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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

craving for sweets

sir, please can you tell me the significance behind huge cravings for sweets (chocolates (not pure cocoa chocolates) and other sweets)
can we relate cravings for sweets to a disorder or something else that is systemic.
  ashguy on 2008-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
huge cravings for sweets will create a behavior problem in children.. in. stubborn, hyperactivity , jealousness or see the folowings will be the problem.

- Irritability when hungry.
- BEHAVIOUR PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN: Restless, agressive, quarrelsome, malicious.
- Ailments from lack of affection.
- Need for cuddling, but doesn't always admit.
- Rocking ameliorates.
- Jealous. Need for attention.
- Homesickness.
- Hypochondriacal. Sadness.
- Discontented with himself and surroundings. Hard to please.
- Fear: Dark, losing beloved person, failure.
- Want of self-confidence. Timid.
- Biting nails.
- Alternating moods.
- Oversensitive to pain, reprimand or want of sensitiveness.
- Mistakes in writing.
- Anorexia. Bulimia.

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
sir my 7 yr old son has most of the above listed symptoms with craving for sweets
any remedy for that
Doctor Humayun last decade
i dont know but sometimes homeopathic do control the craving but when the effect diminishes, cravings are back with VENGEANCE
ashguy last decade
by the way Dr Humayun, when the symptoms come back they will intolerable to your son and he will be doubly double of what he is now with cravings for sweets.
ashguy last decade
u could not understand me
i dont wanna treat my son's craving for sweets
i wanna treat his irritibility and
loss of appetite
Doctor Humayun last decade
dear dr. Humayun AOA,

Please look up at Arg. Nit. Hopefully solve both problems of your son.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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