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most urgent - is there a homeopathic treatment for "status asthmaticus"

A lady is in ICU with the attack of Status Asthmaticus.

Is there any homeopathic treatment for this condition.
  Mohan on 2005-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Knowing the condition I suspect that part of her treatment will be high dosage of Steroids.
Steroids neutralise homeopathic remedies . So doubt if homeopathy can help - but others may have differing views.
passkey last decade
One thing I have found over the years is that if this adult has had asthma for years, it is difficult to treat with homeopathy.

It must be carefully searched throughout her past activities and how it began and her resulting treatments.

First, there is great fear. So we are behind before we begin. I had an asthmatic, great fear to be struggling for breath.

It takes cooperation and endurance from the patient and determination to become independent of allopathic treatments.

Homeopathy may bring old allopathic treatments to the surface in some sort of condition (unknown) that is upsetting to all.

Hypnosis is helpful, IF she is not terrified of this too. NLP is like magic, but trying to find a good certified practitioner is difficult.

Adults with a life of asthma are usually afraid to "rock the boat" at this stage.

We are willing, but is the patient??

Also, it is as passkey says, sometimes the two mix and sometimes not. If it wasn't a life-long condition, I would suggest it, but only after she is stable in her home with those around her to monitor her care.

One could be arrested for giving something in the ICU.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

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