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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need Analysis Page 3 of 7

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Have been noticing more skin tags, some are light tan colored others are red bumps. Also, it hot weather, always wear open toe shoes, sandals. Heels are dry and sometimes crack.

Eye twitching gone. Cause of stress at work no longer there. Get very tired around 1 p.m. in the afternoon. Am up by 6 a.m. every morning. Taking natural vitamins/minerals daily.
2spanishgirls last decade
Had a full body massage done and when she got near my lower back, it hurt very much. She said that was my sciatic nerve. This morning I have some purple marks (bruises)on my buttocks.
2spanishgirls last decade
Please take Arnica 30 in the morning and evening for few days until there are no bruised feelings.
kadwa last decade
Woke up this morning with a sore jaw on the right side, near my ear. Not sure if I slept wrong. Did not yawn wide to cause to hurt.

Thank you,
2spanishgirls last decade
Please take rhus tox 30 in the morning and evening for 2 days.
kadwa last decade

The pain was also at the right had side of my nape/head. That pain has subsided. Just very slight if I touch upper part of jaw, ear.

Had my physical yesterday and Im in need of losing weight.

Also received my booster shot for Tetanus and whooping cough. Will get results of blood work later.

Noticed recently that I am very defensive towards my husband. Do not get satisfaction sexually from him. He doesn't last long. Would like to get an analysis on him.
2spanishgirls last decade
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Kapalbhati Pranayam and Anulom Vilom Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.

You may provide all details for your hub as you did for yourself, on that basis his remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade
Blood work results show an increase in liver enzymes.

All other blood work came out normal.

Cholesteral & Tryglyserides came back normal.

Will be getting a sonogram of abdomen.

Husband wants to buy a liver cleanse 2 week program from Nature Sunshine.

Should I do a colon cleanse before? If so, what can I take?
[message edited by 2spanishgirls on Tue, 19 Jul 2011 18:51:59 BST]
2spanishgirls last decade
If the tendency to create problems is not addressed there is no point in liver cleanse or colon cleanse.
kadwa last decade
'If the tendency to create problems is not addressed'??

What tendency, problems r u referring to?
[message edited by 2spanishgirls on Wed, 20 Jul 2011 18:22:03 BST]
2spanishgirls last decade
The homeo remedy is suggested on the basis of totality of symptoms. It also acts on all vital organs of body and mind. But no suggestions can be given for liver cleanse or colon cleanse.
One should report all details like thermal modalities, time modalities, mentals, physicals etc to work out the homeo remedy.
kadwa last decade
Thank you.

Changed weekly schedule to incorporate more exercise to be able to destress.

This week dealing with a tickle in throat. Wake up and spit up mucus. Sinus area above eyes is tender. Have been taking local raw honey and is helping. Do I take tissue salts as well?

Will write later re: all test results.

Thank you for your time and patience.
2spanishgirls last decade
Yes, you may also take the tissue salts.
kadwa last decade

All test levels (cholesterol, tryglycerides (sp?), came back normal). I have started losing weight and continue the exercise 4 days of the week. Am waking up earlier to be able to accomplish this, but am very tired every day around 1 pm, to the point that my eyes will close.

The liver enzymes are slightly elevated and mri revealed that all is normal except some signs of fatty liver.

I have been dealing with some minor reflux. Is there anything I can take for that?
2spanishgirls last decade
Please take one tablet/pellet of Chelidonium 6x in the morning and evening for 7 days.
kadwa last decade
I have some vaginal itching and minor white discharge. Noticed last time I was intimate w/husband, i was irritated.

Please let me know what to take.

Thank you.
2spanishgirls last decade
Please take a single dose of Calc Carb 200.
kadwa last decade
I still have itching before and after my menstrual cycle outside of the vaginal area. Hormone imbalance?

Normal discharge. Use tea tree lotion to help with itching.

What can I take?

I am currently doing a cleanse for 30 days (on day 15) and am feeling well.

Thank you,
2spanishgirls last decade
Please take a single dose of Calc Carb 200 if you have a significant problem. Please don't take any remedy if it is not significant.
kadwa last decade
I was not able to get Calc Carb 200. Is there a smaller dose 6 or 30. These are the only ones available near me.

The skin on the outer labia peels and is itchy (near hair line). Especially after semen touches skin on the outside. It gets worse right before I get menstrual cycle.
2spanishgirls last decade
Please take calc carb 30 in the morning and evening for 2 days and see how that affects in next 10 days.
kadwa last decade
Thank you for your time in responding.
2spanishgirls last decade
I have been advising you to take Calc Carb 200 since long ago, have you ever taken Calc Carb 200??
kadwa last decade
I took it once when you initially told me to do so a while back, but then my sister in law took my bottle and never returned it.

So now I have the Calc Carb 30 available at my local health store.
2spanishgirls last decade
Thanks for the clarification. i thought that you have been responding without taking any remedy.
kadwa last decade
Hello again,

I would like to give you an update on my health. I have started a new lifechange with my diet. Have no sugars and carbs, lots of green vegetables and protein. Lots of water :)

On another note, I realize that my body is cleansing itself from all the toxins and yeast. My GYN indicated I had a yeast infection and gave me something for that to take orally, but the itching on the outer part did not subside. I use a lotion with tea tree oil and other ingredients that soothes that area. Also, I took some holistic drops that are made for Candida. I notice that I don't have all that sebum I use to have (taken all fats out of diet) in that area. But the skin is still irritated. Is this because of new diet and body trying to heal itself. Should I order the Calc Carb 200 instead of using the Calc Carb 30?

I realize now that the lifestyle change is necessary to have a healthy life. The better thing is that my husband has joined in support and in eating this way as well.

Please advise. Thank you
2spanishgirls last decade

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