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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

violent sneezing problem

hello this is regarding a 29 year old male. Generally of sound health, I have a tendency to catch cold every now and then. This happens even more so if there is a sudden change in the ambiance or climate. What starts as a tingling sensation in the nose, transforms into bouts of violent sneezes. How much ever I try to control it I fail. I sneeze as many as 5 - 6 times in a row and all of them being violent and loud. People around me have often commented that I need to control that or one day I will end up in breaking my neck. On days like this I am unable to do anything and even have to skip my work. The problem aggravates towards the evening. One night's sound and deep sleep helps a lot and often by the next morning the tendency to sneeze is gone. Please suggest me some remedy to overcome this problem.
  skyisblue on 2010-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A homeo remedy is always selected on the basis of totality of symptoms. Please answer the following questions to help us know totality of your symptoms.

*Your age, height, weight and appearance please.

*Please describe your mental state like you are irritable, calm, worried, depressed, frustrated etc. How are your relations with your close relatives and friends?

*What do you think is the causative factor for your problems?

*Please describe all physical symptoms like headache, backache, peculiar senations, skin dis-orders etc.

*You prefer cold environment and open air or do you prefer warm surroundings.

*At what time of day you as an individual feel better and worse like better in the morning and worse at night.

*How is your sleep?

*How is your sweat? It is less, more or normal? Where do you sweat more like in armpits, head etc.

*How is your thirst for water, cold drinks and hot drinks?

*Whether the complaints aggravate after movements or while taking rest.

*How is your bowel movement? Constipated, loose or normal. How is the digestion?

*Do you think that you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?
kadwa last decade
Age - 29 years 4 months

Height - 5 ft 5 inches

Weight - 63 Kgs

Mental State - Generally calm, sometimes irritable when things do not go my way

Relation with friends etc - I am an introvert person. Am not too open with friends. On good terms with close relatives.

Causative factor - not sure.

Physical symptoms - Get fatigued easily. Do not have high energy levels. Am not inclined towards much physical activities.
Peculiar sensations - feel a pain in my right palm sometimes.

I prefer open air.
Feel better in the early morning and generally through out the day. In the night feel tired and fatigued.

Sleep is ok. though i do not fall asleep as soon as i hit the bed, takes around half an hour for that. If i am reading a book while lying on the bed then i fall asleep quickly.

Sweat is normal. Sweat more in the head.

Thirst for water is normal. Prefer hot drinks like black tea or coffee more.

Complaints aggravate after movements.

Satisfaction of sexual desires - not completely.
skyisblue last decade
Try Alium Cepa 30c

Three doses in gap of 10 minutes when the sneezing occurs.

Other wise, three doses in a day at equal intervals.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
If Allium Cepa doesn't work please take a single dose of Calcarea Carb 200c for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
i have tried allium cepa 30c . It does not provide any relief from the problem.
skyisblue last decade
Stop taking coffee and take only 2 cups of tea in aday...again try Allium Cepa after that.

45 mins gap between the med and anything you eat and / drink.

No liqour also.

Pankaj Vamra
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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