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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can homeopathy cure melasma?

I have discoloration under and on the side of my eyes. I also have a light brown spot on my nose. All caused by sun and its technically called melasma. I have tried external treatments such as various well known creams with little success. Its hereditary and my mom suffered from it too. Whats the best homeopathic medicine for me and how long does it take to cure my melasma.
  anon. on 2002-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I've had melasma for about 10 years now and didn't know what it was. I do know it was caused from birth control and wanting a great tan...
I have been to the dermatologist as well and have used a cream for about a year but no fading. I am open to any suggestions for homeopathic remedies and am willing to be the guinea pig. I just want these brown patches on my face to GO AWAY!
Please help.
k9 Mom 2 decades ago
I also have Melasma, have had it for years, done prescription creams with no results. I recently read on a web site, someone stated that maybe betacarotene helps. Said her mother usede Burts Bees Carrot Nutritive Night Cream and it cleared her Melasma up. I'm going to try it and let you know if it helps. If anyone at all has any advice, please email me at faithfully10
Faithfully10 2 decades ago
I too have Melasma and it's no fun to try to treat. There just isn't much out there yet. Currently I have been using what is called Lustra A-F and it has worked miracles! The special ingredient is Hydroquinone. The Lustra has 4% of this but you can buy it over the counter at a little less %. I noticed within 2 weeks those spots were practically gone. Everyone that knows me has noticed the huge difference. I had a huge one on my forehead and on my cheeks on each side of my nose. This cream is great. You have to be loyal at putting it on when you get up and at night after washing your face. That and staying out of the sun. It is prescription and my wonderful Dr. gives me samples to use. I haven't had to pay for it yet.
tsumner 2 decades ago
I have melasma. My mother suffered from that many years ago. I have been using a facial cream with 2% hydroquinone, but it seems to work sometimes but the brown spots come back. Help me please!
mz275 2 decades ago
hi ihad the same thing after igave birth to my first child,iused solaquin creme and it was wonderfull ,but i noticed that evry time i stay in direct sun i have little of it ,so apply always agood sun block and u can put also the solaquin crene since it has a sun block in it
amal haddad 2 decades ago
Some of you sound like you've had much better luck than I have. Nothing has worked for me. My melasma is the worst it's ever been. I've tried everything, and I think once my skin gets used to it, it just gets worse. I DEFINITELY cannot use any lightening agent during the day, because it just makes the spots darker. I have a very large spot on my forehead and the ones on my cheeks keep getting bigger and bigger. I first noticed this like 8 years ago, and it's just killing me. I am now going for a photo facial consultation. Have any of you tried that? To any doctors out there, do you know what causes this and. It obviously is hormonal, but what can cure it? Topical cremes don't help prevent it at all. I am not pregnant or on the pill. I haven't been on the pill for like 8 years, and I avoid the sun like the plague. What can I do?

dee31 2 decades ago
I know that Melasma can be mixed up very easy with Acanthosis Nigricans. If you have discoloration of the skin on differents parts of your body too, like elbows, neck, axilla etc., if you are obese and/or you have diabet, it can be a sign of Acanthosis Nigricans.
for more information read this: http://dermatology.cdlib.org/DOJvol6num1/original/acanthosis/katz.html
gabituca 2 decades ago
for melasma: http://skincarerx.org/melasma.html
gabituca 2 decades ago
I really don't think I have Acanthosis Nigricans, because I don't have discoloration anywhere else, only on my face (very dark brown patches). Also, I am by no mean obese or diabetic. Lastly, I have visited the skincarerx Website and have even purchased their Mandelic Acid products, which seemed to work at first, but are not having the same affect anymore. Any other suggestions? I did read on skincarrx's website that melasman could be caused by a vitamin defficiency, but any idea what vitamin?
dee31 2 decades ago
It may be a hormonal imbalance too. Did you tried to check your hormones?
Dr. Lockie says in his book that you can find on internet: www.drlockie.com,
that Sepia6C, every 12 hours, can help a lot.
and vitamin C and E too.

good luck.
gabituca 2 decades ago
Thank you for your reply. I will check out that Web site. One last question, do you know which hormone(s) I should be checking? I really already had them checked last year and was told they're fine, but just wondering.
dee31 2 decades ago
TSH, T3, T4. Check the new levels of TSH and read about this. many doctors have no idea about it: http://thyroid.about.com/cs/testsforthyroid/a/labs2003.htm

check the estrogen levels and the MSH.

I found this article : http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/61/1/28

I hope it will help.
Try first the homeopathic treatment with Sepia.

good luck.
gabituca 2 decades ago
I suffer too - even after coming of the pill.

Check out triple-w dot melasma dot co dot uk
lady has found taking MSM supplement that it has had near-miraculous effects.

Good luck!
greenwich princess 2 decades ago
Thank you all so much. I look into all of your suggestions and keep you posted with results.
dee31 2 decades ago
Hi Everyone. As a hispanic woman who has been on the pill for over 10 years, the melasma on my forehead and cheeks has become unbearable and I am desperate to find something to make these ugly spots fade. I have tried micro, bleaching and everything else in between. My cousin started taking Trilexan a few months ago. I ended up buying this product because I have seen amazing results with my cousin. She is in month two and I have definitely noticed a difference in her appearance. I am hoping to see the same results and will keep you all posted on my progress.

Good luck!

puravida_6 2 decades ago
As far as I am aware, the only way to cure this using homeopathy is by prescribing on a constitutional/miasmatic basis .
So that each case has to be treated individually.
passkey 2 decades ago
Hello Ladies,
I know exaclty what all of you are talking about. It seems that this think is attacking women of color. I have to tell you this after trying so many bleachers, micro dermabraision, etc., I found a product called Rosanse x18 gel. It is a miracle (with warning). It took off the melasma on my cheeks in 2 weeks. It works like a peel. However! it made the area whiter than the rest of my skin. When I stopped it, the melasma all came back, even darker that it was before. So I continued to use the product about 3 times a week to keep the condition suppressed.

Then, my mother suggested the current proeduct I am using: Nadinola (brand) Skin Discoloraiton fade cream extra strength. You can find at walgreens/any drug store, really and it costs about $7. I have used it now for about 6 weeks. It works slowly but gently on your skin. It does not whiten the skin like the other proudct did, but it is slowly matching the rest of my skin. I really like this product so far, and once the more stubborn areas (which continue to fade) have reached the optimum color, I am planning to reduce it to 2-3 times a week and see how it goes. I hope this information will help all as I know what it is like to have the dirty look on your face, which you cannot rub off!
zuummaa last decade
Hello Ladies,
I also have Melasma and have been trying to do somehting about it. Has anyone had any luck w/ Concha Nacar? or am I making it worse? I just bought a bottle 2 days ago. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!!!
linnsally last decade
I have had reports last week that Arnica 30c has helped reduce the discolouration of the skin in just 3 days.

Please type 'Melasma' into the Search Forums window on the left of this page and read the post on this subject.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi, I have seen some bad news about the long term effects of hydroquinone. It has been banned in the European Union, Japan and Australia, according to an article on medicinenet dot com, called FDA Proposes Hydroquinone Ban. The US FDA considered banning it...but probably didn't. I trust the more pro-active governments of the world over our government when it comes to protecting the public before we're exposed to harmful chemicals. Anyone else have concerns?
dissieb last decade
Homeopathy does not work on everyone. I tried treatment with Dr Vikas Sharma in India for nearly a year but it made no difference. Rather than spending time and energy on finding treatment, spend time on treating the source. I have now decided to see endocronoligist as melasma does not just come about, it's most likely to be a result of some glandular imbalance. Check out the skincareRX forums on melasma. Very useful.
saffron777 last decade
Hi all ,I had melasma under my eyes near the cheek bone tried almost every thing but failed .
One thing that has taken my melasma away is SKINACTIVES .
Their cream called SKIN BRIGHTENING CREAM has done miracle . It take 2-3 weeks but 100% results.PLZZ PLZZ PLZZ ladies do try this its just amazing.Go to their website or search their reviews 90%people got results. They have huge range of products for nething and everything.

Hope u all got the answer.
Gurdeep1 last decade
I have used skin actives with no results.
3girlsmom 9 years ago

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