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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Are there any remedies that address this problem other than sabal serrulata?

If arnica can regrow head hair does it also subdue unwanted hair?

I really need help... my self esteem is at an all time low.

Thank you for any advice..

  jentoun on 2005-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes -- you need high Thuja -- Cm
which you can get from ---

if not available on this site.

Galen Homeopathics
Lewell mill .
West Stafford .
Dorset DT2 8AN.
Phone outside UK – 0044 1305 265759 or 263996
passkey last decade
Oh just one dose -- wait at least 3/4 weeks to judge the result .
passkey last decade
Dear Passkey,

Thank you for your reply..... I really appreciate it!! I looked at thuja in the reperatory and I didn't see any indications for hirsute conditions. Have you seen success with others with similar problems using thuja?

It's a little discouraging for me when I try to locate a remedy for this and I don't even see it listed anywhere... not even as a minor symptom. I feel more like a freak as if I am the only one.

Thanks again,

jentoun last decade
You obviously didnt read my bit about taking remedies to test their effect.

A long time ago I wanted to look at the item listed under Thuja -- hair in unusual places.

I still remember the hair that grew on the outside of my upper arms. You dont forget that, even tho' it went long ago!.

If you enter hirsutism in the search box you'll find you are not alone [ also hair]
passkey last decade
Thank you Passkey!!

I look forward to getting to the "root" of this problem. When you say a high potency, what would you recommend?

Do you think that it could make my situation worse before it would make it better?

Just curious, was thuja your constitutional remedy or what led you to take it?

Thanks Again and Best Wishes,

jentoun last decade
Oh Jen, you are not alone. Many women have this. Not too long I had a bad coughing fit and thought I might have to go to the emergency room. First I went to the bathroom to pluck. I guess if I hadn't gotten over it (the coughing), my husband would have kicked down the bathroom door to find me passed out with tweezers in my hand!

So try the Thuja but also try to love and accept yourself. My husband doesn't give a flip about my body hair and yours probably doesn't either.

We are more than our bodies... Thank goodness!

ruth45 last decade
Passkey's absolutely right - used it myself - I mean used for a patient.
Minsa last decade
potency --- cm
passkey last decade
Thank you Passkey, Ruth, Minsa!

I will get some thuja and begin it after I finish taking my course of echinacea 10M.

Does it matter if I do not match the physical description: fleshy, dark complexion, dark eyes and hair? I am the reverse of that.

Ruth, you made me laugh! When I was staying at the hospital after the birth of my second child, I made my husband drive back home to pick up my tweezers before anybody was able to visit me and the baby!!

I will post as soon as I begin..

Best Wishes and Many Thanks!!

jentoun last decade
Jen, I have to thank you for posting about this. I have tried Thuja before and saw no improvement in the unwanted hair, but I didn't try the potency recommended by passkey.

I'm going to try it and maybe soon I'll be able to put away the tweezers!

Thanks, Ruth
ruth45 last decade

Do you still think that this remedy will address my hirsute condition even though I am extremely fair, green-eyed, and not particularly "warty"? I am also inclined to feel hot and loathe summertime in response.
I look forward to your input..


jentoun last decade
Like life there are no guarantees but I think so try just one wait and advise.
passkey last decade

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