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Doctors, pls help me in my complex case (Hepatitis C, Sexual weakness, Knees problem, skin tags etc.) 57


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hepatitis B & Sexual weakness urgent help please

I am 21 years old , I started masturbation at the age of 13 accidentally.. Earlier i didnt know what this act is actully. but as time passes i became and adict. Now I m trying my best to leave this habbit strongly and now i m not doing this for more then 2-3 weeks.

But this habbit effected my health so much. I realized this mastubration as an act which demaged my intellectualty too. Now I m worried about my marraige and donot feel myself fit for it. so i want to disscuse my problems here.

Please guide me.. How much homeopathy can be helpfull for me and If i start taking madicin of homeopathy. and upto what perenctage my problems are cureable by homeopathy. And is it better to use TIBB (HIKMAT) solution or to use homeopathy in my situation.

My symptoms are..

Very Early ejeculation while mastubrating.
Less Eriction than before.
Thin semen and low in quntity.
Thin jel like liquide come out from pennis as soon as i start seeing Sex sceens etc in large quanitity.
Hair Loss.
Belly Increase
Eye sight effected.
Memory effect.
Pain in my knee
Always tired
Pain in my joints
Leakage of semen in urine
Dark circlers under eyes
Continuous headache and backache
Unable to perform any heavy physical or mental work.
Penis shrinking and often skin come on the top

Please guide me and advise me medicine. Are these problems are cureable 100% with homeopathy?

I am facing another disease Hepatitis B from last two years. I feel a lot of pain after use of Hamdard Medicine three months. I do not feel pain but my disease is not stopped.
I search from internet and found that due to excessive of masturbation you also
become the patient of hepatitis B and they describes the term STD ( Sexual Transmitted diseases) or STI ( Sexual Transmitted Infection).

I have also attached my recent liver function test and ABsAg( Elisa ) test.

I have described my symptoms please help me

An early reply is requested.

Best regards

Liver Function Test

Test Result Reference Range

BILIRUBIN: 0.6 mg/dl Upto 1.0 mg/dl
GPT /ALT: 93 U/l Upto 42 U/l
GOT / AST: 65 U/l Upto 37U/l
ALBUMIN: 5.2 g /dl Upto 3.5 – 5.3g /dl
ALP 169 U/l 80- 306 U/l


Patient’s Value :> 3.000
Cut off :> 0.135
Conclusion Reactive ( Positive )
  mougheeshussain on 2009-10-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 and day 2
Please take 3 doses of Phosporus 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 3 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Please report after 15 days.

How much homeopathy can be helpfull for me and If i start taking madicin of homeopathy. and upto what perenctage my problems are cureable by homeopathy. And is it better to use TIBB (HIKMAT) solution or to use homeopathy in my situation.
In my opinion these medicines may help you and you should try. i don't know what TIBB (HIKMAT) is, so i can't comment.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

thanks for your reply.

I will start your suggested medicine soon but let me know these medicine for hepatitis B or sexual weakness. Alos give me your email address

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
If you do not feel good after taking these medicines then contact a competent homeopath in person.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Kadwa,

I hope you will fine.

I use the medicine as suggested by you. I am very much surprised that these small tablets are very effective. I feel too much better. But facing still some problems that :

When I had use the medicine
I feel physically and mentally better
No headache
Belly also reduce
Dark circlers under eyes also dim
Color of skin also fair
Do not feel tired early
Digestive system also better
Pain in my joints also reduce
I also feel my memory become better
No gas trouble
I feel too much hunger

Now I do not use the medicine

Headache on right side only
Could not getup early in the morning
Gas Trouble
Stool is often sticky
Sometime pain in knees
Hair Loss.
The white jel like fluid comes out after urination
Penis become shrink and often skin come on the top
Sometime feeling weakness especially in legs

I have described my symptoms please help me

An early reply is requested.

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
day 1
Please take 3 doses of Phosporus 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 2 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

I hope you will fine.
I use the medicine as suggested by you But facing still some problems that :

Pain in Joints
Hair Loss
The white jel like fluid comes out after urination also i notice that when i take the bath also white fluid comes out

Penis become shrink and often skin come on the top
Still feeling weakness especially in legs

Dark circlers under eyes

Please suggest more effective medicine i want 100% fit Sexually.

An early reply is requested.

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
day 1
Please take 3 doses of Phosporus 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 2 to day 20
please take 8 drops of Tribulus Terrestris (Ikshugandha) Q (Mother Tincture) thrice a day at a gap of 6 hours

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Please report after 20 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

I hope you will fine.
I use the medicine as suggested by you ( Tribulus Terrestris (Ikshugandha)Q strength 20 ml Mother Tincture) iam feeling better But facing still some problems that :

Pain in Joints
Hair Loss
The white jel like fluid comes out after urination also i notice that when i take the bath also white fluid comes out now less in

penis is very small , weak and thin
Dark circlers under eyes

If you cannot stop the habit of Masturbation, use USTILAGO 6c, twice a day till you stop it completely. This gives rational thoughts to mind and helps to stop. Another good medicine to try is BUFO RANA 30c, once a day, in the evening what is ur suggestion can i use these medicine?

An early reply is requested.

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
Please take USTILAGO 6c thrice a day for 7 days and report back.

Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

Thanks for your reply

Please let me know 'Please take USTILAGO 6c thrice a day for 7 days' how much gap 4 or 6 hour a day? and
don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.?

Please confirm it.

Another thing i mention you that now my belly also reduce

An early reply is requested.

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
Please let me know 'Please take USTILAGO 6c thrice a day for 7 days' how much gap 4 or 6 hour a day?
4 hours


don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.?
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

You also know that i am also the patient of Hepatitis B let me know can this disease curable in Homeopathy?

You guide me sincerely God bless you.

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
Phosphorus is a good remedy for hepatitis B if it is indicated. In your case it seemed to be indicated and it was also advised. Please don't take it unnecessarily, it may be dangerous if repeated unnecessarily. Similarly natrum sulph 6x is also good for the same. It is a tissue salt and can be repeated as and when required. Please do the breathing exercises regularly, it will impart strength to your liver.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

Thanks for your reply.

Because when i use these tissue salt i feel really very good strengthen the body and increase the energy level and also increase my hunger, reduce the dark circle but to be frank the problem it that i cannot control myself and start masturbation. i do not involve any sexual activity but i do not know what is the reason?

I also read in the forum about the USTILAGO 6c i hope this medicine will help me to stop masturbation.

day 1 and day 2
Please take 3 doses of Phosporus 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 3 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x

Please take USTILAGO 6c thrice a day for 7 days and report back

What is your suggestion can i once again restart these medicine with USTILAGO 6c?

Best regards
mougheeshussain last decade
You first take ustilago 6c for 7 days. If you think that phos - tissue salts plan should be repeated, you may repeat that after 7 days. Please don't mix these two treatments. Please do the breathing exercises regularly so that your mind will be calmer and cleaner.

After 7 days you should follow the plan given below if you think (after 7 days that) taking phos - tissue salts will help you

day 1 (no need to take for 2 days)
Please take 3 doses of Phosporus 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 3 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

i hope u will fine.

i am to inform u that i try my level best to find

USTILAGO 6c but i could not find it. This medicine is not available in our country.

USTILAGO 30 is available. Can I use it or not? If not then which one will i use?

An early reply is awaited.

mougheeshussain last decade
sir i am also having almost same problum and same age, actually i am in UK and unable to find medicine can you tell me from where i can find these medicines and second question is that is ustilago 6c and ustilago maydis is same medicine because i am unable to find medice name only ustilago
sir,drops are better or tablets and how much tablets is equal to drops.thankyou i will wait for reply
KHAN905 last decade
Dear mougheeshussain

You may take three doses of Ustilago 30c at a gap of 4 hours for 2 days and see how that affects you in the next 15 days.

Dear KHAN905

This is the UK based website. It seems that Ustilago maydis 6c is available at this site. There is a link at the top of this page on the left side.
ustilago and ustilago maydis are one and the same. 6c is the potency of the remedy.

drops are better or tablets and how much tablets is equal to drops.
**whatever you get. You should prefer drops if you have an option.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

i hope u will fine.

I use USTILAGO 30 as suggested by u. please let me know can i continue it?

An early reply is awaited.

mougheeshussain last decade
Please take the remedy for only two days and see the response in next 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Thanks for your reply
Now can i start this treatment?

day 1 (no need to take for 2 days)
Please take 3 doses of Phosporus 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 3 to day 15
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
mougheeshussain last decade
Please wait for 15 days. No treatment now.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Thanks for your reply.

To be frank last night i Masturbate
mougheeshussain last decade
It is your will power that can change habbits, remedies will only help. Without the will power remedies can't work.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,

i hope u will fine.

Your last message really motivate me.

From that day i control my self. I think medicine also work. Now i get uo early in the morning even 5 or 6 o clock. and also sleep early.

In normal days i could not get up early in the morning as well as sleep late at night even 1 or 2 o clock.

I mention u i sleep very well all the time.

I really appreciate your efforts regarding you changing my life.

God bless you. Now i wait for 15 days.

15 days will complete on April 19 ,2010

i will contact u soon

With best regards
mougheeshussain last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.