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Painful and recurrent boils

My sister has been getting these pus filled boils on her body for a few years now. She has been to the doctor and they told her there was nothing she could do for them except to bring it to a head and drain it. She will get 6 or 7 at a time and they seem to be slow in coming to a head. she says they are extremely painful. Some of the boils look purple in color, but some are just red and sore to the touch. She tends to get them on her face, the crease of her upper thigh and under her breasts. She sometimes gets them in the genital area, but most of them are where the thigh meets the buttocks. These boils are causing horrible scars and she is extremely worried about them all of the time. The boils she has now are not in the early stages. Some have come to a head but most of them are swollen, red and extremely painful. She says that if she accidentally touches one; the pain is so unbearable it brings her to tears. Please recommend something to bring some immediate relief, and maybe she could do something as a preventative measure later on. Right now, she just needs some hope of it getting better.

  pauliegirl on 2005-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start with Hepar.sulph 200.Thrice daily.Use for two days and post response.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Is there a difference in Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum and Hepar Sulphuris Kalinum? I am so new to homeopathy and I want to make sure I order the right one! Also, I am assuming that 200 means 200C. Correct me if I am wrong and I will proceed with ordering. Is there anything in the meantime that she can do to alleviate some of the pain? My homepathic store only carries certain remedies and they are low potency.(ie. 6X, 30X, 30C. It will take some time to order the Hepar Sulphuris, and I was hoping there was something to bring her relief until the remedy arrives.


pauliegirl 2 decades ago
It is Hepar Sulphuris calcareum.If you can get 30 potency in the stores,start with it.

200 means 200C.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Soothe it with heat. Try treating the boil with a hot compress, says J. Michael Maloney, M.D., a dermatologist in private practice in Denver. "Put a washcloth under hot water and lay it over the boil for five minutes, or sit in a hot bath if the boil is on your bottom," he says. After several days of hot compress treatments, often a boil will spontaneously rupture and drain some puslike, yellow, foul-smelling material. Afterward, you should feel much better, Dr. Maloney says.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hepar Sulphur 30 is the best medicine. If the boil is mature use Hepar Sulphur';s lowest available potency to ripen it fast. Otherwise use Hepar Sulphur 30. In the beging take the hourly dose for a week and then take once a week dose for some months.

If you are in India take the brandname Herbal Medicine names SAFI. Just one dose in one week will not let the boils come near. I have observed too frequent doses of SAFI won't much help. Safi contains Azadirachta Indica which is only available in Southeast Asia.
pw3000 2 decades ago
An important point with Hep Sul is that it will absorb an incipient eruption without it coming to a head . Where the eruptions come to a head then use Sil - which in any case follows Hep Sul well .
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi i get them in genitls and found that TCP dissinfectant works fantastic but i'm in uk not sure how widely available tcp is
julie1481 last decade
I am in need of some help!! I had a boil on my butt of all places, the first one I have ever had in my life and I do not ever want another one, the boil ruptured and drained (could not sit on left side of butt for like 3 days) WELL here is the problem the boil has healed the skin has closed and now I am left with this bump the color is reddish, purplish and I can feel it is like a little bump inside, the doctor I went to said there was nothing he could give me for it, it is just a scar and I have to basically live with it.. I have been reading this post about boils, Is it too late to get rid of this mark I have been left with.. Please help me...
skincaregrl last decade
I am sailing in the same boat. Try Hepar Sulphuris 200C ... It'll help
victor74 last decade
here's what we did:

Here's what we did...you may wish to try...but I'm not a doctor...but this worked!

we have used an antibiotic (ten days?)and the boils then go away...also each morning cover the boil with bactraban oitment and a band-aid and put bactraban on it at night with no band-aid (and put some bactraban at the bottom of your nostrils twice a day ) ...also wash with a full-body antibactioeral soap for everyone in your household until the boils totally subside. boils are very contagious so be careful that others do not touch one anohter's boils and that you do not touch others after you have touched your boil! Be very careful. Also, wash sheets in hot water v. cold.

good luck, bet this works if you do this all...it's worth the effort!
razzy59 last decade
I am sorry for your sister. My friend has this same problem. She has been diganosed with Staph (MRSA)and the only treatment is massive antibiotics and of course draining the boils. She has a lot of scarring from the boils and you really need to get her to an infectious disease (ID) doctor. They will be able to prescribe the right antibiotics which will reduce the occurances. This is also very contagious to anyone around with an open wound and can be fatal if left untreated. There are many stains of Staph and all should be treated. Getting hot and friction seem to worsen the onset of boils. Oh, Yes the bactraban is something the doctors will prescribe but it will not treat the source.
I hope some of this helps. Good luck.
paulam last decade
sounds like a little know disease that is only now being researched: Hidradenitis Suppurativa.

a good web site is: hs.usa dot org. they have message boards and info on the research of the disease.

p.s. I control mine with Witch Hazel. It seems to work well for me.
cofeeholik last decade
I have always used a wet washcloth on the painful boils heat it in the microwave and not too hot place it on the painful spot and the heat draws it to a head. Keep doing this til it drains once it drains the slight bump and touching of it will lessen and not be so painful.
wiccangirl last decade
home remedies are best way to get ride of boils.you can use onion & garlic for boils because it speed up ripening process.milk cream is also use for get ride of boils.
adampitt587 last decade
For recurrent boils:
Echinacea Angustifolia Q.. mother tincture

7 drops in 1/4 glass of water...3 times a day (adult dosage).

It is a great detoxification med.

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
So many years and no cure?

I am experiencing that people are finding it difficult to answer all the quetions to reach to the real ailment and correct remedy.

Would suggest -
Organs in the body which are weak and not producing sufficient material to counter act the ailment /weakness needs to be addressed and then related remedies be suggested. This definitely brings results.

For this you have to provide to us:-

1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Time of Birth, and
4. Place of birth.

World's 1st Astro-Homeopathy
RSGUPTA last decade
Hello Everyone !!!
I am also having the same problem of recurring boils. But this time i am in a graet trobule.I had a boil on my neck. It got dried from outside without any draining of pus. Now its very painful....
What should i do ?
Please help me
ThankYou very much
sparkrider last decade
Please take Myristica 30c thrice a day for 5 days and report back.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
I suffered from these boils a long time it took three doctors to finally find a cure. I can I come promise you i am boil free! The doctor realized it was my diet I needed to change it for about two months and I was also given an herbal supplement of all cell detox. My diet was changed to no fried foods, no gluten, no sodas or processed sugars, no diary and ge told me to stick to eating birds for meet, that meant no beef or pork just chicken turkey and I could also have seafood! It wad hard but I stuck through it and my skin even cleared up! I have eased back into my regularbeating habits I just don't over do too many bad foods ! I drink lots of water and I have not had a boil in about five months! I had them everyday before my diet and before I started taking the all cell detox! I can't tell you how many sitz baths, antibiotics, lancings, popping, and whatever else to get rid of those painful things. I hope this info helps!!
Blessings to everyone
Garrgirl11 last decade

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