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Horrible Cough that doesn't go away: Pregnant

Good Morning,
I was hoping I could get feedback on what remedy would be appropriate for my situation.
I am currently 15 weeks pregnant, and had a mild sore throat last monday, which was then followed by congestion and a cough. This cough has intensified since Saturday, to the point in which I keep having a dry cough during the day, and at night, have bouts of continuous coughing (to the point it sounds like barking), until I sit up, throw-up, and/or drink something cold.

A lot of the over the counter meds, I cannot take because I am pregnant, and I'm in need of a restful night in which I do not wake up with this coughing.

Please help.
  xvxjennyxvx on 2010-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You need to first help your body to stand cold external (winter)

The mild and effective one is to take:

Phytollacca 6c, 2 pills and Gelsemium 6c, 2 pills, together and taken twice a day. This will help relieve congestion and get rid of cold (makes the body stand winter)

If soreness continues, please write after a day

For cough, in addition to the above, I would recommend to take DROSERA 6c, 1 dose and 2 hours later, one dose of NUX VOM 30c (just one dose of each - no repeat)

This should help your cough significantly.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
If you dont get Drosera 6c from your local store, then try BRYONIA 30c, twice daily

Please see my Profile for general instructions

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Thank you very much. I will try to pick up these remedies tonight and will follow up.
Thankfully, I don't deal a lot with cold (external) since I live in a very warm climate ^.^
xvxjennyxvx last decade

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