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Okay, and passion for ridiculing others continues ?
sameervermani last decade
yes,he always ridicules others elder to him while playing..also he is having foul breath
lifecycle31 last decade

Please give one single dose of LACHESIS 200c, and report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
sir i want to report one more distinctive feature

If the parents fight, this will be very frightening and he will play peace-maker to try to get them to reconcile. They cannot bear disharmony.

Strangers will frighten them at first but as soon as they get the idea that the stranger is safe, they will become the stranger’s best friend–bringing toys to show off, showing off dance routines, reciting lines from school plays; Pulsatillas are very sociable and thrive in company.

At night, expect the Pulsatilla child to climb into bed with you. Being separated at night, for them, is too much! They fear the dark and ghosts.*Usually thirstless, especially when you would expect a person to be thirsty, like during a fever or when the mouth is dry

also if one tries to emotionally blackmail him shows great empathy and does anything to soothe others....but again this does not apply to fooding and toilet habits...
lifecycle31 last decade
Go ahead with Lachesis dose.
sameervermani last decade
ok sir
lifecycle31 last decade
In my opinion, the symptoms presented sound like vaccine damage. I have in the past detoxed this damage using the vaccines in Homeopathic form. I have been reading Tinus Smits book CEASE and am excited by his methods using isopathy to detox not only the vaccines but other toxins in the child and also in the mother during pregnancy and the parents general health pre-conception alongside supplements. He had had a great deal of success and the book is well worth reading.
susanejberry last decade
please tell me what i should do
lifecycle31 last decade
sir i am observing little congestion in his nose i am afraid if it is onset of flu....please advice if i should continue with lachesis or do you suggest something for acute problem first
lifecycle31 last decade
Wait for the acute to get over, then give the Lachesis 200c dose.
sameervermani last decade
sir what should i give him for congestion ...
lifecycle31 last decade
I do not know the symptoms of the congestion so unless you tell me in detail, what is going on, I cannot prescribe.
sameervermani last decade
by congestion i mean stuffy nose...
lifecycle31 last decade
I cannot prescribe on 'stuffy nose' alone.

Please wait for this to resolve on its own and then you can give the Lachesis dose.
sameervermani last decade
sir after his stuffy nose subsided i have given him lachesis on 12th dec its been 2 days now ...what kind of improvement should i expect....

sir i came across this book types of children and causticum seems to be fitting the picture what should i do
(late learning to talk and difficulty and exhaustion when trying to concentrate is not covered though)

i am posting the reference for you.
-Another drug which is not nearly sufficiently used in the treatment of children and which is a counterpart of
LYCOPODIUM, is CAUSTICUM. These children are not unlike the LYCOPODIUM types but are a little more sallow.
-The CAUSTICUM type of child is definitely more sensitive than LYCOPODIUM types.
-They are not sensitive to pain but are particularly sensitive to any emotional disturbance. Often these children will cry
because they think you are hurting another child. It is the idea of pain which affects them rather than the actual pain to
themselves, and they often stand pain quite well, but cannot bear to see another child crying.
-They have much the same sort of clumsiness as the CALCAREA children; are rather unhandy, and are liable to strain
muscles, whereas the CALCAREA children sprain ankles. They are inclined to suffer from rheumatism and liable to get
acute muscular rheumatism, particularly from exposure. These CAUSTICUM children often suffer from acute torticollis
or an acute facial palsy after exposure to an icy wind.
-Associated with this tendency to torticollis and facial palsy, the CAUSTICUM children get very definite growing pains
which are usually accompanied by stiffness in or about the joints - a feeling as if their joints were tight.
-And linking up with the rheumatic tendency, the CAUSTICUM child when overworked or nervously distressed, is very likely
to develop choreic symptoms, and the outstanding feature of the CAUSTICUM chorea is that the jerking persists during
-The main distinguishing feature between the CAUSTICUM children and the LYCOPODIUM type is that CAUSTICUM
children have a definite aversion from sweets whereas the LYCOPODIUM children desire them.
-Two other points would confirm the CAUSTICUM diagnosis. The first is that the rheumatic troubles of the CAUSTICUM
child are very much better in damp weather; and the second is that a CAUSTICUM child with any digestive upset tends
to develop acute thirst after meals.
-Two additional points which are sometimes useful - CAUSTICUM children often develop endless warts; they also have a
very marked tendency to nocturnal enuresis.Causticum
-Another drug which is not nearly sufficiently used in the treatment of children and which is a counterpart of
LYCOPODIUM, is CAUSTICUM. These children are not unlike the LYCOPODIUM types but are a little more sallow.
-The CAUSTICUM type of child is definitely more sensitive than LYCOPODIUM types.
-They are not sensitive to pain but are particularly sensitive to any emotional disturbance. Often these children will cry
because they think you are hurting another child. It is the idea of pain which affects them rather than the actual pain to
themselves, and they often stand pain quite well, but cannot bear to see another child crying.
-They have much the same sort of clumsiness as the CALCAREA children; are rather unhandy, and are liable to strain
muscles, whereas the CALCAREA children sprain ankles. They are inclined to suffer from rheumatism and liable to get
acute muscular rheumatism, particularly from exposure. These CAUSTICUM children often suffer from acute torticollis
or an acute facial palsy after exposure to an icy wind.
-Associated with this tendency to torticollis and facial palsy, the CAUSTICUM children get very definite growing pains
which are usually accompanied by stiffness in or about the joints - a feeling as if their joints were tight.
-And linking up with the rheumatic tendency, the CAUSTICUM child when overworked or nervously distressed, is very likely
to develop choreic symptoms, and the outstanding feature of the CAUSTICUM chorea is that the jerking persists during
-The main distinguishing feature between the CAUSTICUM children and the LYCOPODIUM type is that CAUSTICUM
children have a definite aversion from sweets whereas the LYCOPODIUM children desire them.
-Two other points would confirm the CAUSTICUM diagnosis. The first is that the rheumatic troubles of the CAUSTICUM
child are very much better in damp weather; and the second is that a CAUSTICUM child with any digestive upset tends
to develop acute thirst after meals.
-Two additional points which are sometimes useful - CAUSTICUM children often develop endless warts; they also have a
very marked tendency to nocturnal enuresis.
lifecycle31 last decade
Please wait for 1 week from the Lachesis dose, and report at that time.

Some changes in his behavior (even if ever so slight) should happen.
sameervermani last decade
sir i could observe no change in him....i forgot to mention that he has been complaining of itching in anus since last 3 months i could not administer him any allopathic medicine as my delivery date was due ....now since last 10 days he has been complaining more about his itching.....
lifecycle31 last decade
It's hard to believe 3 remedies have been prescribed and you could not observe any response whatsoever ?

Are you sure you are watching him closely enough ?
sameervermani last decade
well i think his usual colour of stool has been brownish green too brownish since last two days he did stool twice or thrice (usual stools not diarrhea)but third stool was yellow coloured and other than this no other change i have observed ...please tell me how to observe
lifecycle31 last decade
Well, there should be some improvement in things you mentioned in your very first post.
sameervermani last decade
i think his aggressiveness when hungry has diminished
lifecycle31 last decade
Aha, there we go , and this happened after the Lachesis ?
sameervermani last decade
yes sir ....sir what should i do for worms (itching troubling him)
lifecycle31 last decade
Nothing else is to be given right now. Lachesis over a period of time will correct a lot of things in him. We do not give separate remedy for every condition. The itching is just ailments moving from inner most levels to outer levels and should not be interfered with.

Please do not apply anything on the itching area, just wait and watch and report in 2 weeks from now.
sameervermani last decade
sir this itching has been affecting him before homeopathy was given .....only one dose has been given and nothing more now this is what you are advising
lifecycle31 last decade
Yes, even if the itching existed before, nothing is to be applied or taken for it.

Just wait for 2 weeks. No more doses.
sameervermani last decade

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