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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need help with skin/eye problems!


I was wondering if anyone here could make suggestions about what I can do/take to allieviate some problems I have been having over the past three years.

It started when I got problems with my left eye (and very slightly with my right eye, but I could live with that). My eyes were constantly irritated, gritty and sore. In the mornings they would be more so and I'd get a gray discharge. I was given antibiotics which caused the condition to go worse. Then I was given a different antibiotic which made everything fine but as soon as I stopped using it the condition came back. Doctors did tests and found there was NO infection. I was initially diagnosed with blepharitis and was told to wash my eye lids twice daily. Didn't work. Then another doctor said I had an allergy to "something in the air". Eventually I was put on steroid drops for two months to calm my eyes down and since then I have managed using artifical tears (LiquiFilm tears) two to three times a day. Using them more often can cause problems and these are the only aritifical tears that appear to work. I occassionaly get flare ups (especially when I have to use contact lenses) but I can cope if I don't irritate my eyes further. I still have the problem and it comes and goes.

I have also had problems with my scalp on and off for a couple of years. Initially thought it was just a form of acne (I'm in my late teens). Over the last few months I have had a major flare up - at one point my entire scalp was covered in spots and my head was sore to touch. I still have it now, although slightly better. I've been on two different oral antibiotics, T-Gel, Ketaconzole and Zineryt (Erthmycin). The only thing that mildly worked was Erthmycin but even that was virtually useless. I have since switched to a "completely herbal" shampoo with Neem which seems a bit better.

I have spots on my chest also. They are different from my other spots in that they are incredibly red and scar even if I don't touch them. They heal as a brown patch.

Doctors have been pretty useless so if anyone has any ideas that'd be appreciated. I'm wondering whether everything is all interconnected. None of this seems to be stress or season related.

  SukhUK on 2005-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When did this eye problem start? Is there any pain in the eye(s)? Any burning or tearing?
Steroids and antibiotics are going to intefere with homeopathy.
Are you generally, and the eyes in particular, better from cold or warmth? What do you do for a living? Best time of day? Better with what/ under what conditions? Ditto worse?
For the moment, get Euphrasia eye drops and start using them.
Minsa last decade
This problem with my eye started at least three years ago. It could have been caused by a minor injury (poking my eye is the only thing I can think of that relates to it) but I don't think it was.

The eye itself is red, sore, irritated and gritty but not painful as such. No tearing during the day. But a discharge in the morning when I wake up (this only occurs when there is a flare up). Even when there isn't a flare up my left eye always feels ever so slightly irritated.

I stopped using steriods/antibotics for my eye some time ago. I am currently on antibotics for my spots.

Cold or warmth: Not really found much correlation, but over winter they seem to have been better.

For a living: I'm a university student.

Best time of day: Erm not sure. The condition *never* develops over the day. If it's going to be particularly bad, it will be bad from the morning onwards. Similarily it never fixes itself during the day - if it's going to be better it will be so from the morning.

Flare ups can come for whatever reason (I haven't found the cause), but I'm almost guaranteed a flare up a couple of days after I have worn contact lenses (I wear them very rarely now). It appears worse when i have a poor nights sleep also.

SukhUK last decade
Doesn't matter WHAT you're taking the anti-biotics FOR - how long have you been on them? When will you finish the course? I think you should take Sulphur once you're done, then we go on from there. If there's a chance that injury to the eye caused the probelms, we can consider Arnica. Meanwhile, please look up Lachesis - don't take it right awy, just see if it fits you as a person - not ALL factors have to match,please note.
Minsa last decade
The spots that heal with a brown patch.

Does the skin over the spot seem like a thin brown tissue paper.?.

If so what did the past 4/5 generations of your family die of?.

The problem may be hereditary.
passkey last decade

I've been on two different antibotics. Probably two and a half months now.

My eye flare up has died down for now so I won't need any eye drops for them. As long as I don't irritate them (e.g. contact lenses) or let them get too dry, they should be okay.


No there is no thin brown tissue paper. The spots I get are very acne like but they seem to be deeper than my other spots. Occasionally i'll get pussy spots but most seem too deep to let puss out. I never get the odd one or two, they come in groups every couple of months. They take months to heal properly and when they do heal the scar. The scar is like my normal skin, just darker. The darkness fades but never goes away properly.

On my dad's side there are no particular causes of death - nothing hereditary. My mother died of heart problems, so did her brother. Her other brother (who was an alcoholic) died when he suddenly gave up alcohol (which we later learnt was probably a bad idea - something to do with blood thinning).

I'm not sure about further back in my family. Some of my cousins get lots of sleep in their eyes - conjunctivitus I suppose - but none anywhere near as bad as my irritation. My mother (apparently) also used to get spots in her scalp, but according to my aunt never as bad as mine are at present.

To my knowledge, nobody has ever had the problems like I get on my chest.
SukhUK last decade

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