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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

severe depression

Age: 28 yrs
Marital status: married
Children: one
Occupation: housewife
Habits:like partying but not now since i have been depressed
1) Family Medical History: mother diabetic and depression patient,father also diabetic

2) Patient's Medical History:

major illnesses (Chronologically): had post natal depression in 2006 when my daughter was born,was on antidepressants till one year.it got cured completely till july 2007

Operations (if any chronologically):

Present medication: taking homoepathic medicine but dont know which one my doctor giving

Previous medication: had taken china 30 and hyoscyamus

3) a) Present your Complaints in order of priority:(Give as much information as you can in your own words without much reference to medical and technical terms.) i have got negative thoughts on my mind all time,and they are very weird like why people live,whats my purpose in life,i think why people earn just to show off,i feel i m just living in my town to just show off to others,just this is the purpose of my life i think,why should i wear good clothes also,i dont feel like taking care of my personal appearance,i just feel why things happening in the world,i get too much of dreams and when i wake up i feel i had very anxious sleep,i feel emptiness in my hands,i feel very dull in mornings,pressure in temples,and heaviness in my head,get burps and pass wind since 20 days which i never used to get before,i feel indifferent towards my own daughter,i cant watch violent movies,i take deep breathe frequently

What was going on in your life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on? i got depression problem this year in february,i was not having good relation with my husband coz i always used to think he doesnt give me love i should get as a wife and which he never showed also,he never even would show love by giving a simple hug,and since january i was thinking about this and if feb i ended up in depression

c) What are the things, which aggravate your suffering and which are those, which make you feel better? time:i feel better in evenings,
climate:i like cloudy and rainy weather
, noise:i am oversensitive to noise at times like when go out to watch movie in theatre,

4) Physical Profile:

Height: 5'5Weight:66
a) Describe yourself in your own words: Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
I AM VERY MOODY,very lazy,easily offended,i cry if someone says something rude to me,i used to feel jealous of others at times

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?
YES i get causeless weeping at times

Pregnancy problems—before/during/after delivery: Number of pregnancies: one,had got post natal depression

8) What do you crave for in food items and in general and what are your aversions in food items and in general? i crave for spicy and outside dainty food and sweets

9) Describe your thirst and hunger? (Examples: Average or Excessive or thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)? my appetite has got better with present medicine,i drink two three glasses of water in day

10) Describe your sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? Are there any recurring or significant dreams? my sleep is of seven house but restless and anxious,i get too much of dreams
11) Describe about discharges (colour/odour/consistency)? [Nasal, from ear or sweat (where do you sweat more? head/trunk/limbs etc), stool and urine.] i sweat in underarms a lot

12) What is your preference—in climate, weather? (Examples: sun/shade/cold
dry/cold damp/hot humid/not extreme/well ventilated) I LIKE well ventilated room,cloudy weather
  sugarbase20 on 2010-08-04
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