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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cold sore/herpes on lips

I can't find my old posting concerning a cold sore, ie herpes simplex.

Passkey suggested to try Nat Mur. I have tried 6x, then 30 c, then 1 M.... without much help. Maybe in some cases it removes the sore quicker, but not always. I don't believe it is my remedy.
I also tried Nit acid 200c without any help.

I have been reading , but I don't find much information. Does anybody know more?

My next options would be
- Grapthites because I have atopic skin and other skin problems.
-Hepar Sulphur because I am cold and cold wind makes the sore worse
- Sepia because it is said to be the option if nothing else helps
- Dulcamara because I often get it when I am coming down with a cold
- Rhus Tox because every book keeps suggesting that.

I get the herpes on lips or sometimes under my nose. It makes very hard and crusty "shell" on it. If I take it off, it bleeds easily. Sometimes the whole lip gets swollen if the sore is very bad.

  Maria&boys on 2005-04-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
can you buy the herpes simplex nosode where you live?
erika last decade
Hi Erika,

What is nosode? I don't understand the word.

So far I just know allopathic creams (zovirax), but I get no help from those.

Maria&boys last decade
nosode is remedy made originally from specific 'disease substance' i.e. from the herpes simplex - it is then diluted in the homeopathic way to become an energy medicine to help treat this disease. In some countries it is not possible to buy these - you can in the UK, or order from UK.
erika last decade
Also consider supplementing with an amino acid called
L-LYSINE 1g x 3 a day plus a 2g of Vit C when you have an outbreak.
L-lysine is inhibitor to herpes simplex virus and really does work.

Also avoid foods containing arginine which virus needs to thrive eg. chocolate, sugar, red wine, caffeine, peanuts... and build up yr immune

Best wishes.
carlotta last decade
A few years ago I was also suffering from herpes simplex (cold sores) on my lips.
I tested lots of crèmes, but they didn’t work. Than I tried a homeopathic remedy. After taking it I had no more outbreaks!
sunnny-anni last decade
We tried a lot of these herbal remedies, but the best non-invasive product we found was the cold sore eliminator. It stops our cold sores before an outbreak occurs.
eliminatecoldsores last decade
After taking it I had no more outbreaks!
With no more outbreaks you don,t need to eleminate something.
sunnny-anni last decade

For tonnes of information regarding HSV-1 (home remedies, news, products, etc.) go to Google and search for:

cold sores remedy prevention

Then click "I'm Feeling Lucky"; it'll take you to the page with mega details.
njmandela last decade
In Holland there is a new cold sore cream which prevents cold sores. It's called Prevner and now also ships to the UK. So take a look at prevner,com . It's popular in Holland.
bulle17 last decade
Hi bulle17,

Who is the manufacturer of Prevner?
I live in Belgium, maybe I can find that here.

Maria&boys last decade
This is how I solved my outbreaks on my lips and nose.It is not homeopathic,but it works. Eliminate or restrict your intake of corn products and vitamin c especially citrus. next consume L-Lysine (amineo acid)capsules 1000mg daily. when I do consume large amounts of corn or citrus, or I fell an outbreak coming on I immediatly take a does of 3000mg of L-Lysine and later will take another 2000mg. I have only had one out break in the last 5 years(it was very mild),when I use to have an outbreak every few months. Good Luck, I hope this helps
ivy123 last decade
Hi Maria,

I also had the same problem..I was also very disturbed with this herps on my lips. I consulted many doctors, but cant find a solution. Then I enquired about it with so many persons...

At last from one of my friend, I came to know about a product 'Herpotherm'. I bought it online from Wellness Shop.

Its so excellent that
i cant describe..Really its a a small device with big results..

After that no single blister was coming. Much better than all those cremes and medicines before...Thank GOD
sandrapeter last decade
I agree with IVY123. Part of my solution was LLysine too but I also used a product called Aviralex for cold sores and it cleared my last cold sore right up and I have not had one for 6 month (considering that its summertime and before I would get them every 2-3 weeks!)Good Luck!
carlimoon last decade
i didn't catch it fast enough this time, as it developed while i was sleeping, but what works best for me is to take 1500mg of lysine upon the first opportunity. this works best when you first feel the tingling. however, do not take large doses of lysine for a long period of time, as it can cause organ damage (specifically liver or kidney). along with this, i take a q-tip dipped in tea tree oil and hold it on the infected spot for about a minute or two. this stops the virus in its tracks, drying it out and, if a blister has already formed, helping the scabbing process. also, in that case, use abreva too, as this will create a nice barrier around the lesion.

i've also heard that ice held on the site at first tingle holds back the virus, and that earwax (i know, a bit yucky) smeared on it will dry it up in no time. :)
kikimarx last decade
I recently had 3 cold sores in one month which was unusual as I i rarely get them. As a result I went on a mission to try and find out why I was getting them and how I could prevent them. Holistically try to figure out the underlying emotional/energetic disturbance you may be experiancing ie.'angry Festering words and fear of expressing them'-Caroline Myss. Also, when i feel as though there is another one coming, I would make a clay mixture with the essencial oils bergamot, clove-bud and lavender. before mixing oils with the caly, dilute them in some organic unscented lotion or just plain coconut oil. Add the clay and water if its too thick. You should never apply oils neat(directly on the skin). Always dilute them. Put the mixture on the area where you feel the cold sore coming for about 15 - 20 mins and it will shock it before it has the chance to develop. Accompany this with some lysine and you should be cold sore free!
c. martins last decade
I've also had good success with Lysine providing I take it when I first feel the itchiness. I recently used a product with tea tree oil from Nexcare that also seemed to knock it down quickly. It also has an allopathic remedy for the pain.
sarahK last decade
To anyone who has ever suffered a cold sore, please try a product called Vira Soothe. It's all natural, from New Zealand and you can buy it over the net. I am going on 3 years without a cold sore. I first used it when I had a cold sore and then I did a 3 monthly maintenace treatment, which I still do. I am now free from cold sores! I tried nearly every product out there and none helped very much - except this product. Please, please try it.
jindasa last decade
my success has come in taking multiple supplements. one thing that a lot of people dont know about is something called BHT(google BHT as antiviral) and you will be amazed at what it can do for you. taking this with lysine,spirulina, colostrum and vitamin c give your immune system a pretty good boost. i used to get them frequently and now they are down to just looking like a very small pimple, and i mean very small. the only thing is that when you have a lesion, becareful not to spread it to any other areas on your face as i am finding out the hard way, because the sores will come and no matter how many pills you are taking that badboy will come in full force. RESEARCH BHT!!
the informer last decade
I want to share this wonderful testimony to the people all over the world on how i was cured of herpes disease by Dr Ben. i was living with herpes for the past two years, just last month as i was browsing on the internet about herpes and hpv disease, i saw a testimony of lady called Miller Moore,testifying of how she was cured from herpes by Dr Ben and i decided to also email Dr Ben for my herpes cure if you are suffering of this diseases you can as well Contact this great herbal doctor via his
FranceRobin23 6 years ago
This is how I got rid of cold sores. I had cold sores for decades and tried many creams etc. The last time I had a bad dose was 3 years ago. (2014) I was treating them with a slice of garlic pressed juice side to the sore. It helped keep it from manifesting until the end and then a scab would come and in a few days clear. But it's a very stinging treatment. Then I thought why not internalise the garlic. So I bought a jar of garlic gems 1000mg odourless. I take one per day. I haven't had a cold sore in 3 years. Hope this info is useful.
raychard 6 years ago

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