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Urgent : Remedy for Urination, hair, toilet etc

Prashant Agrawal, Age: 22 years, Male.

1. Since July 2007 i used to be in tension, disturbed sleep, used to skip food, taking food at ood routines and also started smoking.
2. In January 2008 i noticed excessive hair fall with thin and less hairs on top of the head and receding hairline and weight loss.
3. Since August 2008 i started Masturbation 2 to 3 times daily in tension.
4. Since December 2008 i observed increase in urine frequency and stomach becoming heavy after lunch and had to go to toilet.
5. At present after about 2 and half years since tension and smoking i have,
a. Frequent urination so as to go 5 -6 times at an interval of 5 - 10 minutes and had to go urine in around 14 - 18 times daily and 2 times in the night.
b. The stomach becomes heavy mostly after taking the food. To go toilet sometimes after breakfast and sometimes after lunch or both, to mean 2 - 3 times daily. It also feels that the stomach is not empty even after toilet.
c. Masturbation completes in about 10 - 15 SECONDS with watery semen i.e. to say not viscous and pain in the penis and surrounding internally.
d. Hairs have become thin and very less at the top of the head.
e. Piles without blood, swelling.
e. Feels lazy, gets tired soon and cannot stand much gets tired easily.
f. Since 3 Months i have observed 2 more problems, First one is that i hear the voice of cracking the bones of arms and legs on movement with sometimes pain in alternate knees.
g. Problem in breathing and it increases shortly after cycling of 5 min or even at mild running.
h. I have feeling of negativity in myself due to health problems and other reasons.

My Ultrasound, Stool, Urine Culture, Sugar Reports are all Normal.
  Aggarwal_0808 on 2010-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
prior 2007 july--consider alcircumstances--health treatments -relationships-accidents-coincidental factors...etc----will guide to treatment
John Stanton last decade
Prior to july 2007 everythng was normal in my life and i had no problems either physcially or mentally. Plz suggest me best treatment.
Aggarwal_0808 last decade

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