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Euthanasia or still hope, please help!

Could somebody please help me. Before Christmas my dog started to behave differently than usual. She was trembling and had problems with her balance. We noticed that it was better after eating and when blood sugar went down dog collapsed. Today we visited vet doctor and as I was afraid it was diagnosed tumour in abdomen (probably in pancreas). It seemed to be quite big and doctor didn´t recommend operation. From vet we got Prednison and Synolux and we will check this week if they give some help. Is there any organ remedies beside constitutional remedy you could suggest and what potency? Any help would be appreciated!
  Elviira on 2005-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is she spayed? Had children?

Prednison may cause unspayed dog to develop mammary tumors. What are these drugs supposed to do? How did the dr diagnose abd. tumor?

What are her symptoms now? Is she still trembling, loses her balance? Is her blood sugar ok-why did it got down when she collapsed?

What is her thirst/appetite?
Astra2012 last decade
Thank you for your reply. Here are some answers:

- not spayed and she has had childrens

- those drugs are antibiotics and cortisone (I always try to avoid those things and I´m not very happy to use them but if they help a little bit in this situation I would be glad... I read some case reports and in those cases they have been helped)

- Symptoms now:
I think she has get worsen during couple of days. Trembling and lack of balance --> food helps. Yesterday I noticed that too big portions give him trouble (maybe its because tumour) and after too much food she is whining little bit and is restless. So we now give very small portions during a day. From yesterday I also noticed that her breething is little bit accelerated. When waking up she seems to be little bit confused, restless, trembling and have not very good balance ( because of very low blood sugar... tumour in pancreas brings symptoms which are opposite to diabetes... low blood sugar and high insuline). Stomach is swollen and maybe its because of tumour or fluid (?). She is little bit more thirsty than earlier and has had very good appetite (today not so good).

-vet doctor took x-ray and from there she saw that tumour

I´m afraid that she is now worsening every day. We decided to follow up her situation this week and if there is nothing we can done and she starts to suffer we have to make stuff decisions. Still hope some miracle which helps - homeopathy does them sometimes but hope we are not too late.
Elviira last decade
Antibiotics kill enough bacteria to let the body's own immune system fight off infection. The body is what heals itself.

Cortisone and prednisone push illness deeper into the body which weakens its vital force.

There is always hope, that is what my grandmother taught me.

Healing your pup will not happen with one miracle pill as you know. It is a lot of changes for the better and committment and faith that will pull her through. Listen to your instincts over what the vets tell you.

Essiac tea aka Floressence kept my dad's dog alive when he had cancer for an extra year. He actually died of a blood clot. It is an ancient Native American recipe tea of herbs that clean the blood and help the body heal from cancer. Cancer (tumors) is a symptom not an illness. A symptom of a weakened immune system.

Food is key. Raw feeding is the best by far, no comparison. Or at least feed your dog a Human Food Grade wet food. What you buy in the supermarket or pet store is almost always not fit for human consumption. And websites on BARF (Bones and Raw Food) will go further into detail on this. My dogs live on raw meaty beef bones I get for 10 cents per pound and freeze from our local slaughterhouse. Feed them raw bones and you will never, ever, ever have to brush their teeth again. My dogs teeth are china white and perfectly clean. Even the smallest dog can handle these bones.

My neighbor rescued a very sick/abandoned/starving puppy who after eating her first raw rib bone with raw meat slept and then ran around playing for the next several hours. She could not even stand when I met her and hours prior was still lethargic. It was really neat to see her running with the bone in her mouth, shaking her head around, like it was her prey. This is what is in her bloodline as all dogs descend from wolves.

Several times per week my dogs receive ground chicken and bones with organ meat we grind in our meat grinder and freeze. I mix this with, goats milk, pureed veggies, vitamin C, cod liver oil, olive oil, honey, pumpkin for fiber which prevents diarrhea and constipation, ground flax seeds and almonds, alfalfa, powdered kelp, kefir, and raw eggs. My dogs are robust, healthy,lean,odor free and their coats are like gloss. I will not spend another cent on processed pet foods. Those companies do not create what is best for our pets who do deserve the best. If we can't leave them in the wild the least we can do is bring nature to them.

Dr. Pitcairn who wrote the book Natural Health for Dogs and Cats recommends the following for tumors:

-Fresh unprocessed foods
-High levels of Vitamin C
-Fresh bottled water, not tap water
-Avoid all vaccinations
-Thuja 30C to remove the influence of prior vaccinations which may stimulate the growth of tumors.

Well I do what I can, and I hope this gives you some insight into what is best for all animals.
Right now it is about the quality of life for your pup, not the quantity of years. Keep her as comfortable and loved as you can and your strength and happiness will heal her as well. Fear is the chain that binds us as others have said.

Bless you
Namaste27 last decade
What is her preference thermal-wise? coold or warm: food water air? Do you know?

Is she afraid of thunderstorms?
Astra2012 last decade
Thermal wise... you mean is she better /worse etc cold/ warm? At least now she moves from warm place to the colder. Couple of hours ago she started to pant - I´m not sure if its from medicines doctor gave, from pain or maybe she feels hot. She doesn´t afraid thuderstorms or strong voices. She is little obstinate, likes to be in company but perhaps she is not so open than our other dogs. Sometimes seems to be little bit jealous for one of our dog. And sometimes tease that dog with staring straight to the eyes and would like to boss that other dog (other dog is boss with more power). Maybe she is quite near Nat mur or calc sulph, I don´t know - its somehow so difficult to estimate own dog.
Elviira last decade
I think you are so right about commercial food. At the beginning we used it but nowadays we always give self made food for our dogs. And during recent year we have started to use Barf food more and more.

I have bought that Pitcairn book you mentioned but haven´t time to read it completely and I should definately do that. During my dog illness I started to add c-vitmanin (& more B-vitmin) to her food and I give unprocessed food only. And I avoid vaccinations (in fact my opinion is that at least in my country dogs are vaccinated far too often - no need to do it every year or even every other year).

Many wise words from you, thank you for them :).
Elviira last decade
Oh bless you for being so natural with your animals Elviira! You are so wise!

Astra is trying to key in on a constitutional remedy for your dog which is really what she needs.

That is why she asked you about warm, cold?

Too add to her questions:

-Does she prefer warmth like laying in the sunshine, laying ontop of the dryer, stove, or in front of the heater? Or does she prefer laying on cold cement or tile floors, or ontop of the fridge which is cool?

-What is her temperment in general? Passive, aggressive, sweet and affectionate, sulking, jealous, clingy, whinny you see where I am going with this.

-Is she on the thin side or the chubby side?

-Past illnesses or trauma or anything that could have spurred this tumor?

-What are her likes and dislikes with food, water, etc?

-How is her thirst?

-Bowel movements and bladder habits?

Please keep her off of grains and sugars, especially with what is going on with her abdomen/tumor. No sweets or treats neither nor biscuits. Use raw meaty bones for her to gnaw on.

Namaste27 last decade
Unfortunately allopathic medicines antidote homeopathics - so you'll have to wait with the treatment until after you have stopped these drugs.

And because you know homeopathy I will leave it to you to chose which remedy suits her better: PHOSPHORUS or ARGENTUM NITRICUM.
They both cover trembling -vertigo relieved by eating, and accelerated breathing.
(phos. has been shown to cure tumors and pancreatic diseases so it would be my choice -however one shouldn't put too much stress on pathology).

phos. is a chilly patient who lkikes cold srinks/food.

arg.nitr. is a warm patient with intolerance of heat (!) and with a sweet tooth.

(I can't pick one without further questioning-and time seems to be important here--so you choose yourself--or maybe another animal lover, Namaste (who posted here right when I writing this) has some ideas.

Before giving phos or argent give he one dose of nux v.30c a day before
- that will hopefully neutralize allopathic drugs.

There is an organ remedy for pancres- PANCREATINUM, if you are sure this is what she needs-but are you?
(I'm not. In case you decide to go for it-such remedies are usually given in very low potencies Q-3x, 1-4 times a day)
Astra2012 last decade
likikes cold srinks = likes cold drinks
Astra2012 last decade
Yes, I agree with Astra. Nux first.

I have no books that mention the pancreatic tumors but I will give you the constitutional indicators of these two remedies Astra has provided for the initial symptoms you gave her of your dog.

Phosphorus-Long, lean, narrow-bodied, very vocal especially around food and when lonely. They startle easily especially from thunder, lightning, and loud noises. Outgoing, friendly, likes strangers, loves attention and loves to be the center of attention. Barks and then is friendly. May bite when the base of the tail is rubbed. They burn out quickly and can become exhausted.

My dog OZ is this constitution and he is a social butterfly running all over the place to say hi to the neighbors dogs, so quickly that he can't seem to say hi fast enough. He lives for it and is the life of the party. Phosphorus to bask in the sun, and tend to bleed easily. They love to be massaged and groomed this is key. Sometimes they may vomit immediately after eating food quickly or drinking water.

Argentum Nit-Afraid to venture far from home, diarrhea after fright, prefer cool air, and crave sweets. They run when scared, trembling, always in a hurry, restless, worried, and excited.

In my notes I had written "diseases of the pancreas-PHOSPHORUS."

I am guessing this may be the one for your little one as Astra pointed out.

To nail down the constitutions of your animals it is worth buying the book Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs by Don Hamilton DVM.

It can get frustrating when trying to think of the constitutions for your animal(s). Center yourself, focus, and hone in on the key indicators. Rule out ones that don't fit using modalities. You will find the remedy that matches given time. Your furry ones depend on you to be the channel that helps them heal.

Namaste27 last decade
Thank you Astra2012 and Namaste27 for you help and ideas :). I also put T same time same questions to another forum and conlusion was also: Phosphorus.

I started Phosphorus already now because I felt something needs to done quickly or its too late (maybe its already too late but at least I want to try something). I also give her Carcinosinum.

We changed her diet little bit. I read that usuallay in cancer case its good to give fats and avoid carbohydrads - cancer cells can utilize carbohydrads for growing but can´t do same with fat. We started to give her organic Flaxseed oil, lactic acid, c & b-vitamins.

I think her condition is now quite good concerning situation. Some times she has dizziness which is helped with food. Her breathing is little bit accelerated which concerns me a little bit.
Elviira last decade
Thank you for keeping us posted--we appreciate it a lot!

in 3 month the cancer was REVERSED after giving patients every day (and all organic) flaxseed oil(barlean's, high lignan-or freshly ground flaxseeds)mixed with lowfat cottage cheese (or ricotta or yogurt).

search for dr. Johanna Budwig.

And all dogs seem to love cheese!
Astra2012 last decade
Yes I earlier found that Budwigs article, started to find more info from Flaxseed oil and decided that its worth to try together with cottage cheese combination.

Today has been good day for our dog - hope its a good sign. I´ll keep you posted and tell how things are going :)
Elviira last decade
Thanks Elvira!

Where is life there is always hope.
Astra2012 last decade
dragging it up only.
Astra2012 last decade
how's your dog now? can u pls update us.
starfishsquare last decade

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