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Doctor Sammer - A help for my mum Page 2 of 2

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Excellent !

This was a very good response but subtle because we started with only a 6ch.

Please give her three doses of Calcarea Carb 30ch tomorrow, spaced by 30 mins, where each dose is 1 teaspoon.
sameervermani last decade
Ok. Thank you.
danda last decade
Does it matter if it's liquid or pellets? If pellets - dissolve 2 pellets into 120 ml water, if liquid - dissolve 2 drops in 120 ml water? Right?
danda last decade
yes and it does not matter
sameervermani last decade
Just to tell that she took it only today 02/06/09
danda last decade
Sorry, I thought she had taken it, but she only did it yesterday: 02/08/09.
And today, she told me she has nightmare. Other than that, she is ok.
danda last decade
she HAD nightmare.
danda last decade
No problem, keep waiting.
sameervermani last decade
She also is sweating more on head and her backache has gotten worse. She asked me if she can take arnica for backache? It hurts at the bottom of her back.
danda last decade
No, she cannot take Arnica.

This is a curative aggravation, and nothing is to be done. Let her body respond to the doses.
sameervermani last decade
Yesterday she got really cold, eventhough it was hot. She slept well.
And there isn't backache anymore!
danda last decade
There is another broken veil in her eye, but this time is a small one. I mean, it is not so red and seems to be a little one compared to the other one. What do you think about that?
danda last decade
I cannot say for sure what that means.

You can get it checked through a regular doctor.
sameervermani last decade
She has already gone to a regular doctor on the first time. But now (as it happens after calcarea) I would like to get a feedback from you on how you think calcarea is acting on her. Can it be an expected agravation? Or you don't think so. Do you think, maybe, because of that broken vain, calcarea isn't the right medicine for her? Or it is suppose to happen?
danda last decade
The key is , if she mentally better, and sleeping better then this is curative.
sameervermani last decade
She realized calcarea c. has gotten very small acnes on her face, but lots in amount.
And some bumps too.
danda last decade

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