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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne and hair loss ..:( wedding in 2 months plz help

im 23 yr old fenale.
have been gaving acne for last 10 yrs.
i dont get as many as i used to, but my skin is v unhealty.

skin is v oily and also rough at the same time. i get white heads al over my face.

also my hair is falling since 1 yr now.

can some one help me,
thanks in advance
  cute_mink on 2005-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Where do you live?
kuldeep last decade
Don't worry, I saw your other post also. We will take care of your pimples this time.
kuldeep last decade
i advise you use rhydium 200k immediately and rhydium 7ch daily.
donnely last decade
Hello Donnely

Most of your recommended medicine's names are not in English.
kuldeep last decade
That's right. Should they be?
rhydium is a new remedy.
donnely last decade
Dear Donnely

In that case, please leave a hint about where to buy these medicines and also some more information about'em like web link etc. This way we all can educate ourselves about newer things.

Thanking you in anticipation.

kuldeep last decade
The rhydium remedy consists of the thermal water in a source in Romania. It has an amazing purifying effect.
A pharmacist prepared it for me with the thermal water as starting material.
donnely last decade
thanks for the posts..
i live in India
and getting things over the counter is easy, but ordering things that are usually not avaible at homeopathy clinics form the net wil be v expensive for me.

plz advice me which medicine to take.

also if u have read my previous post, i had mentioned that i was given sepia 200 and natrum mur 3 doses each for 1 week, and skin was non-oily.
however i lost touch with my doc (was over net) and so dint continue the medicine as i ditn want to self medicate.
cute_mink last decade
Hello Cute_Mink


Go to the following thread and make silica exactly the way I mentioned.


Take silica two drops four times a day.


Buy Hepar Sulphur 30 and take 3 drops 4 times a day.


Buy Safi (Hamdard). Take a weekly dose. A daily dose has no effect at all. Fix a certain day in a week and take a nightly dose.


Buy Azadirachta Indica Q (Neem). Take ten drops two times a day.

Report your condition daily basis. If all goes well we will readjust your dose.

kuldeep last decade
thank you kuldeep,

in the other post you have mentioned take the lowest potency silicia, what potency would that be?

do i have to take the drops with water or just as is?

any food restrictions?

i think finding sulphur and Azadirachta Indica Q (Neem) should be no problem.

and safi once a week :) thank goodness, i would not have been able to drink it everyday..

cute_mink last decade
That would be Silicea 5-6C.

I mentioned Hepar Sulphur not the Sulphur, so be careful when you buy it.

No food restrictions at all. Try to have a 1/2 hr. gap of food or drink before and after Hepar Sulphur only. Try to have a gap between all medicines. Dont' make a cocktail.
kuldeep last decade
If you can't make Silicea immidiately you can wait but start the rest of the course. Please post the results.

Make Silicea whenever you have time. Any other silicea from stores does not work on scars.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep,

i got the medicines today (excpet the slicia). they were not readily avaivleble so i had to order them.

plz wathc out this post.. i will post the effects every day or alternate days.

you have said to take drops, i will take these with some water.. is this ok? or i need to take them as it is

cute_mink last decade
Water is fine, actually today I thought about you.
kuldeep last decade
hi kuldeep..
i startd taking the medicines since yesterday morning.
well i dont notice any change yet.

also i drink abt 3-4 cups of tea a day.. is that ok or should i stop that?

i dont think that tea aggravates my acne ..

cute_mink last decade
Everybody drinks 3-4 cups of tea. Try to reduce the quantity but not the frequency. Anytime you take tea leave some of it.
kuldeep last decade
Don't worry, change will come in a month and slowly. You will be fine at your big day.
kuldeep last decade
Hey Cute mink, how are yu doing?

Several myths exist about acne.

* Acne is not a result of uncleanliness or infrequent washing. In other words, acne does not result from too much "dirt" on the skin or in the pores. Too much scrubbing may actually make acne worse.

* Acne does not come from eating a lot of so-called bad foods such as chocolate or fried foods. No foods cause acne or make it worse.

The primary problem is that the abnormal flaking of cells inside the hair follicle leads to the formation of a plug. The plug can enlarge and even rupture the hair follicle. A ruptured hair follicle spills its contents of oil and debris into the skin where it leads to swelling and causes redness (inflammation).

Self-Care at Home|

* Wash once or twice daily with soap and water to remove excess oil from the skin. An acne cleanser purchased over-the-counter in any drug store can also be helpful. Avoid scrubbing too abrasively because this can actually irritate the skin and cause acne to worsen.

* Over-the-counter acne medications can be used either at bedtime or during the day. Always follow the directions on any acne product.

* Many cover-up products are available without a prescription to improve the appearance of blemishes while they have a chance to heal. Most work well and should not worsen acne.

* Some cosmetics and other skin care products, however, can cause acne to worsen. Look for make-up, cosmetics, and skin care products labeled with the word noncomedogenic. This means that it does not cause or worsen acne.

For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Skin, Hair, and Nails Center and Teen Health Center. Also, see eMedicine's patient education articles Acne and Abscess.

Best wishes,
bkdaniels last decade
kuldeep ..

thanks that was heartning to know that i will be fine for my big day :)

tx for the info.. but
only 1 thing i do not agree with is that its not food related.
i break out badly everysingle time i have chocolate..
i think there can be certain foods that aggravate it..

cute_mink last decade
Yes fried foods, nuts, chocolates should aggravate the acne.

And Ms.Cute_Mink try to drink lot of water.
cuirosmuthu last decade
Hey cute_mink,
How are you doing?
Any updates on your progress?
windwaker last decade
hi kuldeep..

im not noticing any changes..
acne, oiliness, hair loss - no change at all.

should i continue with these medicines ony?

i drink 2 litres of water a day..

cute_mink last decade
As kuldeep told, please continue for a month.
cuirosmuthu last decade
Cute Mink

Take a dose of Hepar Sulphur-30 in the morning and in the evening a dose of Antimony Crudum-30

kuldeep last decade
One dose of Hepar Sulphur-30 each morning.

One dose of Antimony Crudum-30 in the evening.

And a weekly dose of Safi.
kuldeep last decade

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