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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression, weary of life. Dr. Sameer please help Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take a dose of Nat-m LM2 as follows:

Take out 3 drops of Natrum Mur LM2 in 240 ml spring water in a disposable cup. Stir with a disposable spoon, and take a spoon from there ONCE.

Report in 3 days.
sameervermani last decade
How do you feel now ?
sameervermani last decade
Dear Dr Sameer,

Thank you for asking but I didn't take the remedy. It was making me even moodier than I am usually. My disposition has brought tension into the relationship with my boyfriend because my mood swings make him feel bad due to his sensitivity.

Furthermore I had blood in the urine, intense bladder pain, stomache ache after urinating early in morning, constipation and a colitis attack with spasms. These are symptoms I've had in the past but they were very intense this time, unlike symptoms homeopathic remedies usually bring up one at a time, which are almost unnoticeable.

I didn't take it because I feel it isn't all the heartache it's provoking. If I had had an uplift in mood, I'd bear through the emotional and physical pain. These are my Summer hoildays I was so looking forward to but I can't even decide where to go or get myslf to do anything: I just sit at home most of the day feeling miserable, sleeping, sighing aloud and sometimes crying. I want to be serene and feel like having fun and being with people during my favourite time of the year.I' worried I won't feel relaxed enough to face going back to work, which was stressful.

Is the intensity of symptoms typical of LM potencies? I'd never had them with other brands of LM potencies (for eg. Dolisos)

I truly appreciate your help but I can't take feeling anymore hopeless than I do at the moment.

I thought i could wait another week and see if there's an improvement.

Thanks again for your interest in my case.

Best regards.
ipslon last decade

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