Should I be taking something based on that one night of intense sobbing and guilt? Because things got worse for me after that night, like all these other mental issues started after that night and after that break.

  kristens on 2008-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Kristen,

Can you please describe your general temperament to me ? Mention about your fears and anxieties as well.

Also tell me, are you an introvert ?

I guess, from your post, we can say you are very sensitive ?

Tell me about your food cravings/aversions , any physical symptoms , and your temperature/weather preferences.

How idealistic are you ?

How sympathetic are you towards other people's suffering ?

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I am the kindof person who when somebody hurts me, I will cut them out of my life and never speak with them again. I am often alone, and I am VERY introverted, but moreso after this breakdown of guilt. Since then I have become a bit of a loner, just staying in and escaping with my movies and such, and living in fantasies. I love to dream, and I am starting to just wish for a new life, a new start.

I always worry, about everything, I will stress out about the smallest things on a daily basis. I worry about my health, I used to be a hypochondriac but it has improved with seeing my naturopath. I am obsessive about my acne, It takes over my life. I will never be seen without makeup and If I have a bad breakout I stay in. Part of the reason I am a loner now is because I dont want people to see this severe acne that has started, because I am afraid of them thinking I am ugly now. Note that with makeup on, you cannot even tell I have severe acne, but I still know it.

I am indeed VERY sensitive, but I can also be quite bitchy and I have rage issues. If somebody hurt someone I loved, or myself, I would beat the living daylights out of them, and likely enjoy it. I am very protective, but yes very sensitive and can be hurt so easily. I had two very opposite sides it seems. I have a huge heart for those I love and I am afraid of hurting them, and Ill do anything for them. But for those I dislike, I have extreme hate and I will enjoy making their lives hell.

I am sympathtic towards peoples suffering. If I see somebody crying, I will cry. If I know somebody is hurting that I love, I will bawl. I cry very easily.

Thanks so much! Hope that helped.
kristens last decade
) How do you feel for the 30 mins after you wake up in the morning ? Are you irritable ?

2) Are you a chilly person or a warm blooded one ?

3)Have you ever had any of these:

Mouth ulcers
Cracked skin at orifices like corners of the mouth
Swollen Gums
Any other complaints related to mouth (corners), nose and anus ?
sameervermani last decade
1) I usually feel very exhaused, as I do not sleep very well.

2) Well, my hands and my feet are always very cold, but I find I get hot very easily. Or maybe its just that I am very uncomfortable with heat. If I walk somewhere and I feel myself getting sweaty I get in a bad mood because I cant stand the heat unless Im swimming.

3) Mouth Ulcers-no.
Cracked skin-not that I can remember.
Swollen Gums-yes

No complaints with my nose or anus or corners of mouth. I do get random littloe sores and bumps in my mouth but I think thats because I clench my jaw and cheeks at night so it always leaves marks.

Thanks :)
kristens last decade
So, you gring your teeth during sleep ?

Any other odd symptoms like this ?
sameervermani last decade
no there are no other mouth symptoms, but ive always been a grinder my mom says. since i was little actually.

well actually, ive had a few tooth infections in my mouth but thats only becase i have wisdoms that are breaking through the gums and they get infected easily.
kristens last decade
im generally a very stressed out person. i worry about everything. i wake up many times during my sleep because i feel like my mind is always working. basically everything is made stressful by me. walking to class, im always in a hurry. im in a hurry when i do everything, and my shoulders are always tight and tensed up.

i tend to bite my nails, and bite my lip, i dont know if those are traits of nervousness or a stressed out being.
kristens last decade
Okay, then please take 3 doses of Ignatia 30c at 1 hour gap on 1 single day ONLY.

Nothing should enter the mouth for 45 mins before and 45 mins after the dose.

Let me know in 3-4 days after this dosage.

sameervermani last decade

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