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Sabra seeking cease smoking remedies and herbs

No, I do not smoke, but asking for knowledge and experiences of others so I can research.

Thanks everyone, Blessings, Sabra
  sabra on 2005-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Caladium seg is supposed to curb the urge for smoking.Check it out.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
It's been a real long time since I quit, but when I was smoking my homeopathic MD gave me Tabacum 30C. It helped but I never stuck with it long enough to see results. I ended up quitting cold turkey years later.

I have heard that catnip is very good as well, it calms the person when they have cravings.

Namaste27 2 decades ago
yes.Tabacum also.What is the homeopathic name for 'catnip'?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

Thanks everyone, hoping for some more.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

I did a google search.This is what I got.

' Dr. Charles Hempel
calls Chamomilla the "catnip of homeopathy".'

Perhaps a nick name.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
cataria nepeta has no conection with Chamomilla

arnika 2 decades ago
one more advice. there is producer , very known - dolisos - lately they offer various homeopathic kits.so ,you can get kit for giving up smoking.it contents:

argent. nitr. c 7 ( 5gl in the morning)

nux vomic. c 7 gl (5 gl at noon)

caladium c5 gl( % gl in the evening)

lobelia c 4 whenever you wish to smoke 5 gl. ( more times a day )

and luesinum c 30 --- once a week 10 gl.

this is prescription for one month and i took it out of
dolisos catalogue .
kind regards
arnika 2 decades ago
a combination again.!!

I am getting tired.Pl.avoid cobinations.It is not homeopathy.

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Here some alternative therapies to cause repulsion to smoking desires.

* BIO-CHEMIC triturated : Calc.Phos-2X - 8 tablets per dose, 3-4 times a day.

* BACH FLOWER ESSENCES : Cherry Plum - 2 drops liquid on clean scraped tongue (not available in potencised or triturated form), every 4th hour.

* MAGNET THERAPY : South Attraching Pole magnet beads to be worn around the neck as a necklace, all 24 hours for days till the tobacco habit kicks out. PLUS South attracting pole magnet of 80 guass power to be kept under the pillow throughout the sleep mode (time). This seems like a paclebo method, but works in the long term.

* AROMA THERAPY : Diluted essential oil of Sandalwood, applied near nostrils, on sleeping pillow, shirt collar, inhale steam, bath and so on.

* LLLT (low level laser therapy) : This is specific specialised therapy, hence details not given here, since forum readers could misjudge it and overdose themselves. Also the equipments are quite costly and become reduntant after the smoking habit wears off.

* CUMIN SEEDS (a type of asian spice - herb) : Keep and stay put a pinch of raw (not roasted) cumin seeds in one corner of the mouth without chewing or sucking on it (as like keeping tobacco bits under the insides of the lower lip). Keep All the time, for several days even after the smoking habit has kicked out. Cumbersome, though, but very cheap, also fresh smelling mouth with disinfected breath. Cumin seeds contain an alkaloyed which reacts with nicotine (tobaccco) causing sensory repulsion of stimulants like the one the smokers need.

* PSYCHO-HYPNO THERAPY : A two hour visit and interaction with patients in a ORAL CANCER hospital / research centre, for 5-10 days. As a routine, Daily view still photographs of these oral cancer patients, till the smoking habit kicks off.

* AUTO SUGGESTION : A specific specialised therapy - difficult to describe here, since it involves several one-to-one session with the smoker/alcohol abuser.

* VOODOOISM : A specific specialised therapy - difficult to describe here, since it involves the smokers photograph / worn cloths. A forgotton art, though don't take this one very seriously ... hee hee hee he he ...
HA21 2 decades ago
Marvelous!! I have two clients that find ceasing smoking very difficult. I have used hypnosis, but even then they did not give me permission to actually "give the suggestion" to be free of smoking. Their fears are deep.

I wanted to find other ways they could help themselves and possibily a second try with hypnosis after a session with the alternatives.

I enjoyed the humor too.

Murthy, don't get your shorts in a twist. Bend like the willow in the wind.

Thank you all very much.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
We used Doliosis remedies at our clinic (not combos but remedies from the company) and I kept complaining to my colleague that the medicines were just not acting - we heard later that that was a common complaint with Doliosis remedies.
Yes, Calc Phos in low potency, taken every time the urge hits (I really have my doubts about this) is supposed to be effective.
Minsa 2 decades ago

Minsa --- It is not DOLIOSIS -- is DOLISOS -and idoubt that you got their products . They are together with BOIRON one of the best companies producing homeopathic remedies.
homeopathy is advancing every day and combinatoin remedies are more and more used all over the world.
Murty likes single remedies . He has all rights but don't spit over combinations. I am afraid ,you can't get or learn about them in India.
But I can tell you , from my case , when desire is strong enough to stop , you can give up without anybody's help , only with your own will!!!
wish you nice day
arnika 2 decades ago
My mistake - I thought that was a typo. I was talking of Doliosis. And pray, what makes you think we couldn't get these in India? Or that we don't get - or can learn of combos in India? We aren't living in the dark ages here, y'know.
Minsa 2 decades ago
As per Materia Medica Tobacum or Caladium may work, but I never saw it really working. Try other modern approaches because Homeopathy does not offer any sure shot in this direction.
pw3000 2 decades ago
Thank you everyone for all the ideas and for writing.

Blessings, sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

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