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Dear All Doctors, Please Help me

Dear All homeopathic Doctors,
Please try to help me based on your experience and expertise on my disease.
I am 35 years of age.I was diagnosed with high level of protein (+++) in 1999.I am not diabetic or suffering from any other disease such as high blood pressure which can be cause of kidneys's disease.I had fever and severe infection in throat and used alopathic medicine and duing that interval, my entire body got swolllen.Later tests shows I had high amount of protein in urine in 1999.I used two approachsed for this disease.
Normally Doctor makes me use Steoroids( predinisons) for 8 weeks, gradually tampering it off. Steoroids bring it to normal value.After that I use other medicine such as Azarthioprine to maintain this normal value consistantly and Lispiril to keep blood pressure under control. The problem is whenever I stop taking these medicines such as stopping after one year, my disease relapses and again there is large amount of protein in urine,edema on body and puffy faces and eyes ie developing all associated symtpoms with NEPHROTIC SYNDROMS.
So I have to repeat whole treatment again.
Homeopathic Treatment.
On May 15, 2008. I started using homeopathic medicines under the supervision of homeopathic doctor.
1-Took one dose of Syphilinum 1M on 15th of May, 2008. Took one Dose of Lycopodium 1M on 20th of May 2008.I observed changed emotional feelings but in next two weeks my protein level was down to TRACE and creatinine was normal as well. I used Oxydentron Q 10 drops in water twice a day as well.
2-Protein remained normal till July 2008.But on July 3rd, I found there was +++ protein in urine again.Anyhow Doctor asked me to take one dose of Lyco 1M.But still no effect until 18th of July.So Doctor suggested me one drop of Lyco 10M. Then One dose of Syphilinum 1M on 25th of July.Meanwhile associated symptoms with this disease started appearing again.I got swelling on body but I was still patient looking for any miracle to happen.I took one drop of Lyco 200 on Sep 3, 2008.But things got worst.I had high water retention, high blood pressure.So I didnt have any option to go back to Alopathic treatment.Now I am feeling better and got rid of swelling as well.
* I am shy, senstive and emotional person. Capricorn by nature.
* I have anxious,not persistent, its hard for me to concentrate. I not confident.
* I like sweet.Eat traditional sub continent dishes.
* I like little cold weather.
* Height 5 F 11 inches, weight 178 Lbs
  sal160us on 2008-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering?

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others?

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.

25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
rishimba last decade
Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering? High level of protein (Proteinuria) (commonly known as albumin) in urine which leads to swelling in the form of water retention in the body. I use steroids to get rid of high protein in urine and other allopathic medicines to keep protein in normal range.Sometimes it work as long I am on medication. But sometimes it relapses before or after quitting medicine.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? Cataract in both eyes at 26 yrs and got lens implanted in both eyes. Whitish tongue perhaps due to poor digestion system.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? I only get worried when I see swelling and other side effects of protein leakage (such as constipation, hard to pass urine, difficulty in breathing, high blood pressure.).I feel scared it will end up in dialysis or kidneys transplant which can lead to poor quality of life. Small amount doesn’t make me upset.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words. High protein leakage can damage kidneys. I feel scared it will end up in dialysis or kidneys transplant which can lead to poor quality of life. Small amount doesn’t make me upset which is normal value too.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? In 1999, I fell sick and severe throat infection. I used allopathic medicines but these didn’t help. I remained serious ill for 19 days with swelling. Unfortunately doctors couldn’t diagnose it right away. I didn’t have any severe disease which can be blamed for current state. Perhaps throat infection effected kidneys. All tests are normal such as Rental function tests, Blood cells count. High protein effects few things only.

6. Which time of the day you are worst? When I high protein in urine, I feel bad all the time. Especially during morning time. Life sounds miserable, if you cant drink, eat, walk or carry on daily tasks with great difficulty.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc. I don’t think anything can be causing this problem.Doctor call is Focalglumerosis( damage of glumeri tissues which filter protein from blood)

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? No

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? Cold weather

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc. Moody, agreeable changeable, Nervous, Quiet and lazy in some matters.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? I like rain. I enjoy thunderstorm before or after it.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Yes. Family pays great attention to me.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? Just smell somehow

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc? talking to myself. Thinking a lot which do or do not effect me. Even things which I cant change which make me depressed. Sense of not doing great in life and inactive in life.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? I am very cooperating and helping.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? Dreams of failure makes me upset in life achievements.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? I eat conventional Subcontinent dishes.Dont eat red meet. Try to eat simple food with less spices.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal

14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand? Very spicy food.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? Entire face, head to nose including forehead.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? Both are normal.But with disease and when I use medicine. Stool is waterly and of blackish color.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? Right side

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? Never experienced But I think I can

20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others? I am scared of unexpected mishappenings in life such road accidents, robbery.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Please study medicine history.I used both allopathic( Steoroids( predinisons, Azarthioprine) and homeopathic( Oxydenron Q, Syphilinum 1m, Lycopodium 200, 1M, 10M

22. What major diseases are running in your family? High blood pressure and cholesterol . Eyes diseases

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance. I am five 5 Feet11 inches.Average built.Fair complex.I weigh 78.Now with swelling I weigh 82 kgs.I am not muscular time. Infact I am not active in physical activities. When I walk it doesn’t give impression of strong person. People will say I am a LOST PERSON. Not emotionally and physically reactive.
(For Females)
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.

25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner.
1-Normal sickness like all.
Cataract in both eyes.
Nose bleeding.It has stopped now.
Brown moles on face.
Mis aligned teeth.
sal160us last decade
please take PLUMBUM MET 12C three times a day for some days and tell me if there is a significant change in your condition in the next three to four weeks.

once you get some relief, please taper down the remedy to twice a day and then once a day.

as a dose, please take 3 drops in some water in empty stomach. no food or water one hour before or after the dose.
rishimba last decade

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