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Son has been seen..I am very hopeful

I posted here once before Need help with son. Well his new homepath doc is going to put him on Stramonium 30c 1x daily for 7days. He was also thinking of Hyoscyamus. My question is from comming to several message boards and sites and countless books I thought for chronic such as Adhd a dose like 200 once would be given. Does it matter? Will it work the same? Also has anyone had any results with this remedy for impulse control? One more thing I forgot to ask him while we were there is if we can still use herbal remedies with this new remedy? Such as passion flower,lemon balm,etc...

  Jonatalle on 2005-03-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Children matching the picture of Stramonium exhibit a mixture of exhibit a mixture of extreme fear and violence. The feeling is like a terror in the dark jungle surrounded by wild animals that may attack them at any moment, and the response is violence and rage. They become violent if provoked. They fear animals, water, and violent death. They often have nightmares of terrors with shrieking, stammering, cursing, jealousy, and rage are common behaviors. These are very intense children. A very frightening or traumatic even such as a violent abuse at birth trauma may catapult a child into a Stramonium state.
kuldeep last decade
He is afraid of all animals, afraid they will hurt him not sure of what they will do,dog terrifed(was bitten before when 2)Destructive,verbally abusive,threatens to runaway,disruptive in school(pushes,trips,yells,will not sit still)but teachers will say he can be such a sweat child(when he was on concerta).Hearing problem not sure what yet more testing is needed,lies,pulls pants down on friends sibs.,seems to like to talk about his genitals for a laugh,loves to laugh,very loud speech,just to name a few traits. He is dark hair/eyes,med/pale complextion/brown freckles,loves milk and breads are favorite. Ofcource love suger. Fear of not being liked,wants to be looked at as a tough guy.Will hit,kick,bite when provoked. A clown at home&school. Do you think the doc is on the right track maybe. He was not treated very nice at preschool so I stopped working to take care of him.
Jonatalle last decade
Does not sound like Stram or Hyosc to me . Fear of all animals comes up under China. See waht Kuldeep thinks.
passkey last decade

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