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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi there everyone.

I was not sure where to place this question - as there are so many subject areas, but I let my inner intuition guide my light and I have centred myself around the focus of birthing a new topic.

When I am out with my friends the display so much confidence, so much self-assurance - whereas I tend to be more of a 'wallflower', I lack confidence amongst large groups of people and social gatherings so usually end up going home early as I am not enjoying myself.

Can anyone suggest any homeopathic ideas that might be worth trying out ?

Any and all help appreciated.

In love and in light.

  SpiritGirl on 2010-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I think Bach flower therapy, an off-shoot of Homeopathy may be more helpful in your case.
Wish you wellness!
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Hi SpiritGirl,

Please talk about your fears and anxieties in greater detail.

Also, when did these problems start ? What was happening in your life at that time ?

Tell me about your temperament in general i.e. your general behavior with family and friends, and other people.

Also, talk about any events in your life that have left a profound impact on you.

General things which make you feel better or worse, e.g. touch, music, massage, certain kinds of foods, seasons, weather, sunlight, should be mentioned.

What is the primary feeling that makes you leave early from social gatherings ?

Please talk in detail.
sameervermani last decade

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