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dr kadwa please advise Page 2 of 3

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ok. please take the remedies....

day 1
kali carb 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

day 2 to day 15
2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
kali phos 6x
calc phos 6x
kadwa last decade
thank u doctor,
i hae taken medications as u have told.and i m feeling much better,my hair fall has reduced though it is still falling...but i can see the diference.its been 10 days that i have been taking medicine.
i even feel less tensed.
doctor other thing is...i feel too much thirsty,and i sweat alot.i have too much weight (around 78kgs),and bulky belly which i want to reduce ...pls help me with this.i have sores under my tongue.and i have body pain...my legs pain,my shoulders,my hands pain..my waist pains.
it may b due to excessive work in the kitchen sometimes and i have to carry my 4 months dauther on my shoulders and i fell i kitchen once and in bathroom once..few days back....so all the pain.
i have swaollen face and neck ..may b due to weight.and i sweat a lot on neck.
pls help me.
lifecycle31 last decade
Your symptoms like excess sweating and excess weight pointed to calc carb but calc carb didn't do anything.
Even lyc and sulph which many times act wonderfully as follow up remedies of calc carb didn't do anything.
You may take Rhus Tox 30 and Arnica 30 thrice a day at a gap of every 2 hrs. So 3 doses of Rhus 30 and 3 doses of Arnica 30. You should get relief in your body pain within 2-3 days if that is due to falling down.
You should repeat Kali Carb 200 when you see significant relapse in symptoms where kali carb has helped.
The tissue salts kali phos 6x and calc phos 6x may be taken over a long period of time like 2 months.
Please don't take tissue salts on the day you take homeopathic remedies like kali carb or rhus tox.
kadwa last decade
thank u sir,
i will take medications as u have told.
i will take tissue salts kali phos and calc phos for 2 months.
i will take rus tox and arnica also.
but i want to know abt kali carb....should i repeat it again if my hair starts falling again?
sir, i have warts also...what is remedy for that.?
and if u r so sure of calc carb ...that it helps in weight loss and sweating.do u think that i should take it once again and see.
lifecycle31 last decade
do u think i should take calc carb one more time.
and what should i take for my warts?
lifecycle31 last decade
sir ,i also still have sores under my tongue.my sweat smells alot.i sweat alot .
and ialways feel that my throat is dry...i want to drink too much water...i can drink 2-3 glass of water ata time....and after sometime i m thirsty again. may b my belly is due to water retention...and also my weight.help me to reduce both.
thank u...
lifecycle31 last decade
Please take three doses of Arsenicum Album 200 as follows and report back after 15 days.

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

Please don't take tissue salts on the days you take Ars.
kadwa last decade
sir ,
i took rus tox and arnica on 19th mar. i was having too much pain in my waist,after taking ruxtox and arnica..my pain subsided within oone or two days.thank u so much.sir can i take them again if i hav epain aagain.
i took arsenic 200 as u told,first dose on 24th march.and third dose on 25th march..today.i will let u know the changes.
sir i want to ask whether these medicines will affect my daughter as i m a nursing mother i m feeding my 5 months old daughter..also u prescribed tissue salt to me for hair loss ,will that affect my baby.
lifecycle31 last decade
Ques: i want to ask whether these medicines will affect my daughter as i m a nursing mother i m feeding my 5 months old daughter..also u prescribed tissue salt to me for hair loss ,will that affect my baby.

Ans: None of these remedies will adversely affect your daughter.
kadwa last decade
You may take Rhus Arnica if you have pain again.
kadwa last decade
sir i have to discuss certain things with u.i recently had blood test and urine test done.
in urine test report...
i had
albunin: +
epithelial cells:8-10/hpf
pus cells :2-3/hpf
crystals :calcium oxalate (few)
bacteria :++

in blood...cbc
erythrocytes: 4.89 mill/c.mm normal range is 3.8-4.8

other things are normal...
sir, are things of some concern.
lifecycle31 last decade
should i take calcium and iron...as recommended to me by gynec as i m feeding my baby.i m taking those salts u told me to.and i have also taken arsenic...on 25th mar.
lifecycle31 last decade
sir i got blood test done on.....28th mar
lifecycle31 last decade
its almost 15 days that i took arsenic album and i dont find any changes in myself.my warts r still there...smell in my sweat is still there.my wt hasnt reduced.
sir my face is toooo much bloated.infact my whole body seems to be inflated.
if i eat spicy food i feel burning during urination.
plz help.
lifecycle31 last decade
Please take Carbo Animalis 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for 2 days and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
i took carbo animalis as u told....and now its almost 20 days.burning during urination has stopped ,thank you.
sir but othe things remain same...my sweqat ,my weight,my warts,...'
sir i have one lose wart...one looks like acne on the wrist but is kind a wart
pls tell me what is to b done
lifecycle31 last decade
Please describe your regular menstruation pattern. ie not post partum or any other period when the regular cycle is disturbed.

- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
kadwa last decade
when my periods started i.e around when i was 12 or 13 it was very irregular...once it was not stopping only and it was about more than 20 days then i visited an allopathy doctor and she gave me some medicine to make it regular..i took those medicines for few months...then my periods were regular.
i use to get my periods within 24 to 27 days.
it last for around 5 days...i get a bit heavy flow on first 3 days then the flow is very scanty.
i usually didnt have any pain..during or before the period...but very rarely i used to have a bit pain before otherwise it was never.
i do get some acne on my face...during my periods.
the flow was normal...but last 2 years around the flow was more.
the blood was thick red ....and later pale watery also.
yes sometimes i noticed some clots also.
lifecycle31 last decade
sir ,
but this was before my pregnanacy...after my daughter is born on 30thoct 2010.i didnt got periods for 6 months...
i was feeling very uncomfortable in april11 i was feeling some tightness in my stomach as if constipation is there ,then after one week i got my periods...on 10th apr...it was very scanty.
then i was not having my periods in may...i was feeling some pain and tightness in stomach but not getting my periods. then i had it on 15th may. i had pain in my stomach and later had loose motions also.
the flow was very heavy and lasted for 4 days.
lifecycle31 last decade
sir ,when i went for sonography when i was pregnant for the first time in jan 2005...doctor told me that i had a very small fibroid in uterus..it was very small.and in later sonography it was not seen ...
during my second pregnancy in april 2010 when i got sonography done ..it was not there .
lifecycle31 last decade
Please take Sabina 30 in the morning and evening for 10 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
its been almost 4 months u have told me to take sabina 30,but i m sorry to say sir i couldnt take it.shld i take it now?
my symptoms remain as it is....too much smell in my sweat(armpit),excessive thirst ...i feel my lips dry.i have warts on my wrist and hand ....it itches sometimes,it is hard like acne.one in arm pit is loose.
i have a big belly ...i look like 9 months pregnant,i have swelling all over..shoulders,neck arms.pls sir i desperately want to reduce my weight i m have very low esteem ,too much inferiority complex becoz of it.sir may be i m having water retentivity in my body ,pls help me .
my hairs are too much dry and have become thin....since last 3 months i m having dandruff also...my head keeps on itching.if i dont wash my hairs even for a day...it becomes oily and itches alot,so i wash my haris everyday.
lifecycle31 last decade
my haris are falling also. i have pigmentataions on my face.
lifecycle31 last decade
Please take three doses of Natrum Mur 200 at a gap of 12 hours and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
i m in johannasburg (south africa) from lat 3 months...and here they dont have 200 potency.there r potencies like D1,D2....but the chemist i went had only nat mur in D6 in tablet form.so i got that.now pls tell me how to take it.i dont know what is equivalent of D potencies in 30,200,...
pls tell me.
lifecycle31 last decade
D means X potency. Please take doses in the morning and evening of the highest potency available for 3 days and see how that affects in the next 10 days. i think that you should get 200X also known as D 200 or 200 D.
kadwa last decade

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