The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss and Dandruff
I am suffering with hair loss which started 5 years ago that's when I moved to Canada. It increased a lot after I had my baby 2 and a half yr ago. Now my hair is thinning so much, if it continues this way it's not far from when I will have no hair.I have very oily hair, I must shampoo twice a week otherwise it looks very bad.
My hair even when it was not falling was very thin, silky and straight.
I do not have constipation problem and my menstrual cycles are regular
I am very considerate, lovable and don't loose my temper easily.
My BP is bit low (100/55-60), other than that I don't have any major health problem.
I read other posts regarding hair loss in the forum but thought to post my own as remedy can be different for different person.
kumghi on 2005-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention about Dandruff in the above posting. Yeah I am also suffering from dandruff. I don't know what I need to explain in this regard.
kumghi 2 decades ago
hello i read your history the main problem with you is low blood pressure and as you know the neuitretional subtances are brought by the blood from all the body and this is the work of "GLOBULIN" try to eat "
eggs" vegitables"
ang also massage hairs with glasreen every night and hang with pipe or other to start blood flow down word to head... you will get success
eggs" vegitables"
ang also massage hairs with glasreen every night and hang with pipe or other to start blood flow down word to head... you will get success
haroon israr 2 decades ago
If you are suffering from dandruff then you can check out mezereum 6C . Otherwise you can try floric acid 6C.
If they don't work Lycopodium 30C could help.
If they don't work Lycopodium 30C could help.
vlohia last decade
For dandruff arsenic alb. 3o may help.
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[moderated - please don't post contact details to the forum.]
kalibrom last decade
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