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MY daughter took on March 1st, her dose of Argentum Nitricu.. She is complaining of headaches and being very 'gassy' even though she claims she has had no change in diet.

I never mentioned this before and wonder if it too can help to determine remedy path for my daughter.

My daughter was born with an excessive amount of hair -- most children did not even have the amount of hair my daughter was born with until almost 3 yrs of age. I bring this up because my daughter is always worried about the excessive dark hair she has in places she does not think a woman should have. She has hair on her back, stomach, around her breast, buttock etc. My husband is also a very hairy person with hair on his whole body -- excessive amounts.

Just thought I would mention. In any event, I will continue to keep you posted.
l471530 last decade
Any changes in her mental state ?
sameervermani last decade
It is interesting that she rarely discusses her changes with me but earlier today when she came home from school she started with a list of changes since she took the remedy. She said that she is craving sweets, particulary chocolate which she typically doesn't like. She said she has a headache and is much hungrier than she normal. She also thinks that her attention span is shorter.

I just asked her if she felt she has had any specific changes to her mental state, other than the attention span, and she said no. I specifically asked about her anxiety and she said no.

I can't say I have seen any differences.
l471530 last decade
We will give this 1 more week to be sure.

It will be good to procure Medorrhinum 200c and 1M from Helios UK, 5 ml oral liquid.
sameervermani last decade
I have Medorrihimum 1M but it is not a liquid (pills)...do I still need to order that or just 200c?
l471530 last decade
I want to the Helios UK site and although they have Medorrhinum 200c and 1M, I didn't see it liste in a oral liquid form. It did look like I could try to order as a special order.

What is the difference between taking oral and pills?

How should I proceed.
l471530 last decade
When I found I had Medorrhinum I knew I had to also check to see if Nicole has taken this before and she has.

Her are my notes -- she was given this way back in 2004 and she was also very scared and anxious back then. We were trying to treat her ADHD and the rememdies seem to all make her more anxious and fearful.

2/11/2003 and early 2004 Nicole was given Stramonium 1M

Nicole still has that scratchy/dry cough. Today she is feeling very hot (she thinks she has a fever but she does not and she keeps putting water on her). Nicole wanted orange juice to drink which she never usually drinks. Nicole continues to be very scared (won't sleep alone still, even in the car she is getting scare that I may back out when a car is coming etc). What is really interesting is that she has many of the same symptoms she had when she took Cina?????

Nicole is very very emotional -- weeps on the drop of a dime. She is now complaining about her legs hurting her. She is definitely not herself -- she is highly motivated right now (good) but she still can not stay focused and is saying she does not feel good. Still can not go to bed alone although she is no longer waking to call us into bed the last few nights.

2004 03 Medirrohnum (Dr. Cutler - Buffalo)- 1M

It's been a few weeks and there is no difference. Nicole still is very very fearful. She puts all the shades down at night time. She will not sleep alone and she does not like to be by herself especially at night time. Nicole's stomach is still distended. She continues to have a rash on the back of her arms -- although it has moved towards the top of her shoulds and down by the elbow. She began Dr. Paul Cutler's regime 3/19. She is taking B12 shots 2x/wk, calcuim citrate, mag citrate, DMG w/ Folnic from Kirkman's, Kirkman's Enzyme with Milk and Gluten blockers, Dr Cutler's Multi Vitamen. Nicole is becoming more fearful and is now afraid of shots etc. which she never was afraid of before. She has never had to get weekly shots - especially from Mom & Dad

Nicole's ability to follow instruction is still not great. She still is disorganized and has is impulsive. Lately, we have found we have been a Nicole much more -- she is playing so much more that she is not getting her school work done or Kumon. Kumon she continues to make more than average amount of mistakes.

2004 04 Lycopodium 200C

4/20/2004 - Nicole says she is colder than she usually is.

5/10/2004 -- Nicole had a dream that her brother was abducted. She is now very afraid when he is playing outside etc.

5/15/2004 -- Nicole is now able to go to bed by herself (she would prefer someone to lay down with her but she eventually understands if you can't ) unless she has watched something that is very sad (death) or is scary.

5/30/2004 - Nicole had another bad dream -- she could not recall in the morning but it made her afraid.

5/20/2004 Nicole is better with her Kumon now (instead of missing 10 or more she is missing 2 to 4). She seems much more capable and is much more independent. Our biggest problem is her attitude. Her tone is not appropriate, she is always quick to react and never takes responsibility for her actions (puts the blame on everyone else).

Nicole's bumps on the back of her arms have finally gone away.

Nicole does seem to be much hungrier and is eating almost too much (much weight gain). She does seem to be more pickier in terms of what she will eat (texture, smell etc. will affect her desire for a food).

6/2004 - Visited Dr Herscu -- gave advise to stay the course with Lycopodium and to get Nicole to read daily for 15 minutes and write reviews of articles etx. Also he mentioned getting draft builder to help her with outlines and her writing. Dr. Herscu also mentioned that that next remedy may be Veratrum Album.

I think Nicole is doing the best she can and we just have to accept it...the major change is that Nicole is now able to sleep alone. Her school work may be a little better but what is hurting her is her extreme inability to do well on comprehensive tests. Nicole was tested a few years ago and she shows that she is typically in the top 80 - 95 % stanine in all areas but her short term memory goes lower a little then even lower at 56% is working memory and then at 13% is her long term memory. There is no doubt that her problem in school is directly related to this. The other real problem is that Nicole still keeps to herself, has few friends, is private, is demanding, lacks stamina and has no interest in anything but T.V. and likes to read a good teen book. Nicole is still very resistent, does not use good eye contact and wants everything to be her way or no way. She just doesn't seem to be a happy girl and smiles very little -- like she has built a wall around her to prevent anyone getting too close -- doesn't take joy in things.

Summer 2008
Nicole was at Fairport Canal Days and passed out. She went straight down to the grown breaking her nose and having to be rushed to the emergencey room. IT was very traumatic for Nicole. Since then she has passed out several times since and has become quite anxious and nervous about being out anyplace. She now stays home and doesn't even want to go out with friends because she may have this occur again.

I hope this history helps.
l471530 last decade
If you see on the website there is a drop down menu of 'size' where you can choose a 5ml oral liquid.

What else can you tell me about her to make me understand her more ?
sameervermani last decade
She just got home from school. I asked her if she still had her headache today. She told me she did not but that she feels she has a short attention span and that she is hyper. I asked her to explain and she said she couldn't but thought it was ADHD.

I wish you had specific questions but I can try to explain her as much as possible.

As a baby my daughter never slept. If she took a nap it was a cat nap and she was known for her lack of sleep by all people who watched her. She was not an engaging child but rather quiet and wanted to be held all the time. At night, she would scream when I left her in her room to go to bed at night. We tried so many different methods over a year period to try to get her to soothe herself to sleep to no avail. We tried so hard. It was as though she was deathly afraid to be by herself.

We also found Nicole never liked to be around people and things. We did a lot of it -- taking her to classes with other children for play etc. She was always very timid and did not enjoy being in a place with a lot of people.

She always required so much of my attention, at all times. By time she got to be around 3, she became very obstinate and wanted to control everything that went on around her. She would intentionally not do as she was told and we had many issues with time outs. At the age of 31/2 she said to me she just wanted to be 'free' -- that kind of sums of her feelings today. She loves us but she wants so much to be independent. Nicole had strep throat many times when she was young and ear infections. She got the chicken pox when she was 4 1/2 and my son was only 4 months old. She was kinda of jealous of her brother but she tried to help when she could.

When Nicole was in Pre-K we were told that she tested very high on the assessment test and that Nicole was very bright. I raised concerns whether or not she was ready for Kindergarten since she was on the young side for her grade. They felt she was more than ready. When she went to Kindergarten she struggled to learn to read. She had a tutor to help her. She still struggled to read in 1st grade and they recommended that she be assessed fro ADHD. She was found to have a 140 IQ but that she was extremely impulsive and had a very short attention span. My daughter never made a lot of friends but she would become close to one or two other children -- but never had a 'best friend',

As I already indicated my daughter was born with a lot of hair and has an exteme amount of hair in places that girls usually don't have it.

When my daughter passed out and had panic attackes and could not go back to school, we saw a pyschologist. They said that she likes to manipulate and control her surroundings and that she is very immature in her thinking. She is passive-aggressive and she has a need to blame others and never blames herself. The pyschologist said that her personality is a very difficult one because she is so black and white and is not flexible in her thinking at all.

I feel like my daughter has come a long way with her ADHD and that her biggest struggle now is her high level of anxiety -- such that she can't really enjoy life. She doesn't do a lot of typical teenage things but she has friends who also have anxiety issues and that makes her feel better about herself.

Oh yeah, Nicole is very very picky with her food. She eats very little food that is healthy. She likes mac and cheese and things with cheese. She won't do dishes or touch any food. She doesn't like to open our refrigerator because it smells of food.

I think deep down she is just one little scared girl who needs to control things around her because she is scared -- of what I'm not sure. Maybe that she won't be liked, that someone will hurt her or ???

Please let me know if you have any specific questions.

BTW, my daughter is about to go to college. She really wants to go but I can sense she is disengaging because she is afraid to go. I have asked her to select 2 of the schools she has been accepted to so that she can do an overnight. She won't. She wants to be able to go away so bad but she's afraid.
l471530 last decade
Dear Dee,

Please give her a single dose of CARCINOSIN 200c in water, and report after 10 days please.

You can order Carcinosin 200c from Helios.
sameervermani last decade
Last night my daughter came home after being out to dinner with some friends. She started to cry and tells me she wants to see a physciatrist again. She said that she has low self esteem and that she is very concerned about college. She said she is afraid that she doesn't pick the right college and that she will not make enough money to live at a certain social level. Money means a lot to my daughter.

This is the first time she said that she is afraid and stressed out about college.

This is also the first time she said she doesn't like homeopathy -- and that right now what she has taken is not making her feel good.

She also indicated she hates her stomach and how much it sticks out and she has been working out everyday (never would do that in the past) to make her body look better.

She even then spoke to my husband crying a lot about college and how afraid she is that she will be poor, later in life.
l471530 last decade
Carcinosin can be given.
sameervermani last decade
I gave my daughter the remedy on 3/18. It has only been a few days but I thought it was important for me to include changes as she mentions them.

She said she is not feeling very good on this remedy. She said that she has a constant headache and feels a little spacy. She also says she was unable to go #2 yesterday even though she felt like she had to. She is also complaining about her shins which use to bother her a lot when she was young up through a few years ago. They bothered her the most at night time back then but she said that all day in school she couldn't stand the pain...she said it was hard to concentrate and sit at her desk. That is all she has mentioned. I'll keep you posted.
l471530 last decade
Hi Dee,

I think it will take about 10 days from the dose for the response to develop fully.
sameervermani last decade
Just keeping you in the loop. My daughter's headaches are getting much worse. Also, she is on birth control pills and just finished having her period last week. She has not missed a day of taking her pill but yet she is spotting. The blook is an unusual dark dark, almost black.

I'll continue to keep you posted.
l471530 last decade
It's been approx 2 1/2 weeks and although my daughter had some initial changes, headaches, spotting and leg pain, she has not had any changes in the last week.

Please advise.
l471530 last decade
Hi Dee,

And what is her current mental state ?
sameervermani last decade
It is so hard when you have to try to elicit this information from your teen age daughter. I try to ask in many different ways but she really doesn't give me much to go on.

Finally, she said that she just feels overwhelmed and anxious all the time.

I can make some observations and share them with you.

1. My daughter has been going to the YMCA to work out for the last 2 months to help her lose weight. She thinks her stomach is large and she wants to look good in a bathing suit. She stopped going the last 2 weeks.

2. The last few nights, she has been in her bed with the lights out by 8:00 p.m. Although she typically has very little stamina and goes to bed early -- this is extreme.

3. She had put in a job application at the beginning of the school year and she received a call to come in for an interview the other day. She said she didn't want to go. She didn't explain why and she got very upset when I explained to her how important it is for her to have a job. I made her go to it today. I think she just gets so anxious and thinks the worse about the situation. When she got home from the interview she seemed happy because it went well.

If you could ask specific questions that would be quite helpful.

Thank you.
l471530 last decade
Hmm... but what is her core issue. There must be some core issues that bother her.

I need definite information as to what it feels like to be her. What limits her ? What makes her behave in the way she does ?
sameervermani last decade
As indicated above in all the details, I believe the core issue is her fear of failure or not succeeding. Could you read over the details from the previous threads because I'm not sure how much more I can add to what is making her feel so anxious. In my opinion it is fear.
l471530 last decade
I am hoping someone will take a look at the posts here and follow the history of my daughter.

She is now in college and she says she feels that her transition to the college and new friends has worked out better than she had thought. She is now asking me about seeing the doctor because she is unable to focus. She has a lot of reading and she says her mind is wandering. She is taking notes too but she says she just can't focus at all and she is not doing as well in some of her classes as she knows she can.

She has also been dealing with a cough and cold from the second week there...she just can't shake it. And she says she is tired and sleeping well.

I do have an appointment with the doctor when she comes home next month. She asked me to make it because she believes her 5mg of Zoloft is not helping her with her focus at all.

As you can see from this post, there is a lot of history here. Can someone please advise as to what I might give her.

Thank you.
l471530 last decade
I can take this case up if you like.

I will need a little time to look over all the posts though if that is ok?

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Dip.Hom.Med. 1994
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I hope you understand that I opened another post altogether because I wasn't sure if it was okay to reopen this old post. I also referenced the initial post 'What after Stramonium'.

The new post you have already replied to asking for my daughter's permission to give her personal answers to your questions. It is titled ' Attention Problem Causing Problems in College'.

Let me know where you would rather keep the thread going. Thank you.
l471530 last decade

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