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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

5-year-old with attention/autistic symptoms?

I am a mother to an awesome five-yer-old little boy who has always done well socially and in his preschool. He started kindergarten this year and has not been able to totally focus. The teacher wrote out a half page list of things that were a bit off about him, which we have noticed but it never seemed to be an issue until now. She suggested we see a child psychologist regarding this and I really want to try homeopathy beforehand. He is a VERY bright individual with a photographic memory (especially with numbers, dates, times, and people). He is always on the go and fidgety. Teacher says when all the students are looking at him he is building a tower out of erasers, humming or in his own world. He has oversensitive smells and hearing. He does very well making friends and is polite and makes great eye contacts. Is there a suggestion you can make for a remedy to help with him focusing and staying on task in school? I just started him on 'focus factor for kids' but would like to go more traditional homeopathy. Thanks in advance and here is his history:

1) Age 5 years
Height 46 inches
Weight 47 pounds
Birth weight: 8lbs 1 0z
Hair color: light blond
Eyes color: blue
Race/nationality: white

2) Main complaint:
- Problems focusing in school.
- Can’t follow 3 step directions.
- Stimming
- Loud
- Always humming
- Poor fine motor skills (holds his pencil straight in the air – constantly forgets the correct way to hold scissors despite being advised several times)
- Overly sensitive. He’s a big pleaser and hates making someone upset due to his actions. He will cry over a letter written the wrong way for an hour.
- Speaks to himself to direct himself.
- Easily frustrated
- Repeats things that are being told to him. Repeats things that he says to others.
- Stiff grip
- Chews on everything. His nails are non-existent. Shirts are destroyed. He does this subconciously
- Seems like he is in his “own world” a majority of the time at school.
- Always moving – even when he is laying in bed, his legs and arms are always going.

3) When did this problem start? What happened in the child's life around that time? What do you think caused it?
- He has always “beaten to his own drum” and done things a little differently. I think the vaccinations he received played a huge role in the way his neurological system developed.

4) What makes the chief complaint better?
-That’s a good question. I wish I knew.

5) What time of day is the worst for your child (try to specify a time)?
- I would say from lunch on. He is non –stop from afternoon until bed.

6) What was the mother's and father's state of health at time of conception? How did the mother feel during pregnancy physically and mentally? Did she suffer any shocks or traumas while pregnant?
-Mother and father were both young and the pregnancy was unexpected. They were both abusing oxycontin. When mother found out about pregnancy (after first missed period) she quit all recreation drugs. During first trimester mother caught father still doing drugs and left him, causing a small nervous breakdown/shock fast heart-rate etc…Mother was VERY emotional first half of pregnancy. Pregnancy was great physically despite the previously stated shock.

7) Did the mother have any unusual or memorable dreams while pregnant?
- Dreamed that the baby was tiny (like a thimble) and she would lose him all the time.

8) Did the mother take any drugs while pregnant?
-No (other than previously stated)

9) Were there any complications at birth?
-Mother was induced, Petocin, and 27 hours later had an emergency c-section to due to drop in babies heart rate. Apgar was 9.

10) At what age did the child: crawl, walk, talk, teethe, toilet train, wean?
-Crawled at 6 months, walked at 10, talked VERY early, (could decipher letters at 15 months) toilet trained before 2, weaned at 12 months.

11) How did the child react to the following situations: vaccinations, birth of younger sibling, starting day care, starting school, spending night with a friend, going away to camp, traveling with the family?
-No reactions to vaccines.
- Wasn’t thrilled about his new sister but he was only 15 months old.
- Is a social butterfly and always loved going to school. No separation anxiety whatsoever.
- Travels very well.

12) How many rounds of antibiotics has the child had and for what conditions?
-Just two – both for ear infections.

14) Any skin conditions treated with cortisone-type cream?
-No, however he has had eczema on his face since about one.

15) Did the child have an especially severe childhood illness--measles, mumps, croup, etc.?
- Croup at age 2.

16. When ill or upset does the child want to cling or be left alone, or something else altogether?
-When he is ill he wants to cuddle on the couch with lots of soft, back tickling.

17. How would you describe the child's behavior when playing with other children?
-He is very social and loves all children from babies to teenagers. He doesn’t care the age of the child, he will walk right up to them and introduce himself and ask to play. He is often the leader because he speaks so loud to everyone and gives a lot of direction.

18. What feedback do you get from the child's teachers?
- He is very intelligent but can’t stay on task. He will be asked to do a project and get up three times before it is completed. She says he is very loud and seems like he is in his own world often. She says he is very kind-hearted and sweet, however there is something a little off.

19. How does your child treat animals?
-He loves animals and has never shown any aggression towards them. Has always been gentle.

20) What foods and drinks does your child crave? What foods is he or she averse to? Are there any foods he or she reacts badly to and in what way? Do the drinks have to be cold (or with ice) or can they be any temperature?
- He loves meat – hamburgers, salami, ham, turkey, chicken. He loves pizza, carrots, strawberries, grapes, apples, ranch. He hates pasta/rice, cereal, despises milk. He will drink his water or juice at room temperature – he prefers everything cold.

21) What fears does your child have?
-Loud noises, bugs, the dark.

22)Is the child chilly or warm? Is there excessive perspiration anywhere?
No – temp seems to be normal. Nothing off the wall.

23) How affectionate is the child when not sick?
-VERY. He loves to be cuddled and hugged. He hugs everyone. Kisses mommy all the time – on her arms and cheeks, forehead.

24) How sympathetic is the child (concerned with the suffering of others)?
-VERY. He gets upset seeing others upset. When little sister is crying he gets scared.

25) How is the child affected by music and dancing?
-Loves to do both. Sometimes when the music plays he just HAS to dance. He is a very stiff dancer – almost looks like he does the robot.

26) What emotion tends to predominate with the child?
- He is always excited about things. Loves life in general. A people person who loves to please.

27) Is the child fastidious?
-Yes. He is obsessed with numbers – like scores on a football/basketball/baseball game. He will never forget how old someone is, who there favorite teams are, what the score of the game was a year ago. He remembers his t-ball number and his friends numbers when he was 3. He almost has a photographic memory. He will be the only child in his class that remembers specific details of his teacher’s morning talk.

28) Is the child sensitive to criticism and reprimand? Give examples.
-VERY – so much so that this has been a main concern to his schooling. He obsesses about doing something wrong and works himself up into a blubbering mess.

29) Describe the child's eating habits, for example: picks at his food, or eats voraciously, or is full after 2 bites, or can't sit still to eat, or must be fed or he won't calm down, and so on.
-Eats fast and hums the whole time. He is always moving – wiggling, hands going, etc.

30. Are there any digestive complaints--waking with stomach pains, or a lot of gas and bloating or burping, or constipation, etc.?
-No, he has no digestive complaints.

31) Are there any problems associated with sleep? What position does he sleep in? Does he throw the covers off? Does he sweat during sleep? On which part of the body? Trouble falling asleep? Nightmares, etc.?
-Sleeps on his back
- Goes to sleep very good as long as his night lite is on.
- Sleeps great all night but always has been an early riser – gets up with the sun everyday.

32) Any skin symptoms or anything note-worthy about the skin, the complexion, etc.?
-Very light skinned – has slight eczema on his face/arms. Almost like little whiteheads – been around for years.

33) How cooperative is the child?
-Depends on how distracted he is. In general, he does pretty good. At school he has a hard time staying on task. When being told to do a project he gets up several times before it is completed.

34) What illnesses run in the family, including the grandparents?
-Mother: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Maternal grandmother had breast cancer (DCIS) which has been in remission for 6 years. Maternal grandfather has many stomach problems – polyps, h.plori – great grandfather passed from pancreatic cancer.
-Father – none.

35) What does the child really love to do?
-Swim, play with cars, read books, watch sports, anything with numbers, letters, words.
  mommyofsunshine on 2010-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
He broke his leg when he was 3 - he was jumping on a trampoline and landed funny on the jump. There was a crack right under his left knee and he had a full leg cast for 7 weeks.

Also, the father did get help for his problem and has been clean and an AMAZING father ever since the early incident.

One more thing, my son is always thirsty for water. He drinks so much water we had to start letting him go to school with a bottle of it or he would be so thirsty after class, he would run to the fountain and drink for minutes.

I anxiously and gratefully wait for your advice doctors. Thank you so much.
mommyofsunshine last decade
Has he taken any homeopathic medicine before.
vikas_grower last decade
Not for this specifically. I have always treated colds/fevers/teething with homeopathy beforehand, but haven't tried to use anything for this as I wasn't sure which remedy would suit him best.

Much appreciated for your advice in advance!
mommyofsunshine last decade
1>He will drink his water or juice at room temperature – he prefers everything cold.

Does he likes his drink at room temperature or cold .

2> Any craving for chocolate

3> can he sleep on left side

4>Any dizziness issues
vikas_grower last decade
1> Any problems in staying alone
vikas_grower last decade
1>He prefers everything cold, sorry for the confusion.

2> Any craving for chocolate?
No cravings for chocolate.

3> can he sleep on left side?
Yes, he can however he usually is flat on his back.

4>Any dizziness issues? No issues with dizziness.

5) Any problems staying alone?
He is fine to be left alone to play, will entertain himself quite well. The only problem is when going to sleep at night, he will not go to sleep unless a night light is on. Once this happens, he is fine and does quite well.
mommyofsunshine last decade
Lets try phosphorus 30 c .

The dosage is as follows

Please get phosphorus 30 c in liquid or pellets form .

The dosing proceedure is as follows .

Pour 2 drops of liquid of phosphorus 30 c in a 250 ml spring water bottle.

Alternatively put 2 pellets of phosphorus 30 c in a 250 ml spring water bottle and allow it to dissolve on its own which will take some time .
Once u pour the drops in the bottle/pellets have dissolved , shake the spring water bottle very gently to allow uniform mixing .

Take a capful from this bottle .This makes one dose.

Wait for 30 minutes .

Take another capful . This makes second dose .

Wait for 30 minutes

Take another capful . This makes third dose

Thats it .

No repetition of the medicine .

We now wait and watch her behaviour for 15 days .

Please note that the medicine is not be repeated in these 15 days .

1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands ( not applicable as u have medicine in liquid form ) , tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate.
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

Please also remember as explained that the 3 doses has to be taken once .
No homeopathic medicine should be repeated until the reaction to the initial dose is observed.

Well if the remedy selected is ok then the first sign of improvement will noticed in the first few days , otherwise no effect will be observed .

In case of any confusion please ask.
vikas_grower last decade
Thank you so very much. Will update after he is given remedy and observed.
mommyofsunshine last decade
Dear Sir -

It has only been four days since the remedy was given to my son, however I had to post how remarkable he has been doing already! His attention and focus level have drastically improved, especially his eye contact and listening. He still is a bit fidgety and has been waking up extra early every morning but the positives greatly outweigh this!

Do we continue to observe him for the remaining 11 days?

I am so grateful to you! Thank you so much!
mommyofsunshine last decade
Please wait as long as there is no relapse.
vikas_grower last decade
Dear Sir -

Our son has started exhibiting some of the past behaviors in the last two days again. Today he has been especially off with minimal eye contact and poor attention/focus.

He was doing tremendously - especially the immediate day after the initial dose of the remedy was given. He is a very smart boy - with a photographic memory and it was unbelievable to see him without any 'spastic' episodes.

What do you suggest we do to get him back on track?
mommyofsunshine last decade
What is his reaction to thunderstorms

Does he asks to massage or rub him gently
vikas_grower last decade
He doesn't get very scared by thunderstorms. He may get startled by the loud thunder but he isn't afraid.

He ALWAYS tries to get me to gently tickle his back or his arm or anything for that matter. Almost obsessively - he will grab my hand and make it tickle his arm. Sometimes I can't even sit by him because he is so obsessed with it (I know it sounds terrible.)

He is also VERY 'in your face' - I have been trying to explain about boundaries but he gets very close to people - especially babies and younger children - he loves kids and while he is very gentle, he can't be invading stranger's 'bubbles' like that.

Please let me know if you need any other info. Thank you in advance.
mommyofsunshine last decade
Ok time for Phosphorus 200 dose .

Pour 2 drops in 120 ml of spring water . Wait wor while . Shake the bottle very gently .

Ensure that he has not eaten or drunk anything ( except water ) 1 hour before .

Now take one capful / teaspoon . Keep the solution in mouth for 10 seconds and then slowly gulp it .

Do not eat anything one after this dose .

Please note that u have to take one capful/teaspoon .Thats all .

No more .

Do not drink tea, coffee, cold drinks like pepsi/coke etc or use perfumes/body sprays for next 21 days .

Keep updated .
vikas_grower last decade
Thank you vikas_grower for your advice and timely response.

The phosphorus 200 must be liquid?

'Ensure that he has not eaten or drunk anything ( except water ) 1 hour before' - Does this mean he can drink water right up to the time remedy is given - he is always thirsty and this was a little challenging when giving him his last remedy dose.

Thanks again!
mommyofsunshine last decade
Dear Sir -

I'm having a difficult time finding Phosphorus 200c in liquid form around my area. May I buy the pellets instead?

Thank you.
mommyofsunshine last decade
OK , Dissolve 2 pellets .
vikas_grower last decade
After about a month of my son being very ill I was finally able to give my him the 200c remedy of Phosphorus last night - He had a VERY emotional day today at school. Tears welled up in his eyes for the smallest things (like seeing a substitute teacher). He also bit a child today - not hard enough to hurt, but this is VERY uncharacteristic for our son. He has NEVER bit anyone before and never uses physical force as a way to dispute - EVER. Will this 'sensitiveness' subside in a couple days? My husband said after the 30c dose - he was a little more emotional the immediate day following, but this is very extreme. Please advise and thank you for your advice in advance.
mommyofsunshine last decade
Please wait and keep updating.
vikas_grower last decade

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