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Need help for a 2yr old whose just been through a series of major surgeries

Hello again, I haven't posted for about a year. I'm looking for some opinions for my 2yr old daughter.

At the last post, she was really distended in her abdomen. We found out a month after that post that she was diagnosed with a condition called Hirshsprung's Disease. Basically, her colon didn't fully form the nerve cell in utero to move stool through properly. The distention was caused by stool backing up due to the bowel obstruction caused by the lack of nerves.

Initially, only the affected portion was surgically removed; however, due to complications, docs had to remove her whole colon. She had reconstructive surgery to connect her small intertine directly to her bottom. She's doing really well. The only thing we really have to deal with is looser, more acidic stool. Kinda gives her bum a hard time with diaper rash, but that's not too bad.

But here's the first question...can you recommend a remedy to counteract the anestesia and radiation (from xrays, cat scans and such) that she was exposed to? In what dose? She had 6 major surgeries in 7 months.

Also, she has had a g-tube feeding tube since birth. It was placed due to 'reflux' but, looking back, was more than likely a symptom of the undiagnosed HD (the milk just didn't have anywhere to go!).

Because if this, she has feeding/eating issues and is again refusing to eat. She physically can eat and she has a totally unrestricted diet, she just has a fit and is uncooperative when presented with food.

Some of the other characteristics she's showing is a
- hot head, but has no fever, - dry lips (but she's well hydrated...something we have to watch carefully with her). - She's delayed in her speech (we're working with an ENT...she did have tubes placed), she only has about 3 verbal words, but she does use sign language and follows verbal directions,
- she's delayed in her walking because of the HD. (The distention caused the problems),
- she grinds her teeth on and off throughout the day. Not sure if it's just a habit...she stop if she's told,
- if she does eat, she want savory items...beef and mushrooms are favorites,
- she completely refuses anything sweet...fruits and such.

Overall, thought, she is very healthy. She's been cold-free the winter. If she does get a cold, it usually only lasts a couple of days...but it does usually end up with croup.

So, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

  dawnb122200 on 2011-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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