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White Chocolate

Is it permissible to eat white chocolate while taking homeopathic remedies?
  needhelp on 2004-04-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
in my oppinion chocolate isn't permissable at all :-)

you shouldn't eat it close to the intake of remedy. I assume you are not exactly on a diet, which allows white chocoltae only :-) well, if you don't eat to much, that;s not really an issue. the remdies most times are much stornger than is suggested in the books about homeoathy. also, in case the chocolate really would "neutralize" or antidote the remedie, that wouldn't make too much of a difference , if you take it 2 or even 3 times daily, like suggested by the most doc's. because chocolate as well as remedy won't stay in your system forever,
anyhow, it won't harm your therapy. a little of everything is always good. too much of anything is bad. like a glas of red wine won't disturb your therapy eihter. a bottle daily might.
if you want to cut absolutely everything that could interfer with your therapy, you might as well quit living. well - you could grow your own vegetable... go without meat, frink springwater only, but how about cellphone smog, air pollution, any food that's canned... don't worry, it'll be fine!
itsme 2 decades ago
I believe you can eat whatever you like- just maybe not around the time you take the remedy.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
i never heared that with taking homeopathic remedies you have to avoid certain kind of food,only cofee and pepermint products can antidote the remedy.
wafaa haddad 2 decades ago
Thanks for the feedback. I don't want to take any chances. I haven't had any chocolate in about a year and a half, so I think I can deal with abstaining for a little while longer! This is actually the least of my worries, but I was just curious, I guess.
needhelp 2 decades ago

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